I'm using the pyc tool to compile IronPython scripts to executables, but can they be run without IronPython installed? If so what do I have to include?


2 个解决方案



Yes, you can run it on other PC's without installing IronPy or Visual Studi (ergo, off the bat). Sometimes you'd might need the Windows runtime libraries that you compiled the application with, but other then that.. yes you can execute it on any other Windows PC equal to the one your compiled it on. (example, compiling on win7 will most likely run on win7 off the bat but not on a XP without the runtime libraries used on the compiling machine)

是的,您可以在其他PC上运行它,而无需安装IronPy或Visual Studi(ergo,蝙蝠)。有时您可能需要使用编译应用程序的Windows运行时库,但除此之外......是的,您可以在任何其他Windows PC上执行它,等同于您编译它的那台PC。 (例如,在win7上进行编译很可能会在win7上运行,但在没有编译器上使用的运行时库的XP上运行)


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