
HBaseCon亚洲2018 是Apache官方授权,Apache HBase社区支持,有来自Cloudera,Intel,阿里巴巴,小米等公司的HBase PMC参加的国际型会议。通过参会不仅可以了解到HBase社区的最新动态和发展计划,还可以了解到国内外一线大厂围绕HBase生态的生产实践经验,是HBase开发者和使用者不可错过的盛会。






KeyNote [ 09:00 - 10:00 ]
   900 - 930
   HBase Current State and Future : Community View
   Michael Stack,Duo Zhang and Yu Li

   930 - 1000
   HBase in Alibaba: Open Source and Cloud
   Chunhui Shen and Long Cao

Track1: HBase Internal [ 10:15 - 16:35 ]
   Use CCSMap to improve HBase YGC time
   Chance Li Alibaba

   WALLess HBase with persistent memory devices
   Ramkrishna Vasudevan and Anoop Sam John  Intel

   HBase at Xiaomi
   GuangHao Zhang Xiaomi

   HBase at DiDi
   JingYi Yao DiDi

   Improving HBase reliability at Pinterest with geo-­‐replication and efficient backup
   Chenji Pan and Lianghong Xu  Pinterest

   Separating hot-cold data into heterogeneous storage based on layered compaction

   WenLong Yang  Alibaba

   HDFS optimization for HBase at XiaoMi
   Gang Xie, Yingchao Zhou and Chen Zhang    Xiaomi

Track2: Ecology and Solution [ 10:15 - 16:35 ]

   Kerberos-­‐based Big Data Security Solution and Practice in Alibaba Cloud HBase
   Jiajia Li and Chao Guo  Alibaba & Intel

   Apache Kylin on HBase: extreme OLAP for big data
   ShaoFeng Shi   Kyligence

   Bringing MySQL Compatibility to HBase using Database Virtualization
   Water Guo

   HTAP DB-­‐System : ApsaraDB HBase Phoenix and Spark
   Yun Zhang and Wei Li  Alibaba

   JanusGraph-­‐Distributed graph database with HBase
   XueMin Zhang  TalkingData

   Scaling 30 TB's of Data lake with Apache HBase and Scala DSL at Production
   Chetankumar Jyestaram Khatri

   15:55 – 16:35
   A real-­‐time cold backup solution for HBase with zero HBase modification,low latency and heterogeneous storage
   QingYi Meng  Alibaba

Track3: Application [ 10:15 - 16:35 ]
   10:15 – 10:55
   Serving billions of queries in millisecond latency
   Biju Nair BloomBerg

   11:00 – 11:40
   HBase at China Telecom
   Chen Ze  China Telecom

   11:45 – 12:25
   HBase Practice In China Life Insurance
   Zheng Fan   China Life Insurance

   13:30 – 14:10
   HBase and OpenTSDB practice at Huawei
   Pankaj Kumar, Wei Zhi and Chaoqiang Zhong   Huawei

   14:15 – 14:55
   HBase Practice at Lianjia
   GuoXian Zhao   Lianjia

   15:00 – 15:40
   HBase at Meituan
   Chen Xu   Meituan

   15:55 – 16:35

   The Application of Hbase in New Energy Vehicle Monitoring System

   Yan Yu



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