Android 图片裁剪功能实现详解(类似QQ自定义头像裁剪)

Android 图片裁剪功能实现详解(类似QQ自定义头像裁剪)

package com.amaker.cut;import;import;import;import android.content.DialogInterface;import android.content.Intent;import;import;import;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.os.Environment;import android.provider.MediaStore;import android.view.View;import android.view.View.OnClickListener;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.ImageButton;import android.widget.ImageView;/*最近有看到有朋友在讨论QQ头像的裁剪上传是怎么实现的,吼吼,小马也没做过,好奇之下学习下,发现以前项目中有类型的功能,结合官方文档里面的解释,就更好玩了,周末,急急忙忙写的,记录在博客里,希望能与大家交流学习,也恳请高手能解答小马在代码注释中提出的疑问,不管有没有人回答,小马先谢谢了,一样的,先看下效果图(效果图小马不解释了,直接流水写下去,小马是直接在模拟器里写的,保证的真机上使用,因为很简单),再看代码是怎么实现的:一:主布局界面二:点击控件触发事件后效果图三:拍照完之后效果图四:裁剪界面效果图五:点击相册后返回的图片效果图六:裁剪完从相册PICK的保存后的效果图最后,小马还把小DEMO源码放在附件里面,有需要的朋友可以下载下来,共同交流学习,也恳请高人回答下小马在文章注释中提出的问题,谢谢,文章是小马急急忙忙在家写的,在网吧发的,晕...不是我有多用功,这边下雨,讨厌下雨,下雨我就郁闷,来网吧玩的,顺带发下文章,吼吼,该玩的时候死命的玩,该工作的时候死命的工作,年轻时疯狂,老了不后悔,吼吼,加油加油!大家工作,也注意身体健康,嘿嘿,你懂的,不解释...哈哈*//** * @Title: * @Package com.xiaoma.piccut.demo * @Description: 图片裁剪功能测试 * @author XiaoMa */public class PicCutDemoActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {private ImageButton ib = null;private ImageView iv = null;private Button btn = null;private String tp = null;/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.main);//初始化init();}/** * 初始化方法实现 */private void init() {ib = (ImageButton) findViewById(;iv = (ImageView) findViewById(;btn = (Button) findViewById(;ib.setOnClickListener(this);iv.setOnClickListener(this);btn.setOnClickListener(this);}/** * 控件点击事件实现 *  * 因为有朋友问不同控件的背景图裁剪怎么实现, * 我就在这个地方用了三个控件,只为了自己记录学习 * 大家觉得没用的可以跳过啦 */@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {switch (v.getId()) {case;break;case;break;case;break;default:break;}}/** * 选择提示对话框 */private void ShowPickDialog() {new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("设置头像...").setNegativeButton("相册", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {dialog.dismiss();/** * 刚开始,我自己也不知道ACTION_PICK是干嘛的,后来直接看Intent源码, * 可以发现里面很多东西,Intent是个很强大的东西,大家一定仔细阅读下 */Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, null);/** * 下面这句话,与其它方式写是一样的效果,如果: * intent.setData(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI); * intent.setType(""image/*");设置数据类型 * 如果朋友们要限制上传到服务器的图片类型时可以直接写如:"image/jpeg 、 image/png等的类型" * 这个地方小马有个疑问,希望高手解答下:就是这个数据URI与类型为什么要分两种形式来写呀?有什么区别? */intent.setDataAndType(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,"image/*");startActivityForResult(intent, 1);}}).setPositiveButton("拍照", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {dialog.dismiss();/** * 下面这句还是老样子,调用快速拍照功能,至于为什么叫快速拍照,大家可以参考如下官方 * 文档,you_sdk_path/docs/guide/topics/media/camera.html * 我刚看的时候因为太长就认真看,其实是错的,这个里面有用的太多了,所以大家不要认为 * 官方文档太长了就不看了,其实是错的,这个地方小马也错了,必须改正 */Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);//下面这句指定调用相机拍照后的照片存储的路径intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),"xiaoma.jpg")));startActivityForResult(intent, 2);}}).show();}@Overrideprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {switch (requestCode) {// 如果是直接从相册获取case 1:startPhotoZoom(data.getData());break;// 如果是调用相机拍照时case 2:File temp = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+ "/xiaoma.jpg");startPhotoZoom(Uri.fromFile(temp));break;// 取得裁剪后的图片case 3:/** * 非空判断大家一定要验证,如果不验证的话, * 在剪裁之后如果发现不满意,要重新裁剪,丢弃 * 当前功能时,会报NullException,小马只 * 在这个地方加下,大家可以根据不同情况在合适的 * 地方做判断处理类似情况 *  */if(data != null){setPicToView(data);}break;default:break;}super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);}/** * 裁剪图片方法实现 * @param uri */public void startPhotoZoom(Uri uri) {/* * 至于下面这个Intent的ACTION是怎么知道的,大家可以看下自己路径下的如下网页 * yourself_sdk_path/docs/reference/android/content/Intent.html * 直接在里面Ctrl+F搜:CROP ,之前小马没仔细看过,其实安卓系统早已经有自带图片裁剪功能, * 是直接调本地库的,小马不懂C C++  这个不做详细了解去了,有轮子就用轮子,不再研究轮子是怎么 * 制做的了...吼吼 */Intent intent = new Intent("");intent.setDataAndType(uri, "image/*");//下面这个crop=true是设置在开启的Intent中设置显示的VIEW可裁剪intent.putExtra("crop", "true");// aspectX aspectY 是宽高的比例intent.putExtra("aspectX", 1);intent.putExtra("aspectY", 1);// outputX outputY 是裁剪图片宽高intent.putExtra("outputX", 150);intent.putExtra("outputY", 150);intent.putExtra("return-data", true);startActivityForResult(intent, 3);}/** * 保存裁剪之后的图片数据 * @param picdata */private void setPicToView(Intent picdata) {Bundle extras = picdata.getExtras();if (extras != null) {Bitmap photo = extras.getParcelable("data");Drawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(photo);/** * 下面注释的方法是将裁剪之后的图片以Base64Coder的字符方式上 * 传到服务器,QQ头像上传采用的方法跟这个类似 *//*ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();photo.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 60, stream);byte[] b = stream.toByteArray();// 将图片流以字符串形式存储下来tp = new String(Base64Coder.encodeLines(b));这个地方大家可以写下给服务器上传图片的实现,直接把tp直接上传就可以了,服务器处理的方法是服务器那边的事了,吼吼如果下载到的服务器的数据还是以Base64Coder的形式的话,可以用以下方式转换为我们可以用的图片类型就OK啦...吼吼Bitmap dBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(tp);Drawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(dBitmap);*/ib.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable);iv.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable);}}}

package com.amaker.cut;/** * 下面这些注释是下载这个类的时候本来就有的,本来要删除的,但看了下竟然是license,吼吼, * 好东西,留在注释里,以备不时之用,大家有需要加license的可以到下面的网址找哦 *///EPL, Eclipse Public License, V1.0 or later,, GNU Lesser General Public License, V2.1 or later,, GNU General Public License, V2 or later,, Apache License, V2.0 or later,, BSD License,*** A Base64 encoder/decoder.** <p>* This class is used to encode and decode data in Base64 format as described in RFC 1521.** <p>* Project home page: <a href=""></a><br>* Author: Christian d'Heureuse, Inventec Informatik AG, Zurich, Switzerland<br>* Multi-licensed: EPL / LGPL / GPL / AL / BSD.*//** * 这个类在上面注释的网址中有,大家可以自行下载下,也可以直接用这个, * 公开的Base64Coder类(不用深究它是怎么实现的, * 还是那句话,有轮子直接用轮子),好用的要死人了... * 小马也很无耻的引用了这个网址下的东东,吼吼...* @Title:* @Package com.xiaoma.piccut.demo* @Description: TODO* @author XiaoMa */public class Base64Coder {//The line separator string of the operating system.private static final String systemLineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");//Mapping table from 6-bit nibbles to Base64 characters.private static char[]    map1 = new char[64];static {   int i=0;   for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) map1[i++] = c;   for (char c='a'; c<='z'; c++) map1[i++] = c;   for (char c='0'; c<='9'; c++) map1[i++] = c;   map1[i++] = '+'; map1[i++] = '/'; }//Mapping table from Base64 characters to 6-bit nibbles.private static byte[]    map2 = new byte[128];static {   for (int i=0; i<map2.length; i++) map2[i] = -1;   for (int i=0; i<64; i++) map2[map1[i]] = (byte)i; }/*** Encodes a string into Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are inserted.* @param s  A String to be encoded.* @return   A String containing the Base64 encoded data.*/public static String encodeString (String s) {return new String(encode(s.getBytes())); }/*** Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines of 76 characters.* This method is compatible with <code>sun.misc.BASE64Encoder.encodeBuffer(byte[])</code>.* @param in  An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.* @return    A String containing the Base64 encoded data, broken into lines.*/public static String encodeLines (byte[] in) {return encodeLines(in, 0, in.length, 76, systemLineSeparator); }/*** Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines.* @param in            An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.* @param iOff          Offset of the first byte in <code>in</code> to be processed.* @param iLen          Number of bytes to be processed in <code>in</code>, starting at <code>iOff</code>.* @param lineLen       Line length for the output data. Should be a multiple of 4.* @param lineSeparator The line separator to be used to separate the output lines.* @return              A String containing the Base64 encoded data, broken into lines.*/public static String encodeLines (byte[] in, int iOff, int iLen, int lineLen, String lineSeparator) {int blockLen = (lineLen*3) / 4;if (blockLen <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();int lines = (iLen+blockLen-1) / blockLen;int bufLen = ((iLen+2)/3)*4 + lines*lineSeparator.length();StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(bufLen);int ip = 0;while (ip < iLen) {   int l = Math.min(iLen-ip, blockLen);   buf.append (encode(in, iOff+ip, l));   buf.append (lineSeparator);   ip += l; }return buf.toString(); }/*** Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are inserted in the output.* @param in  An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.* @return    A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.*/public static char[] encode (byte[] in) {return encode(in, 0, in.length); }/*** Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are inserted in the output.* @param in    An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.* @param iLen  Number of bytes to process in <code>in</code>.* @return      A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.*/public static char[] encode (byte[] in, int iLen) {return encode(in, 0, iLen); }/*** Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are inserted in the output.* @param in    An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.* @param iOff  Offset of the first byte in <code>in</code> to be processed.* @param iLen  Number of bytes to process in <code>in</code>, starting at <code>iOff</code>.* @return      A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.*/public static char[] encode (byte[] in, int iOff, int iLen) {int oDataLen = (iLen*4+2)/3;       // output length without paddingint oLen = ((iLen+2)/3)*4;         // output length including paddingchar[] out = new char[oLen];int ip = iOff;int iEnd = iOff + iLen;int op = 0;while (ip < iEnd) {   int i0 = in[ip++] & 0xff;   int i1 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] & 0xff : 0;   int i2 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] & 0xff : 0;   int o0 = i0 >>> 2;   int o1 = ((i0 &   3) << 4) | (i1 >>> 4);   int o2 = ((i1 & 0xf) << 2) | (i2 >>> 6);   int o3 = i2 & 0x3F;   out[op++] = map1[o0];   out[op++] = map1[o1];   out[op] = op < oDataLen ? map1[o2] : '='; op++;   out[op] = op < oDataLen ? map1[o3] : '='; op++; }return out; }/*** Decodes a string from Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.* @param s  A Base64 String to be decoded.* @return   A String containing the decoded data.* @throws   IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.*/public static String decodeString (String s) {return new String(decode(s)); }/*** Decodes a byte array from Base64 format and ignores line separators, tabs and blanks.* CR, LF, Tab and Space characters are ignored in the input data.* This method is compatible with <code>sun.misc.BASE64Decoder.decodeBuffer(String)</code>.* @param s  A Base64 String to be decoded.* @return   An array containing the decoded data bytes.* @throws   IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.*/public static byte[] decodeLines (String s) {char[] buf = new char[s.length()+3];int p = 0;for (int ip = 0; ip < s.length(); ip++) {   char c = s.charAt(ip);   if (c != ' ' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')      buf[p++] = c; }   while ((p % 4) != 0)   buf[p++] = '0';return decode(buf, 0, p); }/*** Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.* @param s  A Base64 String to be decoded.* @return   An array containing the decoded data bytes.* @throws   IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.*/public static byte[] decode (String s) {return decode(s.toCharArray()); }/*** Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.* @param in  A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.* @return    An array containing the decoded data bytes.* @throws    IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.*/public static byte[] decode (char[] in) {return decode(in, 0, in.length); }/*** Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.* No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.* @param in    A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.* @param iOff  Offset of the first character in <code>in</code> to be processed.* @param iLen  Number of characters to process in <code>in</code>, starting at <code>iOff</code>.* @return      An array containing the decoded data bytes.* @throws      IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.*/public static byte[] decode (char[] in, int iOff, int iLen) {if (iLen%4 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Length of Base64 encoded input string is not a multiple of 4.");while (iLen > 0 && in[iOff+iLen-1] == '=') iLen--;int oLen = (iLen*3) / 4;byte[] out = new byte[oLen];int ip = iOff;int iEnd = iOff + iLen;int op = 0;while (ip < iEnd) {   int i0 = in[ip++];   int i1 = in[ip++];   int i2 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] : 'A';   int i3 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] : 'A';   if (i0 > 127 || i1 > 127 || i2 > 127 || i3 > 127)      throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illegal character in Base64 encoded data.");   int b0 = map2[i0];   int b1 = map2[i1];   int b2 = map2[i2];   int b3 = map2[i3];   if (b0 < 0 || b1 < 0 || b2 < 0 || b3 < 0)      throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illegal character in Base64 encoded data.");   int o0 = ( b0       <<2) | (b1>>>4);   int o1 = ((b1 & 0xf)<<4) | (b2>>>2);   int o2 = ((b2 &   3)<<6) |  b3;   out[op++] = (byte)o0;   if (op<oLen) out[op++] = (byte)o1;   if (op<oLen) out[op++] = (byte)o2; }return out; }//Dummy constructor.private Base64Coder() {}} // end class Base64Coder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""    android:layout_width="fill_parent"    android:layout_height="fill_parent"    android:orientation="vertical" >    <ImageButton        android:id="@+id/imageButton1"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:src="@drawable/xiaoma" />    <Button        android:id="@+id/button1"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"        android:layout_alignParentRight="true"        android:text="获取图片" />    <ImageView        android:id="@+id/imageView1"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"        android:layout_below="@+id/imageButton1"        android:background="@drawable/xiaoma"/></RelativeLayout>

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