Basic4android 1.8,用 Basic 编写 Android 应用

Basic4android v1.8 发布,该版本包含众多新特性:


- Automatic case correction of variables and subs (based on their declaration)
- Highlighting of undeclared variables
- Highlighting of global variables
- "Find all references" tool - F7
- "Find sub" tool - Ctrl + E
The above two tool make it much easier to develop and maintain large projects
- Backward / forward navigation buttons
- Improved Find/Replace
- Improved support for multiple monitors
- Support for custom color schemes: IDE Color Schemes
- Drag and drop text

Basic4android 1.8,用 Basic 编写 Android 应用_第1张图片

Basic4android 1.8,用 Basic 编写 Android 应用_第2张图片


变量重命名和字符串混淆让你的代码更难被反向工程。Code Obfuscation

Manifest 编辑器

允许直接添加和修改 manifest 中的元素 Manifest Editor


- File - Export as zip maintains the read-only attribute
- Libraries can now reference other jar files with the @DependsOn annotation ("dummy" xml files are no longer needed)
- DateTime.GetTimezoneOffset returns a Double instead of Int
- #Regions are collapsed when a file is opened
- New compilation mode combo box - Debug, Release or Release (obfuscated)
- Outlining - ToggleAll (Ctrl + Shift + O)
- Notification.SetInfo2 - allows you to distinguish between multiple notifications
- Bug fixes and other small improvements


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