Serializable & Parcelable这两种序列化方法是Android中经常使用的方法,Serializable是Android从Java中继承过来的,Parcelable是Android自己提供的方法,Google是推荐使用Parcelable,至于这两种方法的区别,下面通过对源码的分析来慢慢的了解。









 * Marks classes that can be serialized by {@link ObjectOutputStream} and * deserialized by {@link ObjectInputStream}.

* <p><strong>Warning:</strong> this interface limits how its implementing * classes can change in the future. By implementing {@code Serializable} you * expose your flexible in-memory implementation details as a rigid binary * representation. Simple code changes--like renaming private fields--are * not safe when the changed class is serializable.

<p>Every serializable class is assigned a version identifier called a {@code * serialVersionUID}. By default, this identifier is computed by hashing the * class declaration and its members. This identifier is included in the * serialized form so that version conflicts can be detected during * deserialization. If the local {@code serialVersionUID} differs from the * {@code serialVersionUID} in the serialized data, deserialization will fail * with an {@link InvalidClassException}. * * <p>You can avoid this failure by declaring an explicit {@code * serialVersionUID}. Declaring an explicit {@code serialVersionUID} tells the * serialization mechanism that the class is forward and backward compatible * with all versions that share that {@code serialVersionUID}. Declaring a * {@code serialVersionUID} looks like this: <pre>   {@code * *     private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; * }</pre> * If you declare a {@code serialVersionUID}, you should increment it each * time your class changes incompatibly with the previous version. Typically * this is when you add, change or remove a non-transient field.

序列化和反序列化其实是通过serialVersionUID来进行工作的,默认情况下,serialVersionUID是通过hash计算类的成员变量和类的方法来得到的,serialVersionUID是存储在系列化的文件中的,当要反序列化时,就从序列化文件中能拿到serialVersionUID,如果拿到的serialVersionUiD与通过类中的成员变量和方法hash计算出的serialVersionUID一样的话,就反序列化成功,反序列化成功返回的结果与序列化的结果不是同一个对象,但是值是相同的,如果反序列化失败的话就会抛出一个 IncaildClassException。


private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;



Typically this is when you add, change or remove a non-transient field.

* <p>You can take control of your serialized form by implementing these two * methods with these exact signatures in your serializable classes: * <pre>   {@code * *   private void writeObject( out) *       throws IOException { *     // write 'this' to 'out'... *   } * *   private void readObject( in) *       throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { *     // populate the fields of 'this' from the data in 'in'... *   } * }</pre>




    public final void writeObject(Object object) throws IOException {        writeObject(object, false);    }

private void writeObject(Object object, boolean unshared) throws IOException {        boolean setOutput = (primitiveTypes == output);        if (setOutput) {            primitiveTypes = null;        }        // This is the specified behavior in JDK 1.2. Very bizarre way to allow        // behavior overriding.        if (subclassOverridingImplementation && !unshared) {            writeObjectOverride(object);            return;        }        try {            // First we need to flush primitive types if they were written            drain();            // Actual work, and class-based replacement should be computed            // if needed.            writeObjectInternal(object, unshared, true, true);            if (setOutput) {                primitiveTypes = output;            }        } catch (IOException ioEx1) {            // This will make it pass through until the top caller. Only the top caller writes the            // exception (where it can).            if (nestedLevels == 0) {                try {                    writeNewException(ioEx1);                } catch (IOException ioEx2) {                    // If writing the exception to the output stream causes another exception there                    // is no need to propagate the second exception or generate a third exception,                    // both of which might obscure details of the root cause.                }            }            throw ioEx1; // and then we propagate the original exception        }    }

writeObjectInternal(object, unshared, true, true);

 private int writeObjectInternal(Object object, boolean unshared,            boolean computeClassBasedReplacement,            boolean computeStreamReplacement) throws IOException {           ...      f (!(enableReplace && computeStreamReplacement)) {                // Is it a Class ?                if (objClass == ObjectStreamClass.CLASSCLASS) {                    return writeNewClass((Class<?>) object, unshared);                }                // Is it an ObjectStreamClass ?                if (objClass == ObjectStreamClass.OBJECTSTREAMCLASSCLASS) {                    return writeClassDesc((ObjectStreamClass) object, unshared);                }            }      ''''}




    public final Object readObject() throws OptionalDataException,            ClassNotFoundException, IOException {        return readObject(false);    }
 private Object readObject(boolean unshared) throws OptionalDataException,            ClassNotFoundException, IOException {      ...     Object result;        try {            // We need this so we can tell when we are returning to the            // original/outside caller            if (++nestedLevels == 1) {                // Remember the caller's class loader                callerClassLoader = VMStack.getClosestUserClassLoader(bootstrapLoader, systemLoader);            }            result = readNonPrimitiveContent(unshared);            if (restoreInput) {                primitiveData = input;            }        }   ...}

 private Object readNonPrimitiveContent(boolean unshared)            throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {        checkReadPrimitiveTypes();        if (primitiveData.available() > 0) {            OptionalDataException e = new OptionalDataException();            e.length = primitiveData.available();            throw e;        }        do {            byte tc = nextTC();            switch (tc) {                case TC_CLASS:                    return readNewClass(unshared);                case TC_CLASSDESC:                    return readNewClassDesc(unshared);                case TC_ARRAY:                    return readNewArray(unshared);                case TC_OBJECT:                    return readNewObject(unshared);                case TC_STRING:                    return readNewString(unshared);                case TC_LONGSTRING:                    return readNewLongString(unshared);                case TC_ENUM:                    return readEnum(unshared);                case TC_REFERENCE:                    if (unshared) {                        readNewHandle();                        throw new InvalidObjectException("Unshared read of back reference");                    }                    return readCyclicReference();                case TC_NULL:                    return null;                case TC_EXCEPTION:                    Exception exc = readException();                    throw new WriteAbortedException("Read an exception", exc);                case TC_RESET:                    resetState();                    break;                case TC_ENDBLOCKDATA: // Can occur reading class annotation                    pushbackTC();                    OptionalDataException e = new OptionalDataException();                    e.eof = true;                    throw e;                default:                    throw corruptStream(tc);            }            // Only TC_RESET falls through        } while (true);    }

    private byte nextTC() throws IOException {        if (hasPushbackTC) {            hasPushbackTC = false; // We are consuming it        } else {            // Just in case a later call decides to really push it back,            // we don't require the caller to pass it as parameter            pushbackTC = input.readByte();        }        return pushbackTC;    }





 * Interface for classes whose instances can be written to * and restored from a {@link Parcel}.  Classes implementing the Parcelable * interface must also have a static field called <code>CREATOR</code>, which * is an object implementing the {@link Parcelable.Creator Parcelable.Creator} * interface.
这句话意思是,对象能够通过Parcel来进行序列化和反序列化,而且重要的是,在实现Parcelable中必须要有一个成员变量,而且还要被 static field来修饰,类型为Parcelable.Creator,它是Parcelable中的一个内部接口

<p>A typical implementation of Parcelable is:</p> *  * <pre> * public class MyParcelable implements Parcelable { *     private int mData; * *     public int describeContents() { *         return 0; *     } * *     public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { *         out.writeInt(mData); *     } * *     public static final Parcelable.Creator<MyParcelable> CREATOR *             = new Parcelable.Creator<MyParcelable>() { *         public MyParcelable createFromParcel(Parcel in) { *             return new MyParcelable(in); *         } * *         public MyParcelable[] newArray(int size) { *             return new MyParcelable[size]; *         } *     }; *      *     private MyParcelable(Parcel in) { *         mData = in.readInt(); *     } * }</pre>

这段注解是Android给我们提供的一个例子,因为Parcelable相比于Serializable实现起来比较复杂,可能处于这种考虑,就给我们一个实例 ,确实给我们带来啦一些好处,我们就不用那么刻意的去记,当使用的时候看看源码就OK了!

public static final int CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR = 0x0001;        /**     * Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's     * marshalled representation.     *       * @return a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshalled     * by the Parcelable.     */    public int describeContents();    

/**     * Flatten this object in to a Parcel.     *      * @param dest The Parcel in which the object should be written.     * @param flags Additional flags about how the object should be written.     * May be 0 or {@link #PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE}.     */    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags);

flags:有两种结果,为1(PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE)从字面意 思可以看到就是要求要返回对象,大多数情况下是为0的。

 /**     * Interface that must be implemented and provided as a public CREATOR     * field that generates instances of your Parcelable class from a Parcel.     */    public interface Creator<T> {}



        /**         * Create a new instance of the Parcelable class, instantiating it         * from the given Parcel whose data had previously been written by         * {@link Parcelable#writeToParcel Parcelable.writeToParcel()}.         *          * @param source The Parcel to read the object's data from.         * @return Returns a new instance of the Parcelable class.         */        public T createFromParcel(Parcel source);

return new T(source);

 /**         * Create a new array of the Parcelable class.         *          * @param size Size of the array.         * @return Returns an array of the Parcelable class, with every entry         * initialized to null.         */        public T[] newArray(int size);


return new T[size];




优点 缺点
Serializable 1)实现起来简单
parcelable 1)速度快 1)实现难,难以阅读



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