Android Out Of Memory(OOM) 的详细研究


基于Android开发多媒体和游戏应用时,可能会挺经常出现Out Of Memory 异常 ,顾名思义这个异常是说你的内存不够用或者耗尽了。

在Android中,一个Process 只能使用16M内存,如果超过了这个限制就会跳出这个异常。这样就要求我们要时刻想着释放资源。Java的回收工作是交给GC的,如何让GC能及时的回收已经不是用的对象,这个里面有很多技巧,大家可以google一下。 因为总内存的使用超过16M而导致OOM的情况,非常简单,我就不继续展开说。值得注意的是Bitmap在不用时,一定要recycle,不然OOM是非常容易出现的。 本文想跟大家一起讨论的是另一种情况:明明还有很多内存,但是发生OOM了。 这种情况经常出现在生成Bitmap的时候。有兴趣的可以试一下,在一个函数里生成一个13m 的int数组。 再该函数结束后,按理说这个int数组应该已经被释放了,或者说可以释放,这个13M的空间应该可以空出来, 这个时候如果你继续生成一个10M的int数组是没有问题的,反而生成一个4M的Bitmap就会跳出OOM。这个就奇怪了,为什么10M的int够空间,反而4M的Bitmap不够呢? 这个问题困扰很久,在网上,国外各大论坛搜索了很久,一般关于OOM的解释和解决方法都是,如何让GC尽快回收的代码风格之类,并没有实际的支出上述情况的根源。 直到昨天在一个老外的blog上终于看到了这方面的解释,我理解后归纳如下: 在Android中: 1.一个进程的内存可以由2个部分组成:java使用内存 ,C使用内存 ,这两个内存的和必须小于16M,不然就会出现大家熟悉的OOM,这个就是第一种OOM的情况。 2.更加奇怪的是这个:一旦内存分配给Java后,以后这块内存即使释放后,也只能给Java的使用,这个估计跟java虚拟机里把内存分成好几块进行缓存的原因有关,反正C就别想用到这块的内存了,所以如果Java突然占用了一个大块内存,即使很快释放了: C能使用的内存 = 16M - Java某一瞬间占用的最大内存。 而Bitmap的生成是通过malloc进行内存分配的,占用的是C的内存,这个也就说明了,上述的4MBitmap无法生成的原因,因为在13M被Java用过后,剩下C能用的只有3M了。 下面是我参考的blog的所有内容: [android-developers] Re: OOM error caught bei DefaultException handler ... but there is plenty of memory 内如如下:
> You might try to pre-allocate bitmap memory before launching the WebViews?It's not the WebView that's triggering the OOM, but some arbitrary otherpiece of code that needs memory that is not *there* anymore. Very often thisis happening when starting a new activity.
Ok, I see, I have to start dealing with automating my apology.
There is one more, small thing that I can do. I also do some downloading andXML parsing in the background at times. This only takes Java Heap (<3MB),but maybe I should move that stuff to a separate process. This may lower thechances of an OOM. I'll think about it, but with all the added complexity ofinter process communication I am not sure I would want to go there.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your insights. That was very helpful.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Tom Gibara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I think it's better to add a couple more columns to the table to see the > picture (as I see it) more clearly:> JH = Java Heap > JU = Memory actually used by Java > NH = Native Heap > TU = Total memory Used = JU + NH > TA = Total memory Allocated = JH + NH > > (note I'm not distinguishing between native heap and native heap used > because it's not relevant here) > > The system requires TA (the process size as you called it) to not exceed > 16MB, the evolution is: > > JU JH NH TU TA > 1) 2 2 0 2 2 > 2) 4 4 0 4 4 > 3) 4 4 2 6 6 > 4) 14 14 2 16 16 > 5) 4 14 2 6 16 > 6) 4 14 4 10 18 *** OH NO! *** > > The key is what happens between (4) and (5): GC reclaims 10MB (JU reduced> by 10MB) but the java heap doesn't shrink (JH stays at 14MB). This enlarged> java heap basically squeezes the maximum native heap allocation. > > The simplest approach is to try and ensure that your application maintains > a 'flatish' memory profile - no big spikes. You should do this anyway, since > it means that your application is being well behaved and won't force other > apps to be terminated just because your application needs a temporary shot> of memory (which will then remain as a glut until the application restarts). > > As you point out, WebViews are heavy on memory usage, and these might be > what's causing your memory usage to spike. I don't have any good suggestions > for a fix. You might try to pre-allocate bitmap memory before launching the > WebViews? It might work, but it may be complicated to do and could cause > OOMs when WebViews are instantiated - no way around that, your application > is simply using too much memory at that point. >


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