Hot Reload 究竟是怎么实现的?



HMR(Hot Module Replacement)能够对运行时的 JavaScript 模块进行热更新(无需重刷,即可替换、新增、删除模块)

(摘自webpack HMR)

HMR 特性由 webpack 等构建工具提供,并暴露出一系列运行时 API 供应用层框架(如 React、Vue 等)对接:

Basically it’s just a way for modules to say “When a new version of some module I import is available, run a callback in my app so I can do something with it”.

其基本原理是在运行时对(构建工具启动的)Dev Server 发起轮询,通过script标签将有更新的模块注入到运行环境,并执行相关的回调函数:

HMR is just a fancy way to poll the development server, inject <script> tags with the updated modules, and run a callback in your existing code.


import printMe from './print.js';if ( {'./print.js', function() {    console.log('Accepting the updated printMe module!');    printMe();  })}

开启 HMR 后,当./print.js模块有更新时,会触发回调函数,表明模块已经替换完成,此后访问该模块取到的都是新模块实例

基于运行时的模块替换能力(HMR),可以结合应用层框架(React、Vue、甚至Express)进一步实现 Live Reloading、Hot Reloading 等更加高效的开发模式

二.Live Reloading
所谓 Live Reloading,就是在模块文件发生变化时,重新加载整个应用程序:

Live reloading reloads or refreshes the entire app when a file changes. For example, if you were four links deep into your navigation and saved a change, live reloading would restart the app and load the app back to the initial route.

以 React 为例:

const App = require('./App')const React = require('react')const ReactDOM = require('react-dom')// Render the root component normallyconst rootEl = document.getElementById('root')ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootEl)// Are we in development mode?if ( {  // Whenever a new version of App.js is available'./App', function () {    // Require the new version and render it instead    const NextApp = require('./App')    ReactDOM.render(<NextApp />, rootEl)  })}

利用 HMR 换掉根组件,并重新渲染即可。因为 HMR 模块更新有冒泡机制,未经accept处理的更新事件会沿依赖链反向传递,所以在组件树顶层能够监听到树中所有组件的变化,此时重新创建整棵组件树,过程中取到的都是已经更新完成的组件,渲染出来即可得到新的视图

这种方案对应用层框架的依赖很少(仅 re-render 部分),实现简单而且稳定可靠,但此前的运行状态都将丢失,对 SPA 等运行时状态多且复杂的场景极不友好,刷完后要重新操作一遍才能回到先前的视图状态,开发效率上的提升非常有限


有,Hot Reloading

三.Hot Reloading
下层同样基于 HMR,但 Hot Reloading 能够保留应用程序的运行状态,只对有变化的部分进行局部刷新:

Hot reloading only refreshes the files that were changed without losing the state of the app. For example, if you were four links deep into your navigation and saved a change to some styling, the state would not change, but the new styles would appear on the page without having to navigate back to the page you are on because you would still be on the same page.


然而,局部刷新要求对组件(甚至组件的一部分)进行热替换,这在实现上存在不小的挑战(包括如何保障正确性、缩小影响范围、及时反馈错误等,具体见My Wishlist for Hot Reloading)

因为 HMR 替换后的新模块,在运行时看来是完全不同的两个组件,相当于:

function getMyComponent() {  // 通过script标签,重新加载相同的组件代码  class MyComponent {}  return MyComponent;}getMyComponent() === getMyComponent() // false

显然无法通过React 自身的 Diff 机制来完成无伤替换,那么,只能从 JavaScript 语言寻找可能性了

一个经典的 React 组件通过ES6 Class来定义:

class Foo extends Component {  state = {    clicked: false  }  handleClick = () => {    console.log('Click happened');    this.setState({ clicked: true });  }  render() {    return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>{!this.state.clicked ? 'Click Me' : 'Clicked'}</button>;  }}




四.React Hot Loader
在 React 生态里,目前(2020/5/31)应用最广泛的 Hot Reloading 方案仍然是RHL(React Hot Loader):

Tweak React components in real time.

为了实现组件方法的动态替换,RHL在 React 组件之上加了一层代理:

Proxies React components without unmounting or losing their state.



Hot Reload 究竟是怎么实现的?

The proxies hold the component’s state and delegate the lifecycle methods to the actual components, which are the ones we hot reload.


Proxy component types so that the types that React sees stay the same, but the actual implementations change to refer to the new underlying component type on every hot update.


  • 代理组件:react-hot-loader/src/proxy/createClassProxy.js

  • 组件更新策略:Not all methods could|should be updated

  • 在线 Demo:

Redux Store
特殊地,对于 Redux 应用而言,有必要让 Reducer 的变化也能热生效(因为大多数状态都交由 Redux 来管理了):

// configureStore.jsimport { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux';import thunk from 'redux-thunk';import reducer from '../reducers';export default function configureStore(initialState) {  const store = createStore(    reducer,    initialState,    applyMiddleware(thunk),  );  if ( { => {      const nextRootReducer = require('../reducers/index').default;      store.replaceReducer(nextRootReducer);    });  }  return store;};

借助replaceReducer换掉 Reducer,同时保留store状态

P.S.关于 Redux 应用 Hot Reloading 的更多信息,见RFC: remove React Transform from examples

Hot Reloading in React

Introducing Hot Reloading

React Hot Loader

What is the difference between Hot Reloading and Live Reloading in React Native?


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