I have an Access 2003 database with a query that is a left outer join of a table to another query. If I didn't sort that final query, I got 42 records. If I sorted the final query by the 2 joined fields, I got 43 records. No other changes were made to the query.

我有一个Access 2003数据库,其中一个查询是一个表的左外连接到另一个查询。如果我没有对最后的查询进行排序,我得到了42条记录。如果我将最后的查询按2个已连接字段排序,我得到43条记录。没有对查询进行其他更改。

To verify this, I took the query, copied it, applied the sort with no other changes, and the record count went up by one. Perplexed, I copied the results into Excel, sorted, and compared row by row. I discovered one record was duplicated (all fields were exactly the same), where there were actually no duplicate records in the source table and query.


I would think this is a bug, and I know there are a few in Access, but has anyone heard of this behavior before?


2 个解决方案



It is possible that you have a corrupt index. It may be worth taking a back up and then compacting and repairing the database, which should rebuild the indexes.



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