I'm working in Java, and I have a JPanel in a JFrame. In that JPanel, among other things, I have a JLabel that I want to make appear and disappear at will. I've tried setting visibility to true/false, adding and removing it from the JFrame and JPanel, and, having looked online, I tried validate()ing and revalidate()ing ad infinitum. What can be done here to solve this problem?

我在Java工作,我在JFrame中有一个JPanel。在那个JPanel中,除其他外,我有一个JLabel,我想让它出现并随意消失。我已经尝试将可见性设置为true / false,在JFrame和JPanel中添加和删除它,并且,在网上查看后,我尝试了验证()和无效地重新生成()无限广告。在这里可以做些什么来解决这个问题?

2 个解决方案


In general, calling the setVisible method is sufficient to make a Swing component to be shown or hidden.


Just to be sure that it works, I tried the following:


public class Visibility {
  private void makeGUI() {
    JFrame f = new JFrame();

    final JLabel l = new JLabel("Hello");
    final JButton b = new JButton("Hide Label");
    b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    f.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    f.getContentPane().add(l, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    f.getContentPane().add(b, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    f.setSize(200, 200);
    f.setLocation(200, 200);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        new Visibility().makeGUI();

The above program is able to affect the visibility by clicking on a JButton.


Could it be a Threading Issue?


My next suspicion was that perhaps a Thread that is not on the event dispatch thread (EDT) may not be affecting the display immediately, so I added the following after initializing the JLabel and JButton.


Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
    while (true) {

      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* Handle exception /* }


With the new Thread running, it changed the toggled the visibility of the JLabel every 100 ms, and this also worked without a problem.


Calling a Swing component off the event dispatch thread (EDT) is a bad thing, as Swing is not thread-safe. I was a little surprised it worked, and the fact that it works may just be a fluke.


Repaint the JPanel?


If the JLabel's visibility is only being affected on resizing, it probably means that the JLabel is being drawn only when the JPanel is being repainted.


One thing to try is to call the JPanel's repaint method to see if the visibility of the JLabel will change.


But this method seems to be just a band-aid to a situation, if the main cause is due to a thread off the EDT is attempting to make changes to the GUI. (Just as a note, the repaint method is thread-safe, so it can be called by off-EDT threads, but relying on repaint is a workaround than a solution.)

但是这种方法似乎只是一种情况的创可贴,如果主要原因是由于EDT的一个线程试图对GUI进行更改。 (正如注意,重绘方法是线程安全的,因此它可以由非EDT线程调用,但依赖重绘是一种解决方法而不是解决方案。)

Try using SwingUtilities.invokeLater


Finally, probably the thing I would try is the SwingUtilities.invokeLater method, which can be called (and should only be called) from a thread running separate from the EDT, if it wants to affect the GUI.


So, the earlier Thread example should be written as:


Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
    while (true) {
      try {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
      } catch (Exception e1) { /* Handle exception */ }

      try  {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* Handle exception */ }


If the change to the GUI is indeed occurring on a separate thread, then I would recommend reading Lesson: Concurrency in Swing from The Java Tutorials in order to find out more information on how to write well-behaving multi-threaded code using Swing.



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