


${NDKROOT}/build/tools 下有两个脚本 和,这两个脚本的功能相似,下面是脚本的使用方式(–help):

usage: [-h] --arch                                    {arm,arm64,mips,mips64,x86,x86_64}                                    [--api API]                                    [--stl {gnustl,libc++,stlport}]                                    [--unified-headers] [--force] [-v]                                    [--package-dir PACKAGE_DIR | --install-dir INSTALL_DIR]Creates a toolchain installation for a given Android target. The output ofthis tool is a more typical cross-compiling toolchain. It is indended to beused with existing build systems such as autotools.optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  --arch {arm,arm64,mips,mips64,x86,x86_64}  --api API             Target the given API version (example: "--api 24").  --stl {gnustl,libc++,stlport}                        C++ STL to use.  --unified-headers     Use unified headers.  --force               Remove existing installation directory if it exists.  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity.  --package-dir PACKAGE_DIR                        Build a tarball and install it to the given directory.                        If neither --package-dir nor --install-dir is                        specified, a tarball will be created and installed to                        the current directory.  --install-dir INSTALL_DIR                        Install toolchain to the given directory instead of                        packaging.
Usage: [options] Generate a customized Android toolchain installation that includesa working sysroot. The result is something that can more easily beused as a standalone cross-compiler, e.g. to run configure andmake scripts.Valid options (defaults are in brackets):  --help                   Print this help.  --verbose                Enable verbose mode.  --dryrun                 Unsupported.  --toolchain=       Specify toolchain name  --use-llvm               No-op. Clang is always available.  --stl=             Specify C++ STL [gnustl]  --arch=            Specify target architecture  --abis=            No-op. Derived from --arch or --toolchain.  --ndk-dir=         Unsupported.  --package-dir=     Place package file in  [/tmp/ndk-zonkin]  --install-dir=     Don't create package, install files to  instead.  --dryrun                 Unsupported.  --platform=        Specify target Android platform/API level. [android-9]  --force                  Remove existing install directory.

例如,我的平台是麒麟970,他是arm64的架构,Android版本是6.0(API 23),将生成的toolchain保存到 /tmp/ndk ,那么我只需要执行如下命令

./ --arch=arm64 --api=23 --install-dir=/tmp/ndk


export PATH=/tmp/ndk/bin:$PATHexport CC=aarch64-linux-android-gccexport CXX=aarch64-linux-android-g++


error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported.


-pie -fPIE

参考:Android NDK 工具链的使用方法(Standalone Toolchain)


  1. Android 调试桥(adb)是多种用途的工具
  2. xamarin之 安装工具介绍
  3. AndroidUI自动化测试工具-UIautomator
  4. 10 个 Android开发人员必备的开发工具
  5. android测试工具大全
  6. Android 开发小工具之:Custom Tabs
  7. Android 实用工具Hierarchy Viewer实战
  8. Android内核开发:理解和掌握repo工具(含被墙后的下载方法)


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  8. Android获取打开各种文件Intent汇总
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