I have to store data like articles into a mysql database and if an article is modified, I have to save the old version as well to make it possible to restore it. I have found some similar questions and posts on this topic, but I am not sure, which solution is the best to solve the problem.


Here is the basic table "articles" for better understanding:


articles (id, name, text)


For me, there are two different approaches for this:


Approach 1

Store the data and every version of an article in the table "articles" and add the columns "version" and "status". In version i store the incremented version number of the article. The active article gets the "status" 1 and the others the "status" 2.




  • Only one table is needed


  • A new version is an insert of the new data and only an update of the "status"-column of the old one




  • Very large tables (maybe slower queries???)
  • 非常大的表(可能是较慢的查询???)

Approach 2

Add the field "version" to "articles" and store only the active data into the table "articles". Old versions of the data is stored / moved to the new table "articles_versioned".




  • Only the actual valid data is in the table "articles"
  • 只有实际有效数据在表“文章”中



  • Dublication of tables
  • 表的出版物

So. Have I forgotten a good aproach? How to deal with related data in other tables (like images, etc.)?


1 个解决方案



My choice would be a variation of approach 2. Bold indicates fields in the primary key.


  • You insert every article in a table articles_versioned (id, timestamp, name, text)
  • 您在表tables_versioned(id,timestamp,name,text)中插入每篇文章
  • Your second table is articles (id, timestamp, [name, text]). Note how timestamp is not primary; name and text may be replicated, or you may use a join with articles_versioned (which will be fast since id and timestamp are the articles_versioned primary key)
  • 你的第二个表是文章(id,timestamp,[name,text])。注意时间戳不是主要的;可以复制名称和文本,或者您可以使用articles_versioned的连接(由于id和timestamp是articles_versioned主键,因此会很快)
  • articles_versioned has a trigger on insert that takes the just inserted row and replicates it on articles
  • articles_versioned在insert上有一个触发器,它接受刚插入的行并在文章上复制它
  • To restore a specific version of an article you modify the articles table.
  • 要还原特定版本的文章,请修改文章表。

The advantages of this approach are:


  1. You get for free another information (the date and time of the article) in your table, that you may need anyway
  2. 您可以免费获得表格中您可能需要的其他信息(文章的日期和时间)
  3. You do not need to query the database to get the current date. If you use version, you have to.
  4. 您无需查询数据库即可获取当前日期。如果你使用版本,你必须。
  5. Your code doesn't have to insert the article in two tables. You simply insert in articles_versioned and read from articles, the db takes care of migrating data as you insert it via the trigger, avoiding any consistency problems.
  6. 您的代码不必将文章插入两个表中。您只需在articles_versioned中插入并从文章中读取,db就会在您通过触发器插入数据时进行迁移,从而避免出现任何一致性问题。



  1. In an heavily concurrent environment, two versions may be inserted at the very same time, so one of them may fail. This shouldn't be a problem when inserting user-written articles (it is highly unlikely given precision of timestamps these days). If you don't specify the timestamp in your INSERT statement, but instead you set the datetime field to have the current time as a default value, you may avoid this problem entirely.
  2. 在高度并发的环境中,可能同时插入两个版本,因此其中一个版本可能会失败。插入用户编写的文章时,这不应该是一个问题(这些天给定时间戳的精度极不可能)。如果未在INSERT语句中指定时间戳,而是将datetime字段设置为将当前时间作为默认值,则可以完全避免此问题。

To answer the rest of your question. Approach 1 will not lead to longer queries as long as you add an index on status. This makes sense only if you tend to have many different versions of each article; as long as you have 2 versions per article on average or less, the index will only slow you down, and approach 2 would not be sensibly faster anyway (altough I'd still recommend my approach because it simplyfies code, since restoring a version does not require switching status for two rows).


Related resources, like images, should follow a similar versioning. I assume you are saving them on the filesystem; instead of saving them with their real name, use a table (id, image_name) to give to each image an id, then save the image as -id-.jpg. The image_name field will make you able to know what the original file name was (if you care about that). This way you can version images the same way as you version articles, and in articles you would use something like <img src="-id-.jpg">, that you know will remain available forever.

相关资源(如图像)应遵循类似的版本控制。我假设你将它们保存在文件系统上;而不是使用真实姓名保存它们,使用表(id,image_name)为每个图像提供一个id,然后将图像保存为-id-.jpg。 image_name字段将使您能够知道原始文件名是什么(如果您关心它)。通过这种方式,您可以像版本文章一样对图像进行版本控制,在文章中您将使用类似的文章,您知道它们将永远可用。


  1. mysql 第二十四篇文章~相关分片功能的测试四
  2. 30分钟安装linux版本mysql5.7.21版本,没坑,高效,必会
  3. MySQL5.7以上版本root用户空密码修改(windows系统、zip版MySQL)
  4. mysql的zip版本安装填坑
  5. 高版本Mysql用phpAdmin导入低版本的Mysql报错,高手帮忙!
  6. as4上安装apache,mysql,php,cacti,nagios目前都是最新版本上
  7. Linux安装MySQL的两种方法 先卸载之前版本
  8. Mysql存储过程创建失败,版本5.5,请高手解决
  9. mysql 调优 来自5.6版本官方手册


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