I have an app that I would like to deploy to Heruko. The REST API is built with Dropwizard and Gradle and the frontend is built with javascript. Is there a way to deploy the two together in the same file structure?

我有一个应用程序,我想部署到Heruko。 REST API使用Dropwizard和Gradle构建,前端使用javascript构建。有没有办法在同一个文件结构中将两者一起部署?

1 个解决方案



You can use Heroku's support for running multiple buildpacks on an app. In short, you can run this:


$ heroku buildpacks:clear 
$ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
$ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/java

If your app has a package.json and a pom.xml this should pretty much just work. The only caveat you might run into is the dependencies versus devDependencies in the package.json. The Node.js buildpack will not install devDependencies by default, so you may need to run:

如果你的应用程序有一个package.json和一个pom.xml,这应该只是工作。您可能遇到的唯一警告是package.json中的依赖关系与devDependencies。默认情况下,Node.js buildpack不会安装devDependencies,因此您可能需要运行:

$ heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false

Here is an article that describes this setup for Using Grunt with Java and Maven to Automate JavaScript Tasks, but it's basically the same for Gulp.


I don't understand your question about the symlinks.



Maybe the symlinks question implies that the code for the frontend and backend are not in the same repo? I recommend merging these, or using Git submodules. Or you can package the whole app (frontend assets and backend code) into an executable JAR file and deploy with heroku-cli-deploy.



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