I'm trying to create XML using the ElementTree object structure in python. It all works very well except when it comes to processing instructions. I can create a PI easily using the factory function ProcessingInstruction(), but it doesn't get added into the elementtree. I can add it manually, but I can't figure out how to add it above the root element where PI's are normally placed. Anyone know how to do this? I know of plenty of alternative methods of doing it, but it seems that this must be built in somewhere that I just can't find.


5 个解决方案



Try the lxml library: it follows the ElementTree api, plus adds a lot of extra's. From the compatibility overview:

尝试lxml库:它遵循ElementTree api,并添加了许多额外的。从兼容性概述:

ElementTree ignores comments and processing instructions when parsing XML, while etree will read them in and treat them as Comment or ProcessingInstruction elements respectively. This is especially visible where comments are found inside text content, which is then split by the Comment element.


You can disable this behaviour by passing the boolean remove_comments and/or remove_pis keyword arguments to the parser you use. For convenience and to support portable code, you can also use the etree.ETCompatXMLParser instead of the default etree.XMLParser. It tries to provide a default setup that is as close to the ElementTree parser as possible.

您可以通过将boolean remove_comments和/或remove_pis关键字参数传递给您使用的解析器来禁用此行为。为方便起见并支持可移植代码,您还可以使用etree.ETCompatXMLParser而不是默认的etree.XMLParser。它尝试提供尽可能接近ElementTree解析器的默认设置。

Not in the stdlib, I know, but in my experience the best bet when you need stuff that the standard ElementTree doesn't provide.



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