整个需要添加的类均在frameworks\base\media\java\android\media 包下


Index: AudioManager.java===================================================================--- AudioManager.java   (revision 3929)+++ AudioManager.java   (revision 3930)@@ -984,6 +984,16 @@         }     }+   public int getStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType, int device) {+        Slog.d(TAG,"getStreamDeviceVolume streamType:"+streamType+" device:"+device);+        final IAudioService service = getService();+       try {+            return service.getStreamDeviceVolume(streamType,device);+        } catch (RemoteException e) {+           throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();+       }+    }+     // keep in sync with frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/common/include/Volume.h     private static final float VOLUME_MIN_DB = -758.0f;@@ -1131,6 +1141,15 @@         }     }+    public void setStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType, int device, int index, int flags) {+       Slog.d(TAG,"setStreamDeviceVolume streamType:"+streamType+" device:"+device+" index:"+index+" flags:"+flags);+        final IAudioService service = getService();+       try {+            service.setStreamDeviceVolume(streamType, device, index, flags, getContext().getOpPackageName());+       } catch (RemoteException e) {+           throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();+       }+    }     /**      * Solo or unsolo a particular stream.      * 


Index: IAudioService.aidl===================================================================--- IAudioService.aidl  (revision 3929)+++ IAudioService.aidl  (revision 3930)@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@     void adjustStreamVolume(int streamType, int direction, int flags, String callingPackage);     void setStreamVolume(int streamType, int index, int flags, String callingPackage);++    void setStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType, int device, int index, int flags, String callingPackage);     boolean isStreamMute(int streamType);@@ -74,6 +76,8 @@     void setMasterMute(boolean mute, int flags, String callingPackage, int userId);     int getStreamVolume(int streamType);++    int getStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType, int device);     int getStreamMinVolume(int streamType);


Index: AudioService.java===================================================================--- AudioService.java   (revision 3929)+++ AudioService.java   (revision 3930)@@ -1956,7 +1956,7 @@                Slog.d(TAG,"---yums--- onSetStreamVolume streamType:" + streamType + ",index:" + index + ",oldIndex:" + oldIndex + ",device:" + device + ",caller:" + caller);         final int stream = mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType];        Slog.d(TAG,"-zhangshuai--setStreamVolumeInt ---setStreamVolume----Bluetooth--A2DP---- ");-        // setStreamVolumeInt(stream, index, device, false, caller);// shuai4.zhang@tcl.com+        //  setStreamVolumeInt(stream, index, device, false, caller);// shuai4.zhang@tcl.com         // setting volume on ui sounds stream type also controls silent mode         if (((flags & AudioManager.FLAG_ALLOW_RINGER_MODES) != 0) ||                 (stream == getUiSoundsStreamType())) {@@ -1982,6 +1982,39 @@     }+     private void onSetStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType, int index, int flags, int device,+             String caller) {++         int oldIndex;+         oldIndex = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);+         final int stream = mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType];+         Slog.d(TAG,"-zhangshuai---setStreamDeviceVolume------- ");+            setStreamVolumeInt(stream, index, device, false, caller);// shuai4.zhang@tcl.com+         // setting volume on ui sounds stream type also controls silent mode+         if (((flags & AudioManager.FLAG_ALLOW_RINGER_MODES) != 0) ||+                 (stream == getUiSoundsStreamType())) {+             setRingerMode(getNewRingerMode(stream, index, flags),+                     TAG + ".onSetStreamVolume", false /*external*/);+         }+         // setting non-zero volume for a muted stream unmutes the stream and vice versa+                 //mStreamStates[stream].mute(false);//google original logical++                 //start add by yums@tcl.com for mantis bug 0214756:after press bluetooth device's volume decrease button when blueto     oth device is //muted,Bluetooth speaker will also unmute.+                 if(mStreamStates[streamType].mIsMuted)+                 {+                         if(index > oldIndex)+                         {+                                 mStreamStates[stream].mute(false);+                         }+                 }//end add by yums@tcl 2018-12-25+                 else+                 {+                         // setting non-zero volume for a muted stream unmutes the stream and vice versa+                         mStreamStates[stream].mute(index == 0);;//google original logical+                 }++     }+     /** @see AudioManager#setStreamVolume(int, int, int) */     public void setStreamVolume(int streamType, int index, int flags, String callingPackage) {         if ((streamType == AudioManager.STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY) && !canChangeAccessibilityVolume()) {@@ -2004,6 +2037,34 @@                 Binder.getCallingUid());     }+    /** @see AudioManager#setStreamDeviceVolume(int, int, int, int) */+    public void setStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType, int device, int index, int flags, String callingPackage) {+         Slog.d(TAG,"setStreamDeviceVolume streamType:"+streamType+" device:"+device+" index:"+index+" flags:"+flags+" callingPackage:"+callingPackage);+         if ((streamType == AudioManager.STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY) && !canChangeAccessibilityVolume()) {+             Log.w(TAG, "Trying to call setStreamVolume() for a11y without"+                     + " CHANGE_ACCESSIBILITY_VOLUME  callingPackage=" + callingPackage);+             return;+         }+         if ((streamType == AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL) &&+                 (index == 0) &&+                 (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(+                 android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE)+                     != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)) {+             Log.w(TAG, "Trying to call setStreamVolume() for STREAM_VOICE_CALL and index 0 without"+                     + " MODIFY_PHONE_STATE  callingPackage=" + callingPackage);+             return;+         }+         mVolumeLogger.log(new VolumeEvent(VolumeEvent.VOL_SET_STREAM_VOL, streamType,+                 index/*val1*/, flags/*val2*/, callingPackage));+        setStreamDeviceVolume(streamType, device, index, flags, callingPackage, callingPackage,+                 Binder.getCallingUid());+         /*VolumeStreamState streamState = mStreamStates[streamTypeAlias];+         System.putIntForUser(mContentResolver,+                         streamState.getSettingNameForDevice(device),+                         index,+                         UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);*/+    }+     private boolean canChangeAccessibilityVolume() {         synchronized (mAccessibilityServiceUidsLock) {             if (PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(@@ -2119,6 +2180,116 @@         sendVolumeUpdate(streamType, oldIndex, index, flags);     }+    private void setStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType, int device, int index, int flags, String callingPackage,+             String caller, int uid) {+         Slog.d(TAG, "setStreamVolume(stream=" + streamType+", device="+device+", index=" + index+                     + ", calling=" + callingPackage + ")");++         if (mUseFixedVolume) {+            Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--50505050505050- index: "+index);+             return;+         }++         ensureValidStreamType(streamType);+         int streamTypeAlias = mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType];+         VolumeStreamState streamState = mStreamStates[streamTypeAlias];++         int oldIndex;+        // System.putIntForUser(mContentResolver,streamState.getSettingNameForDevice(device),(streamState.getIndex(device) + 5)/ 10,UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);+         // skip a2dp absolute volume control request when the device+         // is not an a2dp device+         if ((device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) == 0 &&+             (flags & AudioManager.FLAG_BLUETOOTH_ABS_VOLUME) != 0) {+            Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--404040404004- index: "+index);+             return;+         }+         // If we are being called by the system (e.g. hardware keys) check for current user+         // so we handle user restrictions correctly.+         if (uid == android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID) {+            Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--3030303030- index: "+index);+             uid = UserHandle.getUid(getCurrentUserId(), UserHandle.getAppId(uid));+         }+         if (mAppOps.noteOp(STREAM_VOLUME_OPS[streamTypeAlias], uid, callingPackage)+                 != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) {+            Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--20202020- index: "+index);+             return;+         }++         if (isAndroidNPlus(callingPackage)+                 && wouldToggleZenMode(getNewRingerMode(streamTypeAlias, index, flags))+                 && !mNm.isNotificationPolicyAccessGrantedForPackage(callingPackage)) {+            Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--101010100101- index: "+index);+             throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to change Do Not Disturb state");+         }++         if (!volumeAdjustmentAllowedByDnd(streamTypeAlias, flags)) {+            Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--999- index: "+index);+             return;+         }++         synchronized (mSafeMediaVolumeState) {+             // reset any pending volume command+             mPendingVolumeCommand = null;++             oldIndex = streamState.getIndex(device);+            Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--888- oldIndex: "+oldIndex);++             index = rescaleIndex(index * 10, streamType, streamTypeAlias);++             if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC &&+                 (device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) != 0 &&+                 (flags & AudioManager.FLAG_BLUETOOTH_ABS_VOLUME) == 0) {+                 synchronized (mA2dpAvrcpLock) {+                     if (mA2dp != null && mAvrcpAbsVolSupported) {+                         mA2dp.setAvrcpAbsoluteVolume(index / 10);+                        Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--777- index: "+index);+                     }+                 }+             }++             if ((device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_HEARING_AID) != 0) {+                 setHearingAidVolume(index, streamType);+                Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--666- index: "+index);+             }++             if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) {+                 setSystemAudioVolume(oldIndex, index, getStreamMaxVolume(streamType), flags);+                Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--555- index: "+index);+             }++             flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_FIXED_VOLUME;+             if ((streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) &&+                     ((device & mFixedVolumeDevices) != 0)) {+                 flags |= AudioManager.FLAG_FIXED_VOLUME;++                 // volume is either 0 or max allowed for fixed volume devices+                 if (index != 0) {+                     if (mSafeMediaVolumeState == SAFE_MEDIA_VOLUME_ACTIVE &&+                             (device & mSafeMediaVolumeDevices) != 0) {+                         index = safeMediaVolumeIndex(device);+                        Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--444- index: "+index);+                     } else {+                         index = streamState.getMaxIndex();+                     }+                 }+             }++             if (!checkSafeMediaVolume(streamTypeAlias, index, device)) {+                Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--333--- index: "+index);+                 mVolumeController.postDisplaySafeVolumeWarning(flags);+                 mPendingVolumeCommand = new StreamVolumeCommand(+                                                     streamType, index, flags, device);+             } else {+                Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--222----222--- index: "+index);+                 onSetStreamDeviceVolume(streamType, index, flags, device, caller);+                 index = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);+                Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai--222- index: "+index);+             }+         }+          Slog.d(TAG,"--zhangshuai-111-- index: "+index);+         //sendVolumeUpdate(streamType, oldIndex, index, flags);+     }+     // No ringer or zen muted stream volumes can be changed unless it'll exit dnd     private boolean volumeAdjustmentAllowedByDnd(int streamTypeAlias, int flags) {         switch (mNm.getZenMode()) {@@ -2516,6 +2687,26 @@         }     }+    /** @see AudioManager#getStreamDeviceVolume(int,int) */+    public int getStreamDeviceVolume(int streamType,int device) {+        Slog.d(TAG,"getStreamDeviceVolume streamType:"+streamType+" device:"+device);+        ensureValidStreamType(streamType);+        synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {+            int index = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);+           Slog.d(TAG,"getStreamDeviceVolume index: "+index);+            // by convention getStreamVolume() returns 0 when a stream is muted.+            if (mStreamStates[streamType].mIsMuted) {+                //index = 0;//caojun1@tcl.com modify+            }+            if (index != 0 && (mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType] == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) &&+                    (device & mFixedVolumeDevices) != 0) {+                index = mStreamStates[streamType].getMaxIndex();+               Slog.d(TAG,"getStreamDeviceVolume ---2--index: "+index);+            }+            return (index + 5) / 10;+        }+    }+     /** @see AudioManager#getStreamMaxVolume(int) */     public int getStreamMaxVolume(int streamType) {         ensureValidStreamType(streamType);


// 第一种反射方式    try {method = AudioManager.class.getDeclaredMethod("setStreamDeviceVolume",new Class[] { boolean.class });method.invoke(audioManager, new Object[] { new Boolean(true) });} catch (Exception e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch block//e.printStackTrace();Log.i("gao", e.toString());}}



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