in apk webserver

add the mime type application/ fro the .apk extension

portrait mode \ landscape modeintellij

android2.3.3 :


Head Fisrt Android Development读书笔记(4)Multiple Device Support_第1张图片


Head Fisrt Android Development读书笔记(4)Multiple Device Support_第2张图片

android 4.1 landscape:

Head Fisrt Android Development读书笔记(4)Multiple Device Support_第3张图片


landscape: res/layout-land/main.xml

small: res/layout-small.main.xml

Two properties that effect the way your application looks:

Screen size: the number of horizontal and vertical pixels on a screen.

Pixel Density:the abstracted number of pixels in an inch square.

different images for different pixel densities

hdpi: high pixel density (around 240 DPI)

mdpi: medium (around 160 DPI)

ldpi: low (around 120 DPI)

Real size is the whole reason for thepixel density groupings.

for 240 pixel width icon, will displayed for 1 inch in 240 pixel and 2 inch for 120 pixel

pixel demensions for launcher icons at each pixel density.

low: 36*36

medium: 48*48

high: 72*72

Set icon:


<application android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@drawable/icon">


  1. android 删除SD卡或者手机的缓存图片和目录
  2. android 视频图片混合轮播实现
  3. android用ImageView显示网络图片
  4. android通过BitmapFactory.decodeFile获取图片bitmap报内存溢出
  5. android 运用AsyncTask 获取图片并显示
  6. android中网络图片的显示
  7. Android 图片相关
  8. android 图片点击一下就放大到全屏,再点一下就回到原界面


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  6. Android程序界面主题切换
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