public class SDCardHelper {     // 判断SD卡是否被挂载     public static boolean isSDCardMounted() {         // return Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals("mounted");         return Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(         Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED);    }    // 获取SD卡的根目录    public static String getSDCardBaseDir() {         if (isSDCardMounted()) {               return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();         }         return null;    }    // 获取SD卡的完整空间大小,返回MB    public static long getSDCardSize() {         if (isSDCardMounted()) {              StatFs fs = new StatFs(getSDCardBaseDir());              long count = fs.getBlockCountLong();              long size = fs.getBlockSizeLong();              return count * size / 1024 / 1024;         }         return 0;    }    // 获取SD卡的剩余空间大小    public static long getSDCardFreeSize() {         if (isSDCardMounted()) {               StatFs fs = new StatFs(getSDCardBaseDir());               long count = fs.getFreeBlocksLong();               long size = fs.getBlockSizeLong();               return count * size / 1024 / 1024;         }         return 0;    }    // 获取SD卡的可用空间大小    public static long getSDCardAvailableSize() {         if (isSDCardMounted()) {               StatFs fs = new StatFs(getSDCardBaseDir());               long count = fs.getAvailableBlocksLong();               long size = fs.getBlockSizeLong();               return count * size / 1024 / 1024;         }         return 0;    }    // 往SD卡的公有目录下保存文件    public static boolean saveFileToSDCardPublicDir(byte[] data, String type, String fileName) {         BufferedOutputStream bos = null;         if (isSDCardMounted()) {               File file = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(type);               try {                    bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(file, fileName)));                    bos.write(data);                    bos.flush();                    return true;               } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();               } finally {                    try {                          bos.close();                    } catch (IOException e) {                          // TODO Auto-generated catch block                          e.printStackTrace();                    }               }          }          return false;     }     // 往SD卡的自定义目录下保存文件     public static boolean saveFileToSDCardCustomDir(byte[] data, String dir, String fileName) {          BufferedOutputStream bos = null;          if (isSDCardMounted()) {                File file = new File(getSDCardBaseDir() + File.separator + dir);                if (!file.exists()) {                      file.mkdirs();// 递归创建自定义目录                }                try {                      bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(file, fileName)));                      bos.write(data);                      bos.flush();                      return true;                } catch (Exception e) {                      e.printStackTrace();                } finally {                      try {                            bos.close();                      } catch (IOException e) {                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block                            e.printStackTrace();                      }                }           }           return false;     }     // 往SD卡的私有Files目录下保存文件     public static boolean saveFileToSDCardPrivateFilesDir(byte[] data, String type, String fileName, Context context) {         BufferedOutputStream bos = null;         if (isSDCardMounted()) {               File file = context.getExternalFilesDir(type);               try {                      bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(file, fileName)));                      bos.write(data);                      bos.flush();                      return true;               } catch (Exception e) {                      e.printStackTrace();               } finally {                      try {                            bos.close();                      } catch (IOException e) {                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block                            e.printStackTrace();                      }               }          }          return false;     }     // 往SD卡的私有Cache目录下保存文件     public static boolean saveFileToSDCardPrivateCacheDir(byte[] data, String fileName, Context context) {          BufferedOutputStream bos = null;          if (isSDCardMounted()) {                File file = context.getExternalCacheDir();                try {                      bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(file, fileName)));                      bos.write(data);                      bos.flush();                      return true;                } catch (Exception e) {                      e.printStackTrace();                } finally {                      try {                            bos.close();                      } catch (IOException e) {                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block                            e.printStackTrace();                      }               }          }          return false;     }     // 保存bitmap图片到SDCard的私有Cache目录     public static boolean saveBitmapToSDCardPrivateCacheDir(Bitmap bitmap, String fileName, Context context) {          if (isSDCardMounted()) {                BufferedOutputStream bos = null;                // 获取私有的Cache缓存目录                File file = context.getExternalCacheDir();                try {                       bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(file, fileName)));                       if (fileName != null && (fileName.contains(".png") || fileName.contains(".PNG"))) {                              bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, bos);                       } else {                              bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bos);                       }                       bos.flush();                } catch (Exception e) {                       e.printStackTrace();                } finally {                       if (bos != null) {                            try {                                 bos.close();                            } catch (IOException e) {                                 e.printStackTrace();                            }                       }                 }                 return true;          } else {                return false;          }     }     // 从SD卡获取文件     public static byte[] loadFileFromSDCard(String fileDir) {          BufferedInputStream bis = null;          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();          try {                bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(fileDir)));                byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024];                int c = 0;                while ((c = != -1) {                     baos.write(buffer, 0, c);                     baos.flush();                }                return baos.toByteArray();          } catch (Exception e) {                e.printStackTrace();          } finally {                try {                     baos.close();                     bis.close();                } catch (IOException e) {                     e.printStackTrace();                }          }          return null;     }     // 从SDCard中寻找指定目录下的文件,返回Bitmap     public Bitmap loadBitmapFromSDCard(String filePath) {          byte[] data = loadFileFromSDCard(filePath);          if (data != null) {               Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length);               if (bm != null) {                     return bm;               }          }          return null;     }     // 获取SD卡公有目录的路径     public static String getSDCardPublicDir(String type) {          return Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(type).toString();     }     // 获取SD卡私有Cache目录的路径     public static String getSDCardPrivateCacheDir(Context context) {          return context.getExternalCacheDir().getAbsolutePath();     }     // 获取SD卡私有Files目录的路径     public static String getSDCardPrivateFilesDir(Context context, String type) {          return context.getExternalFilesDir(type).getAbsolutePath();     }     public static boolean isFileExist(String filePath) {          File file = new File(filePath);          return file.isFile();     }     // 从sdcard中删除文件     public static boolean removeFileFromSDCard(String filePath) {          File file = new File(filePath);          if (file.exists()) {               try {                     file.delete();                     return true;               } catch (Exception e) {                     return false;               }          } else {               return false;          }     }}


  1. android: content URI的真实路径获取
  2. android 获取sd卡根目录
  3. android 文件目录权限
  4. Android将Uri转化为文件路径的方法
  5. Android修改自定义Dialog的大小
  6. android 动态设置控件大小
  7. Android 设置字体大小和显示大小后界面混乱
  8. 安卓各文件存储路径汇总(Android file path)
  9. Android开发系列教程——目录


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