I've made a webpage that has the URL-form http://www.example.com/module/content It's a very dynamic webpage, actually it is a web app.


To make it as responsive as possible, I want to use AJAX instead of normal page requests. This is also enabling me to use JavaScript to add a layer to provide offline capabilities.


My question is only: How should I make the URLs? Should they be http://www.example.com/module/content or http://www.example.com/#!/module/content?

我的问题是:我应该如何制作url ?应该是http://www.example.com/module/contentor http://www.example.com/#!/模块/内容?

Following is only my thoughts in both directions. You don't need to read it if you already have a clear thought about this.


I want to use the first version because I want to support the new HTML5 standard. It is easy to use, and the URLs look pretty. But more importantly is that it allows me to do this:


If the user requests a page, it will get a full HTML page back.


If the user then clicks a link, it will insert only the contents into the container div via AJAX.


This will enable users without JavaScript to use my website, since it does not REQUIRE the use to have JavaScript, it will simply use the plain old "click a link-request-get full html page back"-approach.


While this is great, the problem is of course Internet Explorer. Only the last version of IE supports History API, and to get this working in older versions, one needs to use a hashtag. (50 % of my users will be using IE, so I need to support it...) So then I have to use /#!/ to get it working.

虽然这很好,但问题当然是Internet Explorer。只有IE的最后一个版本支持History API,要使其在旧版本中工作,需要使用hashtag。(50%的用户会使用IE,所以我需要支持它…)所以我必须使用/#!/让它工作。

If one uses both these URL-versions, the problem arises that if a IE user posts this link to a website, Google will send the server a _unescaped_string (or similar..) And it will index the page with the IE-version with the hashtag. And some pages will be without the hashtag.


And as we remember, a non-hashtag is better on many different things. So, can this search engine problem be circumvented? Is it possible to tell the GoogleBot that if it's reaching for the hashtag-version of the website, it should be redirected to the non-hashtag-version of the webpage? This way, one could get all the benefits of a non-hashtag URL and still support IE6-IE9.

正如我们所记得的,一个非hashtag在许多不同的东西上更好。那么,这个搜索引擎问题能被回避吗?有没有可能告诉GoogleBot,如果它要访问网站的hashtag-version,它应该被重定向到网页的非hashtag-version ?通过这种方式,可以获得非hashtag URL的所有好处,并且仍然支持IE6-IE9。

What do you think is the best approach? Maybe you have tried it in practice yourself? Thanks for your answer!


3 个解决方案



If you want Google to index your Ajax content then you should use the #!key=value like this. That is what Google prefers for Ajax navigation.


If you really prefer the pretty HTML5 url without #! then, yes, you can support both without indexing problems! Just add:

如果你真的喜欢没有#的HTML5 url !然后,是的,您可以同时支持这两种方法,而不存在索引问题!添加:

<link rel="canonical" href="preferredurl" />

to the <head> section of each page (for the initial load), so to help Google know which version of the url you would prefer them index. Read more about canonical urls here.



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