
  • https://github.com/skylot/jadx


jadx[-gui] [options] <input file> (.dex, .apk, .jar or .class)options: -d, --output-dir - output directory  -j, --threads-count - processing threads count  -f, --fallback - make simple dump (using goto instead of 'if', 'for', etc)  -r, --no-res - do not decode resources  -s, --no-src - do not decompile source code      --show-bad-code - show inconsistent code (incorrectly decompiled)      --cfg - save methods control flow graph to dot file      --raw-cfg - save methods control flow graph (use raw instructions)  -v, --verbose - verbose output      --deobf - activate deobfuscation      --deobf-min - min length of name      --deobf-max - max length of name      --deobf-rewrite-cfg - force to save deobfuscation map  -h, --help - print this help Example: jadx -d out classes.dex jadx-gui xxx.apk


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