From android 1.6 adds a new feature for the declaration of the “on-click” listener for a Button. In addition to the classic approach of defining some object (such as the activity) as implementing the View.OnClickListener interface, you can now take a somewhat simpler approach:

  • Define some method on your Activity that holds the button that takes a single View parameter, has a void return value, and is public.
  • In your layout XML, on the Button element, include the android:onClick attribute with the name of the method you defined in the previous step.

For example, we might have a method on our Activity that looks like:

public void updateTime(View view){    ((Button)view).setText("android:onClick attributes");}

Then , we could use this XML declaration for the Button itself, including android:onClick

<Button android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:id="@+id/button"android:onClick="updateTime"></Button>

OK, now we can run the code , click the button and we get the new text for the button.


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