[This post is byXavier Ducrohet, Tech Lead for the Android developer tools]

Along with the preview of the Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) platform, we launched Android SDK Tools R20 and ADT 20.0.0. Here are a few things that we would like to highlight.
Application templates

    : Android ADT supports a new application templates for creating new application, blank activity, master-detail flow, and custom view. These templates support the Android style guide thus making it faster and easier to build beautiful apps. More templates will be added over time.

   [Google Android] Android SDK Tools, Revision 20

Tracer for GLES

    : With this new tool you can capture the entire sequence of OpenGL calls made by an app into a trace file on the host and replay the captured trace and display the GL state at any point in time.

   [Google Android] Android SDK Tools, Revision 20

Device Monitor

    : To help you to easily debug your apps, all the Android debugging tools like DDMS, traceview, hierarchyviewer and Tracer for GLES are now built into one single application.


      : Improving app performance does not have to be a guesswork any more. Systrace for Jelly Bean and above lets you easily optimize your app. You can capture a slice of system activity plus additional information tagged from the

Settings > Developer Options > Monitoring: Enable traces

    or with specific calls added to your application code.

   [Google Android] Android SDK Tools, Revision 20

To learn more on the layout editor, XML editing, build system & SDK Manager improvements, please read theADT 20.0.0andSDK Tools R20release notes.

Join us today, June 28th, at the “What’s new in Android developer tools” session for some fun tool demos and a sneak-peak into what’s coming next.


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