

//270 行public static void getCameraInfo(int cameraId, CameraInfo cameraInfo) {......//Log.e(TAG, "sssssssssss Audio sssssssssssssssss22 302,cameraInfo.orientation =" +cameraInfo.orientation );if(!(ActivityThread.currentOpPackageName().equalsIgnoreCase("org.codeaurora.snapcam") )   && !(ActivityThread.currentOpPackageName().equalsIgnoreCase("org.codeaurora.gallery") )){if(cameraInfo.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK  ) {cameraInfo.orientation =0;}else if(cameraInfo.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT){cameraInfo.orientation =180;}//Log.e(TAG, "sssssssssss Audio sssssssssssssssss33 309,cameraInfo.orientation =" +cameraInfo.orientation );}



 class SensorEventListenerImpl implements SensorEventListener {        private static final int _DATA_X = 0;        private static final int _DATA_Y = 1;        private static final int _DATA_Z = 2;                public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {            float[] values = event.values;            int orientation = ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN;            float X = -values[_DATA_X];            float Y = -values[_DATA_Y];            float Z = -values[_DATA_Z];                    float magnitude = X*X + Y*Y;            // Don't trust the angle if the magnitude is small compared to the y value            if (magnitude * 4 >= Z*Z) {                float OneEightyOverPi = 57.29577957855f;                float angle = (float)Math.atan2(-Y, X) * OneEightyOverPi;                orientation = 90 - (int)Math.round(angle);                // normalize to 0 - 359 range                while (orientation >= 360) {                    orientation -= 360;                }                 while (orientation < 0) {                    orientation += 360;                }            }            if (mOldListener != null) {                mOldListener.onSensorChanged(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, event.values);            }            if (orientation != mOrientation) {                mOrientation = orientation;// oudelin addif(ActivityThread.currentOpPackageName().equalsIgnoreCase("com.tencent.mobileqq")) {orientation=orientation+90;//Log.w(TAG, "ssssss22  1256 orientation ="+orientation);}




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