Android -- Wifi连接流程分析

/**     * Connect to a network with the given configuration. The network also     * gets added to the supplicant configuration.     *     * For a new network, this function is used instead of a     * sequence of addNetwork(), enableNetwork(), saveConfiguration() and     * reconnect()     *     * @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,     *            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object.     * @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.     * @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be     * initialized again     *     * @hide     */    public void connect(WifiConfiguration config, ActionListener listener) {        if (config == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("config cannot be null");        validateChannel();        // Use INVALID_NETWORK_ID for arg1 when passing a config object        // arg1 is used to pass network id when the network already exists        sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(CONNECT_NETWORK, WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID,                putListener(listener), config);    }    /**     * Connect to a network with the given networkId.     *     * This function is used instead of a enableNetwork(), saveConfiguration() and     * reconnect()     *     * @param networkId the network id identifiying the network in the     *                supplicant configuration list     * @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.     * @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be     * initialized again     * @hide     */    public void connect(int networkId, ActionListener listener) {        if (networkId < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Network id cannot be negative");        validateChannel();        sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(CONNECT_NETWORK, networkId, putListener(listener));    }
/* Client commands are forwarded to state machine */                case WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK:                case WifiManager.SAVE_NETWORK: {                    WifiConfiguration config = (WifiConfiguration) msg.obj;                    int networkId = msg.arg1;                    if (msg.what == WifiManager.SAVE_NETWORK) {                        Slog.e("WiFiServiceImpl ", "SAVE"                                + " nid=" + Integer.toString(networkId)                                + " uid=" + msg.sendingUid                                + " name="                                + mContext.getPackageManager().getNameForUid(msg.sendingUid));                    }                    if (msg.what == WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK) {                        Slog.e("WiFiServiceImpl ", "CONNECT "                                + " nid=" + Integer.toString(networkId)                                + " uid=" + msg.sendingUid                                + " name="                                + mContext.getPackageManager().getNameForUid(msg.sendingUid));                    }                    if (config != null && isValid(config)) {                        if (DBG) Slog.d(TAG, "Connect with config" + config);                        mWifiStateMachine.sendMessage(Message.obtain(msg));                    } else if (config == null                            && networkId != WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {                        if (DBG) Slog.d(TAG, "Connect with networkId" + networkId);                        mWifiStateMachine.sendMessage(Message.obtain(msg));                    } else {                        Slog.e(TAG, "ClientHandler.handleMessage ignoring invalid msg=" + msg);                        if (msg.what == WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK) {                            replyFailed(msg, WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED,                                    WifiManager.INVALID_ARGS);                        } else {                            replyFailed(msg, WifiManager.SAVE_NETWORK_FAILED,                                    WifiManager.INVALID_ARGS);                        }                    }                    break;                }
ClientHandler中并不做具体的连接动作,主要将CONNECT_NETWORK消息被转发到WifiStateMachine中,通过Wifi状态机来驱动连接和DHCP过程 。ConnectModeState处理:
                case WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK:                    /**                     *  The connect message can contain a network id passed as arg1 on message or                     * or a config passed as obj on message.                     * For a new network, a config is passed to create and connect.                     * For an existing network, a network id is passed                     */                    netId = message.arg1;                    config = (WifiConfiguration) message.obj;                    mWifiConnectionStatistics.numWifiManagerJoinAttempt++;                    boolean updatedExisting = false;                    /* Save the network config */                    if (config != null) {                        // When connecting to an access point, WifiStateMachine wants to update the                        // relevant config with administrative data. This update should not be                        // considered a 'real' update, therefore lockdown by Device Owner must be                        // disregarded.                        if (!recordUidIfAuthorized(config, message.sendingUid,                                /* onlyAnnotate */ true)) {                            logw("Not authorized to update network "                                 + " config=" + config.SSID                                 + " cnid=" + config.networkId                                 + " uid=" + message.sendingUid);                            replyToMessage(message, WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED,                                           WifiManager.NOT_AUTHORIZED);                            break;                        }                        String configKey = config.configKey(true /* allowCached */);                        WifiConfiguration savedConfig =                                mWifiConfigStore.getWifiConfiguration(configKey);                        if (savedConfig != null) {                            // There is an existing config with this netId, but it wasn't exposed                            // (either AUTO_JOIN_DELETED or ephemeral; see WifiConfigStore#                            // getConfiguredNetworks). Remove those bits and update the config.                            config = savedConfig;                            logd("CONNECT_NETWORK updating existing config with id=" +                                    config.networkId + " configKey=" + configKey);                            config.ephemeral = false;                            config.autoJoinStatus = WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED;                            updatedExisting = true;                        }                        result = mWifiConfigStore.saveNetwork(config, message.sendingUid);                        netId = result.getNetworkId();                    }                    config = mWifiConfigStore.getWifiConfiguration(netId);                    if (config == null) {                        logd("CONNECT_NETWORK no config for id=" + Integer.toString(netId) + " "                                + mSupplicantStateTracker.getSupplicantStateName() + " my state "                                + getCurrentState().getName());                        replyToMessage(message, WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED,                                WifiManager.ERROR);                        break;                    } else {                        String wasSkipped = config.autoJoinBailedDueToLowRssi ? " skipped" : "";                        logd("CONNECT_NETWORK id=" + Integer.toString(netId)                                + " config=" + config.SSID                                + " cnid=" + config.networkId                                + " supstate=" + mSupplicantStateTracker.getSupplicantStateName()                                + " my state " + getCurrentState().getName()                                + " uid = " + message.sendingUid                                + wasSkipped);                    }                    autoRoamSetBSSID(netId, "any");                    if (message.sendingUid == Process.WIFI_UID                        || message.sendingUid == Process.SYSTEM_UID) {                        // As a sanity measure, clear the BSSID in the supplicant network block.                        // If system or Wifi Settings want to connect, they will not                        // specify the BSSID.                        // If an app however had added a BSSID to this configuration, and the BSSID                        // was wrong, Then we would forever fail to connect until that BSSID                        // is cleaned up.                        clearConfigBSSID(config, "CONNECT_NETWORK");                    }                    if (deferForUserInput(message, netId, true)) {                        break;                    } else if (mWifiConfigStore.getWifiConfiguration(netId).userApproved ==                                                                    WifiConfiguration.USER_BANNED) {                        replyToMessage(message, WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED,                                WifiManager.NOT_AUTHORIZED);                        break;                    }                    mAutoRoaming = WifiAutoJoinController.AUTO_JOIN_IDLE;                    /* Tell autojoin the user did try to connect to that network if from settings */                    boolean persist =                        mWifiConfigStore.checkConfigOverridePermission(message.sendingUid);                    mWifiAutoJoinController.updateConfigurationHistory(netId, true, persist);                    mWifiConfigStore.setLastSelectedConfiguration(netId);                    didDisconnect = false;                    if (mLastNetworkId != WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID                            && mLastNetworkId != netId) {                        /** Supplicant will ignore the reconnect if we are currently associated,                         * hence trigger a disconnect                         */                        didDisconnect = true;                        mWifiNative.disconnect();                    }                    // Make sure the network is enabled, since supplicant will not reenable it                    mWifiConfigStore.enableNetworkWithoutBroadcast(netId, false);                    if (mWifiConfigStore.selectNetwork(config, /* updatePriorities = */ true,                            message.sendingUid) && mWifiNative.reconnect()) {                        lastConnectAttemptTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();                        targetWificonfiguration = mWifiConfigStore.getWifiConfiguration(netId);                        /* The state tracker handles enabling networks upon completion/failure */                        mSupplicantStateTracker.sendMessage(WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK);                        replyToMessage(message, WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED);                        if (didDisconnect) {                            /* Expect a disconnection from the old connection */                            transitionTo(mDisconnectingState);                        } else if (updatedExisting && getCurrentState() == mConnectedState &&                                getCurrentWifiConfiguration().networkId == netId) {                            // Update the current set of network capabilities, but stay in the                            // current state.                            updateCapabilities(config);                        } else {                            /**                             *  Directly go to disconnected state where we                             * process the connection events from supplicant                             **/                            transitionTo(mDisconnectedState);                        }                    } else {                        loge("Failed to connect config: " + config + " netId: " + netId);                        replyToMessage(message, WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED,                                WifiManager.ERROR);                        break;                    }                    break;
  1. 将connect()传过来的AP信息保存到WifiConfigStore对象中
  2. 通过WifiConfigStore::selectNetwork()函数更新WifiConfigStore和config的Priority优先级属性,最后更新到wpa_s配置文件中;enable当前要连接的AP,disable其他的AP
  3. 通过WifiNative::reconnect()函数向wpa_s发送连接指令,连接选定的AP

/**     * Handle all supplicant events except STATE-CHANGE     * @param event the event type     * @param remainder the rest of the string following the     * event name and " — "     */    void handleEvent(int event, String remainder) {        if (DBG) {            logDbg("handleEvent " + Integer.toString(event) + "  " + remainder);        }        switch (event) {            case DISCONNECTED:                handleNetworkStateChange(NetworkInfo.DetailedState.DISCONNECTED, remainder);                break;            case CONNECTED:                handleNetworkStateChange(NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED, remainder);                break;            case SCAN_RESULTS:                mStateMachine.sendMessage(SCAN_RESULTS_EVENT);                break;            case SCAN_FAILED:                mStateMachine.sendMessage(SCAN_FAILED_EVENT);                break;            case UNKNOWN:                if (DBG) {                    logDbg("handleEvent unknown: " + Integer.toString(event) + "  " + remainder);                }                break;            default:                break;        }    }
   private void handleNetworkStateChange(NetworkInfo.DetailedState newState, String data) {        String BSSID = null;        int networkId = -1;        int reason = 0;        int ind = -1;        int local = 0;        Matcher match;        if (newState == NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED) {            match = mConnectedEventPattern.matcher(data);            if (!match.find()) {               if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "handleNetworkStateChange: Couldnt find BSSID in event string");            } else {                BSSID =;                try {                    networkId = Integer.parseInt(;                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                    networkId = -1;                }            }            notifyNetworkStateChange(newState, BSSID, networkId, reason);        } else if (newState == NetworkInfo.DetailedState.DISCONNECTED) {            match = mDisconnectedEventPattern.matcher(data);            if (!match.find()) {               if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "handleNetworkStateChange: Could not parse disconnect string");            } else {                BSSID =;                try {                    reason = Integer.parseInt(;                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                    reason = -1;                }                try {                    local = Integer.parseInt(;                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                    local = -1;                }            }            notifyNetworkStateChange(newState, BSSID, local, reason);        }    }    /**     * Send the state machine a notification that the state of Wifi connectivity     * has changed.     * @param newState the new network state     * @param BSSID when the new state is {@link NetworkInfo.DetailedState#CONNECTED},     * this is the MAC address of the access point. Otherwise, it     * is {@code null}.     * @param netId the configured network on which the state change occurred     */    void notifyNetworkStateChange(NetworkInfo.DetailedState newState,                                  String BSSID, int netId, int reason) {        if (newState == NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED) {            Message m = mStateMachine.obtainMessage(NETWORK_CONNECTION_EVENT,                    netId, reason, BSSID);            mStateMachine.sendMessage(m);        } else {            Message m = mStateMachine.obtainMessage(NETWORK_DISCONNECTION_EVENT,                    netId, reason, BSSID);            if (DBG) logDbg("WifiMonitor notify network disconnect: "                    + BSSID                    + " reason=" + Integer.toString(reason));            mStateMachine.sendMessage(m);        }    }
case WifiMonitor.NETWORK_CONNECTION_EVENT:                    if (DBG) log("Network connection established");                    mLastNetworkId = message.arg1; //成功加入到某无线网络中的AP的NetworkId                    mLastBssid = (String) message.obj;                    mWifiInfo.setBSSID(mLastBssid);                    mWifiInfo.setNetworkId(mLastNetworkId);                    sendNetworkStateChangeBroadcast(mLastBssid);                    transitionTo(mObtainingIpState);                    break;
public void enter() {            mRssiPollToken++;            if (mEnableRssiPolling) {                sendMessage(CMD_RSSI_POLL, mRssiPollToken, 0);            }            if (mNetworkAgent != null) {                loge("Have NetworkAgent when entering L2Connected");                setNetworkDetailedState(DetailedState.DISCONNECTED);            }            setNetworkDetailedState(DetailedState.CONNECTING);//更新当前的网络连接状态            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mTcpBufferSizes)) {                mLinkProperties.setTcpBufferSizes(mTcpBufferSizes);            }            mNetworkAgent = new WifiNetworkAgent(getHandler().getLooper(), mContext,                    "WifiNetworkAgent", mNetworkInfo, mNetworkCapabilitiesFilter,                    mLinkProperties, 60);//此处创建一个NetworkAgent对象用于向ConnectivityService通知相应的网络配置更新操作            // We must clear the config BSSID, as the wifi chipset may decide to roam            // from this point on and having the BSSID specified in the network block would            // cause the roam to faile and the device to disconnect            clearCurrentConfigBSSID("L2ConnectedState");            try {                mIpReachabilityMonitor = new IpReachabilityMonitor(                        mInterfaceName,                        new IpReachabilityMonitor.Callback() {                            @Override                            public void notifyLost(InetAddress ip, String logMsg) {                                sendMessage(CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST, logMsg);                            }                        });            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {      "Failed to create IpReachabilityMonitor", e);            }        }
        @Override        public void enter() {            if (DBG) {                String key = "";                if (getCurrentWifiConfiguration() != null) {                    key = getCurrentWifiConfiguration().configKey();                }                log("enter ObtainingIpState netId=" + Integer.toString(mLastNetworkId)                        + " " + key + " "                        + " roam=" + mAutoRoaming                        + " static=" + mWifiConfigStore.isUsingStaticIp(mLastNetworkId)                        + " watchdog= " + obtainingIpWatchdogCount);            }            // Reset link Debouncing, indicating we have successfully re-connected to the AP            // We might still be roaming            linkDebouncing = false;            // Send event to CM & network change broadcast            setNetworkDetailedState(DetailedState.OBTAINING_IPADDR);            // We must clear the config BSSID, as the wifi chipset may decide to roam            // from this point on and having the BSSID specified in the network block would            // cause the roam to faile and the device to disconnect            clearCurrentConfigBSSID("ObtainingIpAddress");            try {                mNwService.enableIpv6(mInterfaceName);            } catch (RemoteException re) {                loge("Failed to enable IPv6: " + re);            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {                loge("Failed to enable IPv6: " + e);            }            if (!mWifiConfigStore.isUsingStaticIp(mLastNetworkId)) {                if (isRoaming()) {                    renewDhcp();                } else {                    // Remove any IP address on the interface in case we're switching from static                    // IP configuration to DHCP. This is safe because if we get here when not                    // roaming, we don't have a usable address.                    clearIPv4Address(mInterfaceName);                    startDhcp();// DHCP过程启动                }                obtainingIpWatchdogCount++;                logd("Start Dhcp Watchdog " + obtainingIpWatchdogCount);                // Get Link layer stats so as we get fresh tx packet counters                getWifiLinkLayerStats(true);                sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(CMD_OBTAINING_IP_ADDRESS_WATCHDOG_TIMER,                        obtainingIpWatchdogCount, 0), OBTAINING_IP_ADDRESS_GUARD_TIMER_MSEC);            } else {                // stop any running dhcp before assigning static IP                stopDhcp();                StaticIpConfiguration config = mWifiConfigStore.getStaticIpConfiguration(                        mLastNetworkId);                if (config.ipAddress == null) {                    logd("Static IP lacks address");                    sendMessage(CMD_STATIC_IP_FAILURE);                } else {                    InterfaceConfiguration ifcg = new InterfaceConfiguration();                    ifcg.setLinkAddress(config.ipAddress);                    ifcg.setInterfaceUp();                    try {                        mNwService.setInterfaceConfig(mInterfaceName, ifcg);                        if (DBG) log("Static IP configuration succeeded");                        DhcpResults dhcpResults = new DhcpResults(config);                        sendMessage(CMD_STATIC_IP_SUCCESS, dhcpResults);                    } catch (RemoteException re) {                        loge("Static IP configuration failed: " + re);                        sendMessage(CMD_STATIC_IP_FAILURE);                    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {                        loge("Static IP configuration failed: " + e);                        sendMessage(CMD_STATIC_IP_FAILURE);                    }                }            }        }
这里Wifi分了两种连接方式,Static IP和DHCP。这里区分静态和DHCP是通过WifiConfiguration对象来处理的。WifiConfiguration代表一个配置过的AP连接,主要包含IpAssignment(标识上层的连接方式是静态还是DHCP)、AP的networkID、AP的名字等等。
    void startDhcp() {        maybeInitDhcpStateMachine(); //确保初始化WifiStateMachine持有的mDhcpStateMachine对象,会传入当前的WifiStateMachine对象,用来回发消息        mDhcpStateMachine.registerForPreDhcpNotification();//注册mRegisteredForPreDhcpNotification字段为true,表明我们在发送DHCP包之前需要做一些准备工作        mDhcpStateMachine.sendMessage(DhcpStateMachine.CMD_START_DHCP);//发送开始DHCP的消息    }
case CMD_START_DHCP:                    if (mRegisteredForPreDhcpNotification) {                        /* Notify controller before starting DHCP */                        mController.sendMessage(CMD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION);                        transitionTo(mWaitBeforeStartState);                    } else {                        if (runDhcpStart()) {                            transitionTo(mRunningState);                        }                    }                    break;
case DhcpStateMachine.CMD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION:                  handlePreDhcpSetup();                  break;
    void handlePreDhcpSetup() {        mDhcpActive = true;        if (!mBluetoothConnectionActive) {            /*             * There are problems setting the Wi-Fi driver's power             * mode to active when bluetooth coexistence mode is             * enabled or sense.             * 

* We set Wi-Fi to active mode when * obtaining an IP address because we've found * compatibility issues with some routers with low power * mode. *

* In order for this active power mode to properly be set, * we disable coexistence mode until we're done with * obtaining an IP address. One exception is if we * are currently connected to a headset, since disabling * coexistence would interrupt that connection. */ // Disable the coexistence mode mWifiNative.setBluetoothCoexistenceMode( mWifiNative.BLUETOOTH_COEXISTENCE_MODE_DISABLED); } // Disable power save and suspend optimizations during DHCP // Note: The order here is important for now. Brcm driver changes // power settings when we control suspend mode optimizations. // TODO: Remove this comment when the driver is fixed. setSuspendOptimizationsNative(SUSPEND_DUE_TO_DHCP, false); mWifiNative.setPowerSave(false); // Update link layer stats getWifiLinkLayerStats(false); /* P2p discovery breaks dhcp, shut it down in order to get through this */ Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = WifiP2pServiceImpl.BLOCK_DISCOVERY; msg.arg1 = WifiP2pServiceImpl.ENABLED; msg.arg2 = DhcpStateMachine.CMD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION_COMPLETE; msg.obj = mDhcpStateMachine; mWifiP2pChannel.sendMessage(msg); }

从注释可知,为了保证Wifi DHCP过程的顺利进行,对Bluetooth、Power和P2p都做了处理工作,其中:蓝牙会Disable the coexistence mode;停止p2p的discovery过程,防止影响DHCP流程。MD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION_COMPLETE消息会在WifiP2pServiceImpl设置完p2p部分后,被转发到DhcpStateMachine,告知预处理工作已经结束,可以进行DHCP了。看DhcpStateMachine中的消息处理:
case CMD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION_COMPLETE:                    if (runDhcpStart()) {                        transitionTo(mRunningState);                    } else {                        transitionTo(mPollingState);                    }                    break;
    private boolean runDhcpStart() {        /* Stop any existing DHCP daemon before starting new */        NetworkUtils.stopDhcp(mInterfaceName);//在启动新的DHCP流程之前,停止当前正在进行的DHCP过程        mDhcpResults = null;        if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "DHCP request on " + mInterfaceName);        if (!NetworkUtils.startDhcp(mInterfaceName) || !dhcpSucceeded()) {            Log.e(TAG, "DHCP request failed on " + mInterfaceName + ": " +                    NetworkUtils.getDhcpError());            mController.obtainMessage(CMD_POST_DHCP_ACTION, DHCP_FAILURE, 0)                    .sendToTarget();            return false;        }        return true;    }
private boolean dhcpSucceeded() {        DhcpResults dhcpResults = new DhcpResults();        if (!NetworkUtils.getDhcpResults(mInterfaceName, dhcpResults)) {            return false;        }        if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "DHCP results found for " + mInterfaceName);        long leaseDuration = dhcpResults.leaseDuration; //int to long conversion        //Sanity check for renewal        if (leaseDuration >= 0) {            //TODO: would be good to notify the user that his network configuration is            //bad and that the device cannot renew below MIN_RENEWAL_TIME_SECS            if (leaseDuration < MIN_RENEWAL_TIME_SECS) {                leaseDuration = MIN_RENEWAL_TIME_SECS;            }            //Do it a bit earlier than half the lease duration time            //to beat the native DHCP client and avoid extra packets            //48% for one hour lease time = 29 minutes            mAlarmManager.setExact(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP,                    SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() +                    leaseDuration * 480, //in milliseconds                    mDhcpRenewalIntent);        } else {            //infinite lease time, no renewal needed        }        // Fill in any missing fields in dhcpResults from the previous results.        // If mDhcpResults is null (i.e. this is the first server response),        // this is a noop.        dhcpResults.updateFromDhcpRequest(mDhcpResults);        mDhcpResults = dhcpResults;        mController.obtainMessage(CMD_POST_DHCP_ACTION, DHCP_SUCCESS, 0, dhcpResults)            .sendToTarget();        return true;    }
case DhcpStateMachine.CMD_POST_DHCP_ACTION:                  handlePostDhcpSetup();                  if (message.arg1 == DhcpStateMachine.DHCP_SUCCESS) {                      if (DBG) log("DHCP successful");                      handleIPv4Success((DhcpResults) message.obj, DhcpStateMachine.DHCP_SUCCESS);                      // We advance to mConnectedState because handleIPv4Success will call                      // updateLinkProperties, which then sends CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL.                  } else if (message.arg1 == DhcpStateMachine.DHCP_FAILURE) {                      mWifiLogger.captureBugReportData(WifiLogger.REPORT_REASON_DHCP_FAILURE);                      if (DBG) {                          int count = -1;                          WifiConfiguration config = getCurrentWifiConfiguration();                          if (config != null) {                              count = config.numConnectionFailures;                          }                          log("DHCP failure count=" + count);                      }                      handleIPv4Failure(DhcpStateMachine.DHCP_FAILURE);                      // As above, we transition to mDisconnectingState via updateLinkProperties.                  }                  break;
private void handleIPv4Success(DhcpResults dhcpResults, int reason) {        if (PDBG) {            logd("handleIPv4Success <" + dhcpResults.toString() + ">");            logd("link address " + dhcpResults.ipAddress);        }        Inet4Address addr;        synchronized (mDhcpResultsLock) {            mDhcpResults = dhcpResults;//保存当前的DHCP结果            addr = (Inet4Address) dhcpResults.ipAddress.getAddress();        }        if (isRoaming()) {            int previousAddress = mWifiInfo.getIpAddress();            int newAddress = NetworkUtils.inetAddressToInt(addr);            if (previousAddress != newAddress) {                logd("handleIPv4Success, roaming and address changed" +                        mWifiInfo + " got: " + addr);            }        }        mWifiInfo.setInetAddress(addr);        mWifiInfo.setMeteredHint(dhcpResults.hasMeteredHint());        updateLinkProperties(reason);//更新网络配置信息    }
    private void updateLinkProperties(int reason) {        LinkProperties newLp = makeLinkProperties();//根据DHCP的结果创建新的LinkProperties对象,用于对比DHCP前后的网络配置是否已经改变        final boolean linkChanged = !newLp.equals(mLinkProperties);        final boolean wasProvisioned = isProvisioned(mLinkProperties);        final boolean isProvisioned = isProvisioned(newLp);        // TODO: Teach LinkProperties how to understand static assignment        // and simplify all this provisioning change detection logic by        // unifying it under LinkProperties.compareProvisioning().        final boolean lostProvisioning =                (wasProvisioned && !isProvisioned) ||                (mLinkProperties.hasIPv4Address() && !newLp.hasIPv4Address()) ||                (mLinkProperties.isIPv6Provisioned() && !newLp.isIPv6Provisioned());        final DetailedState detailedState = getNetworkDetailedState();        if (linkChanged) { //网络配置信息改变            if (DBG) {                log("Link configuration changed for netId: " + mLastNetworkId                        + " old: " + mLinkProperties + " new: " + newLp);            }            mLinkProperties = newLp;//将新的配置信息保存到该字段中            if (mIpReachabilityMonitor != null) {                mIpReachabilityMonitor.updateLinkProperties(mLinkProperties);            }            if (mNetworkAgent != null) mNetworkAgent.sendLinkProperties(mLinkProperties);//通过NetworkAgent对象通知ConnectifyService更新网络配置信息        }        if (lostProvisioning) {            log("Lost IP layer provisioning!" +                    " was: " + mLinkProperties +                    " now: " + newLp);        }        // If we just configured or lost IP configuration, do the needful.        // We don't just call handleSuccessfulIpConfiguration() or handleIpConfigurationLost()        // here because those should only be called if we're attempting to connect or already        // connected, whereas updateLinkProperties can be called at any time.        switch (reason) {            case DhcpStateMachine.DHCP_SUCCESS:            case CMD_STATIC_IP_SUCCESS:                // IPv4 provisioning succeded. Advance to connected state.                sendMessage(CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL);                if (!isProvisioned) {                    // Can never happen unless DHCP reports success but isProvisioned thinks the                    // resulting configuration is invalid (e.g., no IPv4 address, or the state in                    // mLinkProperties is out of sync with reality, or there's a bug in this code).                    // TODO: disconnect here instead. If our configuration is not usable, there's no                    // point in staying connected, and if mLinkProperties is out of sync with                    // reality, that will cause problems in the future.                    logd("IPv4 config succeeded, but not provisioned");                }                break;            case DhcpStateMachine.DHCP_FAILURE:                // DHCP failed. If we're not already provisioned, or we had IPv4 and now lost it,                // give up and disconnect.                // If we're already provisioned (e.g., IPv6-only network), stay connected.                if (!isProvisioned || lostProvisioning) {                    sendMessage(CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_LOST);                } else {                    // DHCP failed, but we're provisioned (e.g., if we're on an IPv6-only network).                    sendMessage(CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL);                    // To be sure we don't get stuck with a non-working network if all we had is                    // IPv4, remove the IPv4 address from the interface (since we're using DHCP,                    // and DHCP failed). If we had an IPv4 address before, the deletion of the                    // address  will cause a CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES. If the IPv4 address was                    // necessary for provisioning, its deletion will cause us to disconnect.                    //                    // This shouldn't be needed, because on an IPv4-only network a DHCP failure will                    // have empty DhcpResults and thus empty LinkProperties, and isProvisioned will                    // not return true if we're using DHCP and don't have an IPv4 default route. So                    // for now it's only here for extra redundancy. However, it will increase                    // robustness if we move to getting IPv4 routes from netlink as well.                    loge("DHCP failure: provisioned, clearing IPv4 address.");                    if (!clearIPv4Address(mInterfaceName)) {                        sendMessage(CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_LOST);                    }                }                break;            case CMD_STATIC_IP_FAILURE:                // Static configuration was invalid, or an error occurred in applying it. Give up.                sendMessage(CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_LOST);                break;            case CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES:                // IP addresses, DNS servers, etc. changed. Act accordingly.                if (lostProvisioning) {                    // We no longer have a usable network configuration. Disconnect.                    sendMessage(CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_LOST);                } else if (!wasProvisioned && isProvisioned) {                    // We have a usable IPv6-only config. Advance to connected state.                    sendMessage(CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL);                }                if (linkChanged && getNetworkDetailedState() == DetailedState.CONNECTED) {                    // If anything has changed and we're already connected, send out a notification.                    sendLinkConfigurationChangedBroadcast();                }                break;        }    }
case CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL:                    handleSuccessfulIpConfiguration();                    sendConnectedState();                    transitionTo(mConnectedState);
private void handleSuccessfulIpConfiguration() {        mLastSignalLevel = -1; // Force update of signal strength        WifiConfiguration c = getCurrentWifiConfiguration();//获取代表当前连接的网络的WifiConfiguration对象        if (c != null) {            // Reset IP failure tracking            c.numConnectionFailures = 0;//重置numConnectionFailures字段,因为在WifiConfigStore中,会根据numConnectionFailures字段判断当前网络的连接失败次数,默认失败10次时,会终止重连操作            // Tell the framework whether the newly connected network is trusted or untrusted.            updateCapabilities(c);        }        if (c != null) {            ScanResult result = getCurrentScanResult();            if (result == null) {                logd("WifiStateMachine: handleSuccessfulIpConfiguration and no scan results" +                        c.configKey());            } else {                // Clear the per BSSID failure count                result.numIpConfigFailures = 0;                // Clear the WHOLE BSSID blacklist, which means supplicant is free to retry                // any BSSID, even though it may already have a non zero ip failure count,                // this will typically happen if the user walks away and come back to his arrea                // TODO: implement blacklisting based on a timer, i.e. keep BSSID blacklisted                // in supplicant for a couple of hours or a day                mWifiConfigStore.clearBssidBlacklist();            }        }    }
    /**     * The link properties of the wifi interface.     * Do not modify this directly; use updateLinkProperties instead.     */    private LinkProperties mLinkProperties; //保存当前网络连接的配置信息,包括IP地址集、DNS地址集、路由地址集等
    // NOTE: Do not return to clients - use #getWiFiInfoForUid(int)    private WifiInfo mWifiInfo;//描述了一个Wifi连接的状态,通过该对象我们可以得知当前Wifi连接的SSID、netId、IP地址、Mac地址等信息    private NetworkInfo mNetworkInfo;//表示一个网络接口(wlan0/eth0)的连接状态,通过该对象可以得知当前Wifi连接处于哪一步、是否连接等状态


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