阅读更多 转自:https://github.com/loopj/android-async-http/issues/173

public void testAsyncHttpClient() throws Throwable {
  final CountDownLatch signal = new CountDownLatch(1);
  final AsyncHttpClient httpClient = new AsyncHttpClient();
  final StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();

  runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { // THIS IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS
    public void run() {
              new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
                public void onSuccess(String response) {
                  // Do not do assertions here or it will stop the whole testing upon failure

                public void onFinish() {

  try {
    signal.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // wait for callback
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  JSONObject jsonRes = new JSONObject(strBuilder.toString());
  try {
    // Test your jsonResult here
    assertEquals(6253282, jsonRes.getInt("id"));
  } catch (Exception e) {


  assertEquals(0, signal.getCount());


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