My website is fully converted to use utf-8, (mysql, http headers, PHP mb_string etc).

我的网站完全转换为使用utf-8,(mysql,http标头,PHP mb_string等)。

Im doing some penetration testing and trying to POST invalid utf to one of the scripts (using BurpSuite).

我做了一些渗透测试,并试图将无效的utf POST到其中一个脚本(使用BurpSuite)。

But when I post the invalid utf, an just hex-dump the $_POST var, I see that the invalid utf sequence has already been sanitised before I try to validate it using mb_detect_encoding.

但是当我发布无效的utf时,只是十六进制转储$ _POST var,我看到无效的utf序列在我尝试使用mb_detect_encoding进行验证之前已经被清理过了。

This sounds like good news for me, but I want to know which layer is transforming the POST data?


Is it a side-effect of the Content-Type HTTP Header, maybe my webserver is doing it (lighttpd). Or is it PHP itself doing it, when populating $_POST?

它是Content-Type HTTP Header的副作用,也许我的网络服务器正在这样做(lighttpd)。或者在填充$ _POST时它是PHP本身吗?

I expected to see the invalid utf hexdumped, leaving me to sanitise it myself.

我希望看到无效的utf hexdumped,让我自己清理它。

1 个解决方案



PHP itself does not filter the POST data, it just handles it as binary data which is always "valid" (it's just data, nothing to validate).


I would therefore suspect that there is some module with your webserver that is changing the data or there's some PHP extension that is filtering the data.


Check if you've got a web-firewall installed with your webserver and the list of extensions you're loading with PHP and if there is something input filtering related.



  1. ThinkPHP连接主从数据库
  2. 迭代文件夹中的CSV文件,并使用PHP将数据加载到MySQL中
  3. PHP 常见的数据加密技术
  4. JSFiddle:无法从数据库加载Ajax数据
  5. PHP获取服务器端的相关信息
  6. 使用Laravel在PHP中按时间戳,后端过滤SQL数据库查询
  7. 查找具有特定数据字符串的数组并返回其具有的另一个数据字符串
  8. 使用Python中的POST将数据发送到PHP
  9. Laravel将动态输入数据数组保存到数据库中


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