复制代码 代码如下:
create table RSSFeedRight
FeedId int Foreign Key (FeedId) References RSSFeed(FeedId) NOT NULL , -- FeedId ,
UserId int Foreign Key (UserId) References UserInfo(UserId) NOT NULL , -- UserId ,
RightValue bigint NOT NULL Primary key (UserId, FeedId),


RSSFeedRight feedRight = new RSSFeedRight();
feedRight.UserId = userId;
feedRight.FeedId = feedId;
feedRight.RightValue = 0 ;
每次插入时都提示说FeedId 不能插入空值,郁闷的不行,分明是给了非空值的!
后来仔细检查,发现这个RSSFeedRight 实体类中居然还有两个指向UserInfo 和 RSSFeed 表的字段,后来逐渐感觉到是外键设置问题引起的。立即通过google 搜 "linq foreign key insert"
The mapping information (Assocation attribute on Table1 & Table2) has the foreign key dependency going in the wrong direction. It's claiming that the primary-key in table1 (the one that is auto-incremented) is a foreign key to the primary key in table2. You want that just the opposite. You can change this in the designer, DBML file or directly in the code (for a quick test) by changing IsForeignKey value for both associations.

复制代码 代码如下:
create table RSSFeedRight
Id int identity ( 1 , 1 ) NOT NULL Primary Key ,
FeedId int Foreign Key (FeedId) References RSSFeed(FeedId) NOT NULL , -- FeedId ,
UserId int Foreign Key (UserId) References UserInfo(UserId) NOT NULL , -- UserId ,
RightValue bigint NOT NULL ,



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