Situation: Got a div with buttons images. Div needs to fadeIn on hover. Works in all browsers, except Internet Explorer. When I give the div a background color it suddenly works.

情况:得到按钮图像的div。 Div需要在悬停时淡入淡出。适用于所有浏览器,Internet Explorer除外。当我给div一个背景色时,它突然起作用。

Check: , top left are the controls.


The hover won't work in IE, try to add a background color to #buttons and it suddenly works.


Question: What is the reason for this? How to fix this properly?


8 个解决方案



I recently ran in to this problem also. I also solved it by adding a 1 by 1 px transparent background image to the hover element. I felt like taking a shower afterwards.

我最近也遇到了这个问题。我还通过将1 x 1 xx透明背景图像添加到悬停元素来解决它。之后我想洗个澡。


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  9. 如何使用CSS精灵重复背景图像?


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