一段完整的Android平台上短信功能的接口源码,利用扩展的API可以通过js实现如下功能: 1. getContentUris():读取短信相关的所有数据库表的Uri地址; 2. get(int number):读取若干条短信; 3. getUnread(int number):读取若干条未读短信; 4. getRead(int number):读取若干条已读短信; 5. getInbox(int number):从收件箱读取若干条短信; 6. getSent(int number):读取若干条已发短信; 7. getByThread(int threadID):读取会话中所有短信; 8. getThreads(int number):读取若干条会话; 9. getData(String selection, int number):根据条件读取若干条短信。


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001 /*
002 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Rexsee Open Source Project
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Rexsee License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 * http://www.rexsee.com/CN/legal/license.html
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
017 packagerexsee.communication;
019 importrexsee.core.browser.JavascriptInterface;
020 importrexsee.core.browser.RexseeBrowser;
021 importrexsee.core.utilities.Escape;
022 importandroid.content.ContentResolver;
023 importandroid.content.Context;
024 importandroid.database.Cursor;
025 importandroid.net.Uri;
027 publicclassRexseeSMSimplementsJavascriptInterface {
029 privatestaticfinalString INTERFACE_NAME ="SMS";
030 @Override
031 publicString getInterfaceName() {
032 returnmBrowser.application.resources.prefix + INTERFACE_NAME;
033 }
034 @Override
035 publicJavascriptInterface getInheritInterface(RexseeBrowser childBrowser) {
036 returnthis;
037 }
038 @Override
039 publicJavascriptInterface getNewInterface(RexseeBrowser childBrowser) {
040 returnnewRexseeSMS(childBrowser);
041 }
043 publicstaticfinalString CONTENT_URI_SMS ="content://sms";
044 publicstaticfinalString CONTENT_URI_SMS_INBOX ="content://sms/inbox";
045 publicstaticfinalString CONTENT_URI_SMS_SENT ="content://sms/sent";
046 publicstaticfinalString CONTENT_URI_SMS_CONVERSATIONS ="content://sms/conversations";
048 publicstaticString[] SMS_COLUMNS =newString[]{
049 "_id",//0
050 "thread_id",//1
051 "address",//2
052 "person",//3
053 "date",//4
054 "body",//5
055 "read",//6; 0:not read 1:read; default is 0
056 "type",//7; 0:all 1:inBox 2:sent 3:draft 4:outBox 5:failed 6:queued
057 "service_center"//8
058 };
059 publicstaticString[] THREAD_COLUMNS =newString[]{
060 "thread_id",
061 "msg_count",
062 "snippet",
063 };
065 privatefinalContext mContext;
066 privatefinalRexseeBrowser mBrowser;
068 publicRexseeSMS(RexseeBrowser browser) {
069 mBrowser = browser;
070 mContext = browser.getContext();
071 }
073 //JavaScript Interface
074 publicString getContentUris() {
075 String rtn ="{";
076 rtn +="\"sms\":\""+ CONTENT_URI_SMS +"\"";
077 rtn +=",\"inbox\":\""+ CONTENT_URI_SMS_INBOX +"\"";
078 rtn +=",\"sent\":\""+ CONTENT_URI_SMS_SENT +"\"";
079 rtn +=",\"conversations\":\""+ CONTENT_URI_SMS_CONVERSATIONS +"\"";
080 rtn +="}";
081 returnrtn;
082 }
084 publicString get(intnumber) {
085 returngetData(null, number);
086 }
087 publicString getUnread(intnumber) {
088 returngetData("type=1 AND read=0", number);
089 }
090 publicString getRead(intnumber) {
091 returngetData("type=1 AND read=1", number);
092 }
093 publicString getInbox(intnumber) {
094 returngetData("type=1", number);
095 }
096 publicString getSent(intnumber) {
097 returngetData("type=2", number);
098 }
099 publicString getByThread(intthread) {
100 returngetData("thread_id="+ thread,0);
101 }
102 publicString getData(String selection,intnumber) {
103 Cursor cursor =null;
104 ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
105 try{
106 if(number >0) {
107 cursor = contentResolver.query(Uri.parse(CONTENT_URI_SMS), SMS_COLUMNS, selection,null,"date desc limit "+ number);
108 }else{
109 cursor = contentResolver.query(Uri.parse(CONTENT_URI_SMS), SMS_COLUMNS, selection,null,"date desc");
110 }
111 if(cursor ==null|| cursor.getCount() ==0)return"[]";
112 String rtn ="";
113 for(inti =0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) {
114 cursor.moveToPosition(i);
115 if(i >0) rtn +=",";
116 rtn +="{";
117 rtn +="\"_id\":"+ cursor.getString(0);
118 rtn +=",\"thread_id\":"+ cursor.getString(1);
119 rtn +=",\"address\":\""+ cursor.getString(2) +"\"";
120 rtn +=",\"person\":\""+ ((cursor.getString(3) ==null) ?"": cursor.getString(3)) +"\"";
121 rtn +=",\"date\":"+ cursor.getString(4);
122 rtn +=",\"body\":\""+ Escape.escape(cursor.getString(5)) +"\"";
123 rtn +=",\"read\":"+ ((cursor.getInt(6) ==1) ?"true":"false");
124 rtn +=",\"type\":"+ cursor.getString(7);
125 rtn +=",\"service_center\":"+ cursor.getString(8);
126 rtn +="}";
127 }
128 return"["+ rtn +"]";
129 }catch(Exception e) {
130 mBrowser.exception(getInterfaceName(), e);
131 return"[]";
132 }
133 }
134 publicString getThreads(intnumber) {
135 Cursor cursor =null;
136 ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
137 try{
138 if(number >0) {
139 cursor = contentResolver.query(Uri.parse(CONTENT_URI_SMS_CONVERSATIONS), THREAD_COLUMNS,null,null,"thread_id desc limit "+ number);
140 }else{
141 cursor = contentResolver.query(Uri.parse(CONTENT_URI_SMS_CONVERSATIONS), THREAD_COLUMNS,null,null,"thread_id desc");
142 }
143 if(cursor ==null|| cursor.getCount() ==0)return"[]";
144 String rtn ="";
145 for(inti =0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) {
146 cursor.moveToPosition(i);
147 if(i >0) rtn +=",";
148 rtn +="{";
149 rtn +="\"thread_id\":"+ cursor.getString(0);
150 rtn +=",\"msg_count\":"+ cursor.getString(1);
151 rtn +=",\"snippet\":\""+ Escape.escape(cursor.getString(2)) +"\"";
152 rtn +="}";
153 }
154 return"["+ rtn +"]";
155 }catch(Exception e) {
156 mBrowser.exception(getInterfaceName(), e);
157 return"[]";
158 }
159 }
161 }


  1. android发送短信例子
  2. Android Contacts(二)—— SMS 短信 与 Contacts 联系人关联
  3. 赵雅智_android短信窃听及android短信源码解析
  4. Android 之 调用短信界面
  5. 接收短信启动相应服务
  6. Android手机用户隐私获取,包括读取通讯录、读取通话记录、读取浏
  7. Android发送短信功能代码
  8. Android打电话&发短信
  9. android ScreenshotClient 接口截屏幕


  1. android 判断文件是否存在
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  3. Andriod studio编译问题:org.gradle.proce
  4. 简单的android Q 摄像头预览操作
  5. Android(安卓)实现手机震动功能
  6. Android自学笔记之短信发送器
  7. Android(安卓)使用decodeFile方法加载手
  8. android 代码中设置字体大小
  9. 打包错误:`Error:Execution failed for ta
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