Setting Up the Action Bar

设置Action Bar




1. Support Android 3.0 and Above Only仅仅支持3.0以上

2. Support Android 2.1 and Above支持2.1以上


·Setting Up the Support Library

In its most basic form, the action bardisplays the title for the activity and the app icon on the left. Even in thissimple form, the action bar is useful for all activities to inform users aboutwhere they are and to maintain a consistent identity for your app.

Action Bar最常见的形式是在左边显示标题和应用的图标。尽管很简单,但是很常见很有用,用他去显示用户登陆信息和身份。

Figure 1.An action bar with the app icon andactivity title.

Setting up a basic action bar requiresthat your app use an activity theme that enables the action bar. How to requestsuch a theme depends on which version of Android is the lowest supported byyour app. So this lesson is divided into two sections depending on whichAndroid version is your lowest supported.

建立一个最基本的action bar需要一个可用主题的activity。怎样去获得这个主题依赖于Android程序的版本。所以这节课根据最低版本分为两个部分。

Support Android3.0 and Above Only

Beginning with Android 3.0 (API level11), the action bar is included in all activities that use theTheme.Holotheme (or one of its descendants), whichis the default theme when either thetargetSdkVersionorminSdkVersionattribute is set to"11"or greater.

So to add the action bar to youractivities, simply set either attribute to11or higher. For example:

Android3.0版本已经默认启用了Action Bar,因此只要版本高于“11”那么默认就会启动Action Bar


<manifest ... >
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" ... />

Note:If you've created a custom theme, besure it uses one of theTheme.Holothemes as its parent. For details, seeStyling theAction Bar.

Now theTheme.Holotheme is applied to your app and allactivities show the action bar. That's it.

Support Android2.1 and Above

Adding the action bar when running on versionsolder than Android 3.0 (down to Android 2.1) requires that you include theAndroid Support Library in your application.


To get started, read theSupport LibrarySetupdocument and set up thev7appcompatlibrary (once you've downloaded the library package, follow theinstructions forAdding librarieswith resources).

Once you have the Support Libraryintegrated with your app project:


1. Update your activity so that it extendsActionBarActivity. For example:


public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { ... }

2. In your manifest file, update either the<application>element or individual<activity>elements to use one of theTheme.AppCompatthemes. For example:


<activity android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" ... >

Note:If you've created a custom theme, besure it uses one of theTheme.AppCompatthemes as its parent. For details, seeStyling theAction Bar.

Now your activity includes the actionbar when running on Android 2.1 (API level 7) or higher

现在你的activity包含action barAndroid版本高于2.1

Remember to properly set your app's APIlevel support in the manifest:

记得去设置API级别支持action bar

<manifest ... >
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" android:targetSdkVersion="18" />


<application        android:allowBackup="true"        android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"        android:label="@string/app_name"        android:theme="@style/Theme.holo.NoAction" >        <activity            android:name="com.example.test.MainActivity"            android:label="@string/app_name" >            <intent-filter>                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />            </intent-filter>        </activity>    </application>




package com.example.test;import;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View;public class MainActivity extends Activity {ActionBar actionBar;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);//获取该Activity的ActionBar//只有当应用主题没有关闭ActionBar时,该代码才能返回ActionBaractionBar = getActionBar();}//为“显示ActionBar”按钮定义事件处理方法public void showActionBar(View source){//显示;}//为“隐藏ActionBar"按钮定义事件处理方法public void hideActionBar(View source){//隐藏actionBar.hide();}}


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