


1<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

2<application android:debugable=" true"




                    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

      public void onDestroy() {
      public void onResume() {


3tools--android--androiddevice monitor

(4)界面打开后,没有找到,搜索hierarachy view即可,本人亲测,没有问题

android studio上HierarchyViewer的使用实例_第1张图片android studio上HierarchyViewer的使用实例_第2张图片



package com.linzhi.receiver (替换) ;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewDebug;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

* Created by sjy on 2017/5/2.

public class ViewServer implements Runnable {
* The default port used to startview servers.
private static final int VIEW_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT = 4939 ;
private static final int VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS = 10 ;
private static final String BUILD_TYPE_USER = "user" ;

// Debug facility
private static final String LOG_TAG = "ViewServer" ;

private static final String VALUE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "4" ;
private static final String VALUE_SERVER_VERSION = "4" ;

// Protocol commands
// Returns the protocol version
private static final String COMMAND_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "PROTOCOL" ;
// Returns the server version
private static final String COMMAND_SERVER_VERSION = "SERVER" ;
// Lists all of the available windows in thesystem
private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_LIST = "LIST" ;
// Keeps a connection open and notifies when thelist of windows changes
private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_AUTOLIST = "AUTOLIST" ;
// Returns the focused window
private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_GET_FOCUS = "GET_FOCUS" ;

private ServerSocket mServer ;
private final int mPort ;

private Thread mThread ;
private ExecutorService mThreadPool ;

private final List mListeners =
new CopyOnWriteArrayList();

private final HashMap mWindows = new HashMap();
private final ReentrantReadWriteLock mWindowsLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

private View mFocusedWindow ;
private final ReentrantReadWriteLock mFocusLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

private static ViewServer sServer ;

* Returns a unique instance of theViewServer. This method should only be
     * called from the main thread ofyour application. The server will have
     * the same lifetime as your process.

     * If your application does not havethe android:debuggable
    * flag set in its manifest, the server returned by this method will
     * be a dummy object that does not doanything. This allows you to use
     * the same code in debug and releaseversions of your application.
     * @param context A Context used to check whether the applicationis
*                debuggable, this can be theapplication context
public static ViewServer get(Context context) {
ApplicationInfo info =context.getApplicationInfo();
        if ( BUILD_TYPE_USER .equals(Build. TYPE ) &&
(info. flags & ApplicationInfo. FLAG_DEBUGGABLE ) != 0 ) {
if ( sServer == null ) {
sServer = new ViewServer(ViewServer. VIEW_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT );

            if (! sServer .isRunning()) {
try {
sServer .start();
} catch (IOException e) {
Log. d( LOG_TAG , "Error:" , e);
        } else {
sServer = new NoopViewServer();

        return sServer ;

    private ViewServer() {
mPort = - 1 ;

* Creates a new ViewServerassociated with the specified window manager on the
     * specified local port. The serveris not started by default.
     * @param port The port for the server to listen to.
* @see #start()
private ViewServer( int port) {
mPort = port;

* Starts the server.
     * @return True if the serverwas successfully created, or false if it already exists.
     * @throws java.io.IOExceptionIf the server cannot be created.
     * @see #stop()
     * @see #isRunning()
public boolean start() throws IOException {
if ( mThread != null ) {
       return false ;

        mThread = new Thread( this , "LocalView Server [port=" + mPort + "]" );
mThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS );
mThread .start();

return true ;

 * Stops the server.
     * @return True if the serverwas stopped, false if an error occurred or if the
     * server wasn't started.
     * @see #start()
     * @see #isRunning()
public boolean stop() {
if ( mThread != null ) {
           mThread .interrupt();
if ( mThreadPool != null ) {
try {
mThreadPool .shutdownNow();
} catch (SecurityException e) {
Log. w( LOG_TAG , "Couldnot stop all view server threads" );

            mThreadPool = null ;
mThread = null ;

try {
mServer .close();
mServer = null ;
return true ;
} catch (IOException e) {
              Log. w( LOG_TAG , "Couldnot close the view server" );

        mWindowsLock .writeLock().lock();
try {
mWindows .clear();
} finally {
mWindowsLock .writeLock().unlock();

         mFocusLock .writeLock().lock();
try {
mFocusedWindow = null ;
} finally {
mFocusLock .writeLock().unlock();

        return false ;

* Indicates whether the server iscurrently running.
     * @return True if the serveris running, false otherwise.
     * @see #start()
     * @see #stop()
public boolean isRunning() {
return mThread != null && mThread .isAlive();

* Invoke this method to register anew view hierarchy.
     * @param activity The activity whose view hierarchy/window toregister
* @see #addWindow(android.view.View,String)
     * @see #removeWindow(android.app.Activity)
public void addWindow(Activity activity) {
String name =activity.getTitle().toString();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)){
name =activity.getClass().getCanonicalName() +
                    "/0x" + System.identityHashCode(activity);
} else {
name += "(" + activity.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ")" ;
       addWindow(activity.getWindow().getDecorView(), name);

* Invoke this method to unregister aview hierarchy.
     * @param activity The activity whose view hierarchy/window tounregister
* @see #addWindow(android.app.Activity)
     * @see #removeWindow(android.view.View)
public void removeWindow(Activity activity) {

* Invoke this method to register anew view hierarchy.
     * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/windowto register
* @name name The name of theview hierarchy/window to register
     * @see #removeWindow(android.view.View)
public void addWindow(View view, String name) {
mWindowsLock .writeLock().lock();
try {
mWindows .put(view.getRootView(), name);
} finally {
mWindowsLock .writeLock().unlock();

* Invoke this method to unregister aview hierarchy.
     * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/windowto unregister
* @see #addWindow(android.view.View,String)
public void removeWindow(View view) {
mWindowsLock .writeLock().lock();
try {
mWindows .remove(view.getRootView());
} finally {
mWindowsLock .writeLock().unlock();

* Invoke this method to change thecurrently focused window.
     * @param activity The activity whose view hierarchy/windowhasfocus,
*                 or null to remove focus
public void setFocusedWindow(Activity activity) {

* Invoke this method to change thecurrently focused window.
     * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/windowthat has focus,
*            or null to remove focus
public void setFocusedWindow(View view) {
mFocusLock .writeLock().lock();
try {
mFocusedWindow = view == null ? null : view.getRootView();
} finally {
mFocusLock .writeLock().unlock();

* Main server loop.
public void run() {
try {
InetAddress address =InetAddress. getLocalHost();
            mServer = new ServerSocket( mPort , VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS , address);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log. w( LOG_TAG , "StartingServerSocket error: " ,e);

        while ( mServer != null && Thread.currentThread() == mThread ) {
// Any uncaught exception will crash the systemprocess
try {
Socket client = mServer .accept();
if ( mThreadPool != null ) {
mThreadPool .submit( new ViewServerWorker(client));
} else {
try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
Log. w( LOG_TAG , "Connectionerror: " ,e);

    private static boolean writeValue(Socket client, String value) {
boolean result;
BufferedWriter out = null ;
try {
OutputStream clientStream =client.getOutputStream();
            out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(clientStream), 8 * 1024 );
            out.write( "\n" );
            result = true ;
} catch (Exception e) {
result = false ;
     } finally {
if (out!= null ) {
try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
result = false ;
        return result;

     privatevoid fireWindowsChangedEvent(){
for (WindowListener listener : mListeners ) {

    private void fireFocusChangedEvent() {
for (WindowListener listener : mListeners ) {

    private void addWindowListener(WindowListener listener) {
if (! mListeners .contains(listener)) {
mListeners .add(listener);

    private void removeWindowListener(WindowListener listener) {
mListeners .remove(listener);

    private interface WindowListener {
void windowsChanged();

void focusChanged();

    private class ViewServerWorker implements Runnable, WindowListener {
private Socket mClient ;
private boolean mNeedWindowListUpdate ;
private boolean mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate ;

private final Object[] mLock = new Object[ 0 ];

public ViewServerWorker(Socket client) {
mClient = client;
      mNeedWindowListUpdate = false ;
mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false ;

        public void run() {
BufferedReader in = null ;
try {
in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( mClient .getInputStream()), 1024 );

final String request = in.readLine();

Log. i( "Command" , "===>" + request);

String command;
                String parameters;

                int index = request.indexOf( ' ' );
     if (index== - 1 ) {
command = request;
                    parameters = "" ;
} else {
command =request.substring( 0 , index);
parameters =request.substring(index + 1 );

                boolean result;
if ( COMMAND_PROTOCOL_VERSION .equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
result = writeValue( mClient , VALUE_PROTOCOL_VERSION );
} else if ( COMMAND_SERVER_VERSION .equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
result = writeValue( mClient , VALUE_SERVER_VERSION );
} else if ( COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_LIST .equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
result = listWindows( mClient );
} else if ( COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_GET_FOCUS .equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
result =getFocusedWindow( mClient );
} else if ( COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_AUTOLIST .equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
result =windowManagerAutolistLoop();
                } else {
result =windowCommand( mClient , command, parameters);

                if (!result){
Log. w( LOG_TAG , "Anerror occurred with the command: " + command);
            } catch (IOException e) {
Log. w( LOG_TAG , "Connectionerror: " ,e);
} finally {
if (in!= null ) {
try {

                    } catch (IOException e) {
                if ( mClient != null ) {
try {
mClient .close();
} catch (IOException e) {

        private boolean windowCommand(Socket client, String command,String parameters) {
boolean success = true ;
BufferedWriter out = null ;

try {
// Find the hash code of the window
int index = parameters.indexOf( ' ' );
if (index== - 1 ) {
index =parameters.length();
                 final String code = parameters.substring( 0 ,index);
int hashCode = ( int )Long.parseLong(code, 16 );

// Extract the command's parameter after thewindow description
if (index< parameters.length()) {
                parameters =parameters.substring(index + 1 );
} else {
parameters = "" ;
                final View window = findWindow(hashCode);
if (window== null ) {
   returnfalse ;

                // call stuff
final Method dispatch = ViewDebug. class .getDeclaredMethod( "dispatchCommand" ,
View. class , String. class , String. class , OutputStream. class );
   dispatch.setAccessible( true );
dispatch.invoke( null , window, command, parameters,
new UncloseableOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()));

if (!client.isOutputShutdown()){
out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(client.getOutputStream()));
out.write( "DONE\n" );

            } catch (Exception e) {
Log. w( LOG_TAG , "Couldnot send command " +command +
" with parameters " + parameters, e);
success = false ;
} finally {
if (out!= null ) {
try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
success = false ;

            return success;

        private View findWindow( int hashCode) {
if (hashCode== - 1 ) {
View window = null ;
mWindowsLock .readLock().lock();
try {
window = mFocusedWindow ;
} finally {
mWindowsLock .readLock().unlock();
                return window;

            mWindowsLock .readLock().lock();
try {
for (Map.Entry entry : mWindows .entrySet()) {
if (System.identityHashCode(entry.getKey())== hashCode) {
          return entry.getKey();
            } finally {
mWindowsLock .readLock().unlock();

            return null ;

        private boolean listWindows(Socket client) {
       boolean result = true ;
BufferedWriter out = null ;

try {
mWindowsLock .readLock().lock();

OutputStream clientStream= client.getOutputStream();
                out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(clientStream), 8 * 1024 );

for (Map.Entry entry : mWindows .entrySet()) {
out.write(Integer. toHexString(System. identityHashCode(entry.getKey())));
                    out.write( ' ' );
                    out.write( '\n' );

                out.write( "DONE.\n" );
            } catch (Exception e) {
result = false ;
} finally {
               mWindowsLock .readLock().unlock();

if (out!= null ) {
try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
result = false ;

            return result;

        private boolean getFocusedWindow(Socket client) {
boolean result = true ;
String focusName = null ;

BufferedWriter out = null ;
try {
OutputStream clientStream= client.getOutputStream();
                out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(clientStream), 8 * 1024 );

View focusedWindow = null ;

mFocusLock .readLock().lock();
               try {
focusedWindow = mFocusedWindow ;
} finally {
mFocusLock .readLock().unlock();

                if (focusedWindow!= null ) {
mWindowsLock .readLock().lock();
try {
focusName = mWindows .get( mFocusedWindow );
} finally {
mWindowsLock .readLock().unlock();

                    out.write(Integer. toHexString(System. identityHashCode(focusedWindow)));
                    out.write( ' ' );
                out.write( '\n' );
            } catch (Exception e) {
        result = false ;
} finally {
if (out!= null ) {
try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
result = false ;

            return result;

        public void windowsChanged() {
synchronized ( mLock ){
mNeedWindowListUpdate = true ;
mLock .notifyAll();

         publicvoid focusChanged() {
synchronized ( mLock ){
mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = true ;
mLock .notifyAll();

        private boolean windowManagerAutolistLoop() {
addWindowListener( this );
BufferedWriter out = null ;
try {
out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( mClient .getOutputStream()));
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
boolean needWindowListUpdate = false ;
boolean needFocusedWindowUpdate = false ;
synchronized ( mLock ){
while (! mNeedWindowListUpdate && ! mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate ) {
mLock .wait();
                        if ( mNeedWindowListUpdate ) {
mNeedWindowListUpdate = false ;
needWindowListUpdate = true ;
                        if ( mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate ) {
mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false ;
needFocusedWindowUpdate = true ;
                    if (needWindowListUpdate){
out.write( "LIST UPDATE\n" );
                    if (needFocusedWindowUpdate){
out.write( "FOCUS UPDATE\n" );
            } catch (Exception e) {
Log. w( LOG_TAG , "Connectionerror: " ,e);
} finally {
if (out!= null ) {
try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
                removeWindowListener( this );
            return true ;

    private static class UncloseableOutputStream extends OutputStream {
       private final OutputStream mStream ;

UncloseableOutputStream(OutputStream stream) {
            mStream = stream;

        public void close() throws IOException {
// Don't close the stream

public boolean equals(Object o) {
return mStream .equals(o);

        public void flush() throws IOException {
mStream .flush();

        public int hashCode() {
return mStream .hashCode();

        public String toString() {
return mStream .toString();

        public void write( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count)
throws IOException {
mStream .write(buffer, offset, count);

        public void write( byte [] buffer) throws IOException {
mStream .write(buffer);

        public void write( int oneByte) throws IOException {
mStream .write(oneByte);

* 一个空的ViewServer
private static class NoopViewServer extends ViewServer {
private NoopViewServer() {

public boolean start() throws IOException {
return false ;

public boolean stop() {
    returnfalse ;

public boolean isRunning() {
return false ;

public void addWindow(Activity activity) {

public void removeWindow(Activity activity) {

public void addWindow(View view, String name) {

public void removeWindow(View view) {

public void setFocusedWindow(Activity activity) {

public void setFocusedWindow(View view) {

public void run() {




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