I have been trying to format live JSON data coming from an API to be read in Django views. However, data coming is little complicated.


I have incoming JSON data in format


    { Time1:
there are multiple time records....

I need to convert it into


  'Time': Time1
  'A'   : 'Value'
  'B'   : 'Value'
  'Time': Time2
  'A'   : 'Value'
  'B'   : 'Value'
  'Time': Time3
  'A'   : 'Value'
  'B'   : 'Value'
  'Time': Time4
  'A'   : 'Value'
  'B'   : 'Value'
},...and so on

3 个解决方案



You can use a list comprehension structure, (the code below has been tested using Python3.6):


# Given your JSON has successfully been parsed into a dictionary
> input={'Time1': {'A':'Value1A', 'B':'Value1B'}, 'Time2': {'A','Value2A', 'B', 'Value2B'}}

# Iterate over the dictionary and build a new item out of each key/value couple
> transformed=[(v.update({'Time': k}) or v) for (k, v) in input.items()]

> print(transformed)
    'A'   : 'Value1A'
    'B'   : 'Value1B'
    'Time': 'Time1'
    'A'   : 'Value2A'
    'B'   : 'Value2B'
    'Time': 'Time2'
  }, …

What happens with (v.update({'Time': k}) or v) ?
Given v is a dictionary, v.update(...) will add a new entry to the instance (in other words, it mutates the instance). This method doesn't return the instance though but None, fortunately wrapping the call between parenthesis gives the opportunity to build an expression that will ultimately return the v instance. v being a dict object (given it is not empty) it will be evaluated truthfully in a Boolean context, hence the (… or v) construct.

(v.update({'Time':k})或v)会发生什么?鉴于v是一个字典,v.update(...)将向实例添加一个新条目(换句话说,它会改变实例)。虽然这个方法不返回实例但是None,幸运的是,在括号之间包装调用可以构建一个最终返回v实例的表达式。 v是一个dict对象(假设它不是空的)它将在布尔上下文中真实地计算,因此(...或v)构造。


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