
private static final Pattern scanResultPattern = Pattern.compile("\t+");/**     * Parse the scan result line passed to us by wpa_supplicant (helper).     * @param line the line to parse     * @return the {@link ScanResult} object     */    private ScanResult parseScanResult(String line) {        ScanResult scanResult = null;        if (line != null) {            /*             * Cache implementation (LinkedHashMap) is not synchronized, thus,             * must synchronized here!             */            synchronized (mScanResultCache) {                String[] result = scanResultPattern.split(line);                if (3 <= result.length && result.length <= 5) {                    String bssid = result[0];                    // bssid | frequency | level | flags | ssid                    int frequency;                    int level;                    try {                        frequency = Integer.parseInt(result[1]);                        level = Integer.parseInt(result[2]);                        /* some implementations avoid negative values by adding 256                         * so we need to adjust for that here.                         */                        if (level > 0) level -= 256;                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                        frequency = 0;                        level = 0;                    }                    /*                     * The formatting of the results returned by                     * wpa_supplicant is intended to make the fields                     * line up nicely when printed,                     * not to make them easy to parse. So we have to                     * apply some heuristics to figure out which field                     * is the SSID and which field is the flags.                     */                    String ssid;                    String flags;                    if (result.length == 4) {                        if (result[3].charAt(0) == '[') {                            flags = result[3];                            ssid = "";                        } else {                            flags = "";                            ssid = result[3];                        }                    } else if (result.length == 5) {                        flags = result[3];                        ssid = result[4];                    } else {                        // Here, we must have 3 fields: no flags and ssid                        // set                        flags = "";                        ssid = "";                    }                    // bssid + ssid is the hash key                    String key = bssid + ssid;                    scanResult = mScanResultCache.get(key);                    if (scanResult != null) {                        scanResult.level = level;                        scanResult.SSID = ssid;                        scanResult.capabilities = flags;                        scanResult.frequency = frequency;                    } else {                        // Do not add scan results that have no SSID set                        if (0 < ssid.trim().length()) {                            scanResult =                                new ScanResult(                                    ssid, bssid, flags, level, frequency);                            mScanResultCache.put(key, scanResult);                        }                    }                } else {                    Slog.w(TAG, "Misformatted scan result text with " +                          result.length + " fields: " + line);                }            }        }        return scanResult;    }

/**     * see {@link}     * @return the supplicant-assigned identifier for the new or updated     * network if the operation succeeds, or {@code -1} if it fails     */    public int addOrUpdateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {        enforceChangePermission();        /*         * If the supplied networkId is -1, we create a new empty         * network configuration. Otherwise, the networkId should         * refer to an existing configuration.         */        int netId = config.networkId;        boolean newNetwork = netId == -1;        boolean doReconfig = false;        // networkId of -1 means we want to create a new network        synchronized (mWifiStateTracker) {            if (newNetwork) {                netId = mWifiStateTracker.addNetwork();                if (netId < 0) {                    if (DBG) {                        Slog.d(TAG, "Failed to add a network!");                    }                    return -1;                }                doReconfig = true;            }            mNeedReconfig = mNeedReconfig || doReconfig;        }        setVariables: {            /*             * Note that if a networkId for a non-existent network             * was supplied, then the first setNetworkVariable()             * will fail, so we don't bother to make a separate check             * for the validity of the ID up front.             */            if (config.SSID != null &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.ssidVarName,                        config.SSID)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set SSID: "+config.SSID);                }                break setVariables;            }            if (config.BSSID != null &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.bssidVarName,                        config.BSSID)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set BSSID: "+config.BSSID);                }                break setVariables;            }            String allowedKeyManagementString =                makeString(config.allowedKeyManagement, WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.strings);            if (config.allowedKeyManagement.cardinality() != 0 &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.varName,                        allowedKeyManagementString)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set key_mgmt: "+                            allowedKeyManagementString);                }                break setVariables;            }            String allowedProtocolsString =                makeString(config.allowedProtocols, WifiConfiguration.Protocol.strings);            if (config.allowedProtocols.cardinality() != 0 &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.Protocol.varName,                        allowedProtocolsString)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set proto: "+                            allowedProtocolsString);                }                break setVariables;            }            String allowedAuthAlgorithmsString =                makeString(config.allowedAuthAlgorithms, WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.strings);            if (config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.cardinality() != 0 &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.varName,                        allowedAuthAlgorithmsString)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set auth_alg: "+                            allowedAuthAlgorithmsString);                }                break setVariables;            }            String allowedPairwiseCiphersString =                makeString(config.allowedPairwiseCiphers, WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.strings);            if (config.allowedPairwiseCiphers.cardinality() != 0 &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.varName,                        allowedPairwiseCiphersString)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set pairwise: "+                            allowedPairwiseCiphersString);                }                break setVariables;            }            String allowedGroupCiphersString =                makeString(config.allowedGroupCiphers, WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.strings);            if (config.allowedGroupCiphers.cardinality() != 0 &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.varName,                        allowedGroupCiphersString)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set group: "+                            allowedGroupCiphersString);                }                break setVariables;            }            // Prevent client screw-up by passing in a WifiConfiguration we gave it            // by preventing "*" as a key.            if (config.preSharedKey != null && !config.preSharedKey.equals("*") &&                    !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.pskVarName,                        config.preSharedKey)) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, "failed to set psk: "+config.preSharedKey);                }                break setVariables;            }            boolean hasSetKey = false;            if (config.wepKeys != null) {                for (int i = 0; i < config.wepKeys.length; i++) {                    // Prevent client screw-up by passing in a WifiConfiguration we gave it                    // by preventing "*" as a key.                    if (config.wepKeys[i] != null && !config.wepKeys[i].equals("*")) {                        if (!mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                                    netId,                                    WifiConfiguration.wepKeyVarNames[i],                                    config.wepKeys[i])) {                            if (DBG) {                                Slog.d(TAG,                                        "failed to set wep_key"+i+": " +                                        config.wepKeys[i]);                            }                            break setVariables;                        }                        hasSetKey = true;                    }                }            }            if (hasSetKey) {                if (!mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                            netId,                            WifiConfiguration.wepTxKeyIdxVarName,                            Integer.toString(config.wepTxKeyIndex))) {                    if (DBG) {                        Slog.d(TAG,                                "failed to set wep_tx_keyidx: "+                                config.wepTxKeyIndex);                    }                    break setVariables;                }            }            if (!mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.priorityVarName,                        Integer.toString(config.priority))) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, config.SSID + ": failed to set priority: "                            +config.priority);                }                break setVariables;            }            if (config.hiddenSSID && !mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                        netId,                        WifiConfiguration.hiddenSSIDVarName,                        Integer.toString(config.hiddenSSID ? 1 : 0))) {                if (DBG) {                    Slog.d(TAG, config.SSID + ": failed to set hiddenSSID: "+                            config.hiddenSSID);                }                break setVariables;            }            for (WifiConfiguration.EnterpriseField field                    : config.enterpriseFields) {                String varName = field.varName();                String value = field.value();                if (value != null) {                    if (field != config.eap) {                        value = (value.length() == 0) ? "NULL" : convertToQuotedString(value);                    }                    if (!mWifiStateTracker.setNetworkVariable(                                netId,                                varName,                                value)) {                        if (DBG) {                            Slog.d(TAG, config.SSID + ": failed to set " + varName +                                    ": " + value);                        }                        break setVariables;                    }                }            }            return netId;        }


/**     * Recognized key management schemes.     */    public static class KeyMgmt {        private KeyMgmt() { }        /** WPA is not used; plaintext or static WEP could be used. */        public static final int NONE = 0;        /** WPA pre-shared key (requires {@code preSharedKey} to be specified). */        public static final int WPA_PSK = 1;        /** WPA using EAP authentication. Generally used with an external authentication server. */        public static final int WPA_EAP = 2;        /** IEEE 802.1X using EAP authentication and (optionally) dynamically         * generated WEP keys. */        public static final int IEEE8021X = 3;        public static final String varName = "key_mgmt";        public static final String[] strings = { "NONE", "WPA_PSK", "WPA_EAP", "IEEE8021X" };    }


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