#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sched_policy.h"//#include static char *nexttoksep(char **strp, char *sep){    char *p = strsep(strp,sep);    return (p == 0) ? "" : p;}static char *nexttok(char **strp){    return nexttoksep(strp, " ");}#define SHOW_PRIO 1#define SHOW_TIME 2#define SHOW_POLICY 4static int display_flags = 0;static int ps_line(int pid, int tid, char *namefilter){    char statline[1024];    char cmdline[1024];    char user[32];    struct stat stats;    int fd, r;    char *ptr, *name, *state;    int ppid, tty;    unsigned wchan, rss, vss, eip;    unsigned utime, stime;    int prio, nice, rtprio, sched;    struct passwd *pw;        sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d", pid);    stat(statline, &stats);    if(tid) {        sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d/task/%d/stat", pid, tid);        cmdline[0] = 0;    } else {        sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d/stat", pid);        sprintf(cmdline, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid);            fd = open(cmdline, O_RDONLY);        if(fd == 0) {            r = 0;        } else {            r = read(fd, cmdline, 1023);            close(fd);            if(r < 0) r = 0;        }        cmdline[r] = 0;    }        fd = open(statline, O_RDONLY);    if(fd == 0) return -1;    r = read(fd, statline, 1023);    close(fd);    if(r < 0) return -1;    statline[r] = 0;    ptr = statline;    nexttok(&ptr); // skip pid    ptr++;          // skip "("    name = ptr;    ptr = strrchr(ptr, ')'); // Skip to *last* occurence of ')',    *ptr++ = '\0';           // and null-terminate name.    ptr++;          // skip " "    state = nexttok(&ptr);    ppid = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));    nexttok(&ptr); // pgrp    nexttok(&ptr); // sid    tty = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));        nexttok(&ptr); // tpgid    nexttok(&ptr); // flags    nexttok(&ptr); // minflt    nexttok(&ptr); // cminflt    nexttok(&ptr); // majflt    nexttok(&ptr); // cmajflt#if 1    utime = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));    stime = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));#else    nexttok(&ptr); // utime    nexttok(&ptr); // stime#endif    nexttok(&ptr); // cutime    nexttok(&ptr); // cstime    prio = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));    nice = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));    nexttok(&ptr); // threads    nexttok(&ptr); // itrealvalue    nexttok(&ptr); // starttime    vss = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // vsize    rss = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // rss    nexttok(&ptr); // rlim    nexttok(&ptr); // startcode    nexttok(&ptr); // endcode    nexttok(&ptr); // startstack    nexttok(&ptr); // kstkesp    eip = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // kstkeip    nexttok(&ptr); // signal    nexttok(&ptr); // blocked    nexttok(&ptr); // sigignore    nexttok(&ptr); // sigcatch    wchan = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // wchan    nexttok(&ptr); // nswap    nexttok(&ptr); // cnswap    nexttok(&ptr); // exit signal    nexttok(&ptr); // processor    rtprio = atoi(nexttok(&ptr)); // rt_priority    sched = atoi(nexttok(&ptr)); // scheduling policy        tty = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));        if(tid != 0) {        ppid = pid;        pid = tid;    }    pw = getpwuid(stats.st_uid);    if(pw == 0) {        sprintf(user,"%d",(int)stats.st_uid);    } else {        strcpy(user,pw->pw_name);    }        if(!namefilter || !strncmp(name, namefilter, strlen(namefilter))) {        printf("%-9s %-5d %-5d %-6d %-5d", user, pid, ppid, vss / 1024, rss * 4);        if(display_flags&SHOW_PRIO)            printf(" %-5d %-5d %-5d %-5d", prio, nice, rtprio, sched);        if (display_flags & SHOW_POLICY) {            SchedPolicy p;            if (get_sched_policy(pid, &p) < 0)                printf(" un ");            else {                if (p == SP_BACKGROUND)                    printf(" bg ");                else if (p == SP_FOREGROUND)                    printf(" fg ");                else                    printf(" er ");            }        }        printf(" %08x %08x %s %s", wchan, eip, state, cmdline[0] ? cmdline : name);        if(display_flags&SHOW_TIME)            printf(" (u:%d, s:%d)", utime, stime);        printf("\n");    }    return 0;}void ps_threads(int pid, char *namefilter){    char tmp[128];    DIR *d;    struct dirent *de;    sprintf(tmp,"/proc/%d/task",pid);    d = opendir(tmp);    if(d == 0) return;        while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){        if(isdigit(de->d_name[0])){            int tid = atoi(de->d_name);            if(tid == pid) continue;            ps_line(pid, tid, namefilter);        }    }    closedir(d);    }//gcc -o test ps.c  sched_policy.h sched_policy.c -lpthreadint main(int argc, char *argv[]){    DIR *d;    struct dirent *de;    char *namefilter = 0;    int pidfilter = 0;    int threads = 0;        d = opendir("/proc");    if(d == 0) return -1;    while(argc > 1){        if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-t")) {            threads = 1;        } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-x")) {            display_flags |= SHOW_TIME;        } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-P")) {            display_flags |= SHOW_POLICY;        } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-p")) {            display_flags |= SHOW_PRIO;        }  else if(isdigit(argv[1][0])){            pidfilter = atoi(argv[1]);        } else {            namefilter = argv[1];        }        argc--;        argv++;    }    printf("USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS   %s %s WCHAN    PC         NAME\n",            (display_flags&SHOW_PRIO)?"PRIO  NICE  RTPRI SCHED ":"",           (display_flags&SHOW_POLICY)?"PCY " : "");    while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){        if(isdigit(de->d_name[0])){            int pid = atoi(de->d_name);            if(!pidfilter || (pidfilter == pid)) {                ps_line(pid, 0, namefilter);                if(threads) ps_threads(pid, namefilter);            }        }    }    closedir(d);    return 0;}

/* libs/cutils/sched_policy.c**** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project**** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ****     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 **** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License.*/#include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "SchedPolicy"#define SLOGE(...) printf( __VA_ARGS__)#define SLOGW(...) printf( __VA_ARGS__)#include #include #include "sched_policy.h"#ifndef SCHED_NORMAL  #define SCHED_NORMAL 0#endif#ifndef SCHED_BATCH  #define SCHED_BATCH 3#endif#define POLICY_DEBUG 0static pthread_once_t the_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;static int __sys_supports_schedgroups = -1;// File descriptors open to /dev/cpuctl/../tasks, setup by initialize, or -1 on error.static int normal_cgroup_fd = -1;static int bg_cgroup_fd = -1;/* Add tid to the scheduling group defined by the policy */static int add_tid_to_cgroup(int tid, SchedPolicy policy){    int fd;    if (policy == SP_BACKGROUND) {        fd = bg_cgroup_fd;    } else {        fd = normal_cgroup_fd;    }    if (fd < 0) {        printf("add_tid_to_cgroup failed; background=%d\n", policy == SP_BACKGROUND ? 1 : 0);        return -1;    }    // specialized itoa -- works for tid > 0    char text[22];    char *end = text + sizeof(text) - 1;    char *ptr = end;    *ptr = '\0';    while (tid > 0) {        *--ptr = '0' + (tid % 10);        tid = tid / 10;    }    if (write(fd, ptr, end - ptr) < 0) {        /*         * If the thread is in the process of exiting,         * don't flag an error         */        if (errno == ESRCH)                return 0;        SLOGW("add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write '%s' (%s); background=%d\n",              ptr, strerror(errno), policy == SP_BACKGROUND ? 1 : 0);        return -1;    }    return 0;}static void __initialize(void) {    char* filename;    if (!access("/dev/cpuctl/tasks", F_OK)) {        __sys_supports_schedgroups = 1;        filename = "/dev/cpuctl/tasks";        normal_cgroup_fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY);        if (normal_cgroup_fd < 0) {            SLOGE("open of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));        }        filename = "/dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/tasks";        bg_cgroup_fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY);        if (bg_cgroup_fd < 0) {            SLOGE("open of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));        }    } else {        __sys_supports_schedgroups = 0;    }}/* * Try to get the scheduler group. * * The data from /proc//cgroup looks (something) like: *  2:cpu:/bg_non_interactive *  1:cpuacct:/ * * We return the part after the "/", which will be an empty string for * the default cgroup.  If the string is longer than "bufLen", the string * will be truncated. */static int getSchedulerGroup(int tid, char* buf, size_t bufLen){#ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS    char pathBuf[32];    char lineBuf[256];    FILE *fp;    snprintf(pathBuf, sizeof(pathBuf), "/proc/%d/cgroup", tid);    if (!(fp = fopen(pathBuf, "r"))) {        return -1;    }    while(fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf) -1, fp)) {        char *next = lineBuf;        char *subsys;        char *grp;        size_t len;        /* Junk the first field */        if (!strsep(&next, ":")) {            goto out_bad_data;        }        if (!(subsys = strsep(&next, ":"))) {            goto out_bad_data;        }        if (strcmp(subsys, "cpu")) {            /* Not the subsys we're looking for */            continue;        }        if (!(grp = strsep(&next, ":"))) {            goto out_bad_data;        }        grp++; /* Drop the leading '/' */        len = strlen(grp);        grp[len-1] = '\0'; /* Drop the trailing '\n' */        if (bufLen <= len) {            len = bufLen - 1;        }        strncpy(buf, grp, len);        buf[len] = '\0';        fclose(fp);        return 0;    }    SLOGE("Failed to find cpu subsys");    fclose(fp);    return -1; out_bad_data:    SLOGE("Bad cgroup data {%s}", lineBuf);    fclose(fp);    return -1;#else    errno = ENOSYS;    return -1;#endif}int get_sched_policy(int tid, SchedPolicy *policy){    pthread_once(&the_once, __initialize);    if (__sys_supports_schedgroups) {        char grpBuf[32];        if (getSchedulerGroup(tid, grpBuf, sizeof(grpBuf)) < 0)            return -1;        if (grpBuf[0] == '\0') {            *policy = SP_FOREGROUND;        } else if (!strcmp(grpBuf, "bg_non_interactive")) {            *policy = SP_BACKGROUND;        } else {            errno = ERANGE;            return -1;        }    } else {        int rc = sched_getscheduler(tid);        if (rc < 0)            return -1;        else if (rc == SCHED_NORMAL)            *policy = SP_FOREGROUND;        else if (rc == SCHED_BATCH)            *policy = SP_BACKGROUND;        else {            errno = ERANGE;            return -1;        }    }    return 0;}int set_sched_policy(int tid, SchedPolicy policy){    pthread_once(&the_once, __initialize);#if POLICY_DEBUG    char statfile[64];    char statline[1024];    char thread_name[255];    int fd;    sprintf(statfile, "/proc/%d/stat", tid);    memset(thread_name, 0, sizeof(thread_name));    fd = open(statfile, O_RDONLY);    if (fd >= 0) {        int rc = read(fd, statline, 1023);        close(fd);        statline[rc] = 0;        char *p = statline;        char *q;        for (p = statline; *p != '('; p++);        p++;        for (q = p; *q != ')'; q++);        strncpy(thread_name, p, (q-p));    }    if (policy == SP_BACKGROUND) {        SLOGD("vvv tid %d (%s)", tid, thread_name);    } else if (policy == SP_FOREGROUND) {        SLOGD("^^^ tid %d (%s)", tid, thread_name);    } else {        SLOGD("??? tid %d (%s)", tid, thread_name);    }#endif    if (__sys_supports_schedgroups) {        if (add_tid_to_cgroup(tid, policy)) {            if (errno != ESRCH && errno != ENOENT)                return -errno;        }    } else {        struct sched_param param;        param.sched_priority = 0;        sched_setscheduler(tid,                           (policy == SP_BACKGROUND) ?                            SCHED_BATCH : SCHED_NORMAL,                           ¶m);    }    return 0;}

/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */#ifndef __CUTILS_SCHED_POLICY_H#define __CUTILS_SCHED_POLICY_H#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endiftypedef enum {    SP_BACKGROUND = 0,    SP_FOREGROUND = 1,} SchedPolicy;extern int set_sched_policy(int tid, SchedPolicy policy);extern int get_sched_policy(int tid, SchedPolicy *policy);#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif /* __CUTILS_SCHED_POLICY_H */ 


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