The new update win10 provides a linux(Ubuntu?) sub system in shell. It is powerful, and faster than virtual OS. It runs everything well except jupyter notebook. I've start the service in bash shell of win 10 . The problem is when I enter into by broswer ( or other port which noticed by jupyter notebook), the the page and the terminal infromation says that kernel in a restarting - stopping circle. How can I deal with this error?

新的升级win10在shell中提供了一个linux(Ubuntu?)子系统。它功能强大,比虚拟操作系统更快。它运行的一切都很好,除了jupyter笔记本。我已经开始服务在bash shell的win10。问题是当我进入的客户端(或其他港口也注意到jupyter笔记本),页面和终端信息说,内核重新启动-停止循环。我该如何处理这个错误呢?

2 个解决方案



From the horse's mouth:


WSL does not aim to support GUI desktops or applications (e.g. Gnome, KDE, etc.)


Also, even though you will be able to run many popular server applications (e.g. Redis), we do not recommend WSL for server scenarios – Microsoft offers a variety of solutions for running production Ubuntu workloads in Azure, Hyper-V and Docker.


Your error indicates that Jupyter is one of those non-recommended server scenarios. Consider using an actual Linux distro instead.



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