

Download StatusBarUtil-Demo




  1. Add the dependencies to your build.gradle file, StatusBarUtil is avaiable in JCenter:

    compile 'com.jaeger.statusbarutil:library:1.5.1'

    I fixed typo, change "statusbaruitl" to "statusbarutil", please notice this.

  2. Call method you need after setContentView(), such as :

    setContentView(R.layout.main_activity);...StatusBarUtil.setColor(MainActivity.this, mColor);
  3. If you use this util in a page which containing a DrawerLayout, you need add android:fitsSystemWindows="true" for DrawerLayout in your layout XML:

  4. Set color for swipe back page

    Recommend using with bingoogolapple/BGASwipeBackLayout-Android: Android Activity 滑动返回

    StatusBarUtil.setColorForSwipeBack(Activity activity, @ColorInt int color, int statusBarAlpha)
  5. All statusBarAlpha value you set should between 0 ~ 255

  6. How to use in Fragment, please read

    Handle all Fragments in ViewPager as ImageViewFragment, add a fake View in your Fragment layout as StatusBar :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>           

    The fake StatusBar View height value statusbar_view_height defined in dimens.xml

    ~ values-v19/dimens.xml25dp~ values/dimens.xml0dp

    When you change StatusBarColor :


    Then in the Activity which contains ViewPage, just invoke

    StatusBarUtil.setTranslucentForImageViewInFragment(UseInFragmentActivity.this, null);

    Please read


  • Set status bar color

    StatusBarUtil.setColor(Activity activity, int color)

  • Set status bar translucent

    StatusBarUtil.setTranslucent(Activity activity, int statusBarAlpha)

  • Set status bar transparent

    StatusBarUtil.setTransparent(Activity activity)

  • Set status bar color for DrawerLayout

    StatusBarUtil.setColorForDrawerLayout(Activity activity, DrawerLayout drawerLayout, int color)

  • Set translucent status bar for using ImageView as head view page

      StatusBarUtil.setTranslucentForImageView(Activity activity, int statusBarAlpha, View needOffsetView)

  • Set Light or Dark mode

      StatusBarUtil.setLightMode(Activity activity)  StatusBarUtil.setDarkMode(Activity activity)

  • Use in fragment

  • Set color for swipe back page

      StatusBarUtil.setColorForSwipeBack(Activity activity, @ColorInt int color, int statusBarAlpha)

  • Pass statusBarAlpha param when necessary to change your status bar alpha, which is 112 by default.



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