在开发一个android应用软件时,考虑如何关闭应用程序的问题。一开始采用当前Activity调用finish()来完成,但这种做法是不对的。 这几天通过阅读Android的frameworks层代码时,发现平台提供了关闭程序的方法。 在ActivityManager类中提供了如下的方法: 如下: /** * Have the system perform a force stop of everything associated with * the given application package. All processes that share its uid * will be killed, all services it has running stopped, all activities * removed, etc. In addition, a {@link Intent#ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED} * broadcast will be sent, so that any of its registered alarms can * be stopped, notifications removed, etc. * *

You must hold the permission * {@link android.Manifest.permission#RESTART_PACKAGES} to be able to * call this method. * * @param packageName The name of the package to be stopped. */ public void restartPackage(String packageName) { try { ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().restartPackage(packageName); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } ok,我们只需要取得ActivityManager的实例,并调用该方法即可正常关闭应用。 以下是关闭程序的代码片段: private void exit2() { ActivityManager actMgr = (ActivityManager) this .getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE); actMgr.restartPackage(getPackageName()); } 调用上述方法就能彻底地关闭掉程序,一般仅仅调用finish()是无法彻底关闭程序的。 但要注意一点,调用系统服务需要在AndroidManifest.xml文件中增加权限。


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