本文主要记录分析Android 系统相机部分源码

  • 调用系统相机
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);  intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri);startActivityForResult(intent, 1);  

Intent 的action是 MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE

  • 系统响应的类是(调用系统相机,不考虑第三方注册,比如这篇注册为系统相机)
    • 在线源码地址:http://androidxref.com/(源码见最下面)
    • 调用类名:com.android.camera.Camera
    • 源码版本 7.1.1_r6(android最新版)
    • 类全路径:/packages/apps/LegacyCamera/src/com/android/camera/Camera.java
      [注意] 不同android版本文件路径不一样,比如:
      2.3.7 :/packages/apps/Camera/src/com/android/camera/Camera.java
      4.0.3_r1 : /packages/apps/LegacyCamera/src/com/android/camera/Camera.java
  • 只关心获取Intent参数部分和返回结果部分

    • 获取Intent参数

      1. mQuickCapture = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_QUICK_CAPTURE, false);
      2. private boolean isImageCaptureIntent() {
        return (MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE.equals(action));
      3. private void setupCaptureParams() {
        Bundle myExtras = getIntent().getExtras();
        if (myExtras != null) {
        mSaveUri = (Uri) myExtras.getParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT);
        mCropValue = myExtras.getString(“crop”);
      4. 根据action 判断是否 ImageCapture
      5. 根据参数 android.intent.extra.quickCapture to return as soon as capturing is completed.
      6. 输出路径 MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT
      7. “crop” .equals(“circle”) 是裁剪使用的,也就是说支持直接拍完照裁剪
    • 返回结果 doAttach() 函数里
      需要裁剪就内部调用裁剪功能,不需要裁剪时,判断是否有输出Uri,有输出就直接保存,没有就返回Bitmap setResultEx(RESULT_OK, new Intent("inline-data").putExtra("data", bitmap));

  • 系统自带的人脸识别
    Camera.setFaceDetectionListener(FaceDetectionListener listener)
    public void onFaceDetection(Face[] faces, android.hardware.Camera camera);
    FaceView 源码位置 :

  • 关于默认打开前置摄像头

intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); intent.putExtra("android.intent.extras.CAMERA_FACING", android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT); // 调用前置摄像头 startActivityForResult(intent, 1);

源码里控制哪个相机打开的代码的是 Camera.java#getPreferredCameraId(),而里面是
1.从SharePreference里获得存储的默认的cameraId,应该是部分系统应用商可以在此处做文章,这只适用于Android Source的开发者,对于普通app开发,原谅我还没有找到好方式注入
代码在/packages/apps/LegacyCamera/src/com/android/camera/Util.java#getCameraFacingIntentExtras , string tag 是 “android.intent.extras.CAMERA_FACING”,

[附] 源代码:/packages/apps/LegacyCamera/src/com/android/camera/Camera.java

package com.android.camera;import com.android.camera.ui.CameraPicker;import com.android.camera.ui.FaceView;import com.android.camera.ui.IndicatorControlContainer;import com.android.camera.ui.PopupManager;import com.android.camera.ui.Rotatable;import com.android.camera.ui.RotateImageView;import com.android.camera.ui.RotateLayout;import com.android.camera.ui.RotateTextToast;import com.android.camera.ui.SharePopup;import com.android.camera.ui.ZoomControl;import android.app.Activity;import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;import android.content.ContentProviderClient;import android.content.ContentResolver;import android.content.Context;import android.content.Intent;import android.content.IntentFilter;import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo;import android.hardware.Camera.Face;import android.hardware.Camera.FaceDetectionListener;import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters;import android.hardware.Camera.PictureCallback;import android.hardware.Camera.Size;import android.location.Location;import android.media.CameraProfile;import android.media.MediaActionSound;import android.net.Uri;import android.os.Bundle;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.Looper;import android.os.Message;import android.os.MessageQueue;import android.os.SystemClock;import android.provider.MediaStore;import android.util.Log;import android.view.GestureDetector;import android.view.Gravity;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.Menu;import android.view.MenuItem;import android.view.MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener;import android.view.MotionEvent;import android.view.OrientationEventListener;import android.view.SurfaceHolder;import android.view.SurfaceView;import android.view.View;import android.view.ViewGroup;import android.view.WindowManager;import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.TextView;import android.widget.Toast;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Formatter;import java.util.List;/** The Camera activity which can preview and take pictures. */public class Camera extends ActivityBase implements FocusManager.Listener,        View.OnTouchListener, ShutterButton.OnShutterButtonListener,        SurfaceHolder.Callback, ModePicker.OnModeChangeListener,        FaceDetectionListener, CameraPreference.OnPreferenceChangedListener,        LocationManager.Listener {    private static final String TAG = "camera";    private static final int CROP_MSG = 1;    private static final int FIRST_TIME_INIT = 2;    private static final int CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY = 3;    private static final int SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE = 4;    private static final int CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION = 5;    private static final int SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST = 6;    private static final int UPDATE_THUMBNAIL = 7;    // The subset of parameters we need to update in setCameraParameters().    private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_INITIALIZE = 1;    private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_ZOOM = 2;    private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE = 4;    private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_ALL = -1;    // When setCameraParametersWhenIdle() is called, we accumulate the subsets    // needed to be updated in mUpdateSet.    private int mUpdateSet;    private static final int SCREEN_DELAY = 2 * 60 * 1000;    private static final int ZOOM_STOPPED = 0;    private static final int ZOOM_START = 1;    private static final int ZOOM_STOPPING = 2;    private int mZoomState = ZOOM_STOPPED;    private boolean mSmoothZoomSupported = false;    private int mZoomValue;  // The current zoom value.    private int mZoomMax;    private int mTargetZoomValue;    private ZoomControl mZoomControl;    private Parameters mParameters;    private Parameters mInitialParams;    private boolean mFocusAreaSupported;    private boolean mMeteringAreaSupported;    private boolean mAeLockSupported;    private boolean mAwbLockSupported;    private MyOrientationEventListener mOrientationListener;    // The degrees of the device rotated clockwise from its natural orientation.    private int mOrientation = OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN;    // The orientation compensation for icons and thumbnails. Ex: if the value    // is 90, the UI components should be rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.    private int mOrientationCompensation = 0;    private ComboPreferences mPreferences;    private static final String sTempCropFilename = "crop-temp";    private ContentProviderClient mMediaProviderClient;    private SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder = null;    private ShutterButton mShutterButton;    private GestureDetector mPopupGestureDetector;    private boolean mOpenCameraFail = false;    private boolean mCameraDisabled = false;    private boolean mFaceDetectionStarted = false;    private View mPreviewPanel;  // The container of PreviewFrameLayout.    private PreviewFrameLayout mPreviewFrameLayout;    private View mPreviewFrame;  // Preview frame area.    private RotateDialogController mRotateDialog;    // A popup window that contains a bigger thumbnail and a list of apps to share.    private SharePopup mSharePopup;    // The bitmap of the last captured picture thumbnail and the URI of the    // original picture.    private Thumbnail mThumbnail;    // An imageview showing showing the last captured picture thumbnail.    private RotateImageView mThumbnailView;    private ModePicker mModePicker;    private FaceView mFaceView;    private RotateLayout mFocusAreaIndicator;    private Rotatable mReviewCancelButton;    private Rotatable mReviewDoneButton;    // mCropValue and mSaveUri are used only if isImageCaptureIntent() is true.    private String mCropValue;    private Uri mSaveUri;    // Small indicators which show the camera settings in the viewfinder.    private TextView mExposureIndicator;    private ImageView mGpsIndicator;    private ImageView mFlashIndicator;    private ImageView mSceneIndicator;    private ImageView mWhiteBalanceIndicator;    private ImageView mFocusIndicator;    // A view group that contains all the small indicators.    private Rotatable mOnScreenIndicators;    // We use a thread in ImageSaver to do the work of saving images and    // generating thumbnails. This reduces the shot-to-shot time.    private ImageSaver mImageSaver;    private MediaActionSound mCameraSound;    private Runnable mDoSnapRunnable = new Runnable() {        public void run() {            onShutterButtonClick();        }    };    private final StringBuilder mBuilder = new StringBuilder();    private final Formatter mFormatter = new Formatter(mBuilder);    private final Object[] mFormatterArgs = new Object[1];    /**     * An unpublished intent flag requesting to return as soon as capturing     * is completed.     *     * TODO: consider publishing by moving into MediaStore.     */    private static final String EXTRA_QUICK_CAPTURE =            "android.intent.extra.quickCapture";    // The display rotation in degrees. This is only valid when mCameraState is    // not PREVIEW_STOPPED.    private int mDisplayRotation;    // The value for android.hardware.Camera.setDisplayOrientation.    private int mDisplayOrientation;    private boolean mPausing;    private boolean mFirstTimeInitialized;    private boolean mIsImageCaptureIntent;    private static final int PREVIEW_STOPPED = 0;    private static final int IDLE = 1;  // preview is active    // Focus is in progress. The exact focus state is in Focus.java.    private static final int FOCUSING = 2;    private static final int SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS = 3;    private int mCameraState = PREVIEW_STOPPED;    private boolean mSnapshotOnIdle = false;    private ContentResolver mContentResolver;    private boolean mDidRegister = false;    private LocationManager mLocationManager;    private final ShutterCallback mShutterCallback = new ShutterCallback();    private final PostViewPictureCallback mPostViewPictureCallback =            new PostViewPictureCallback();    private final RawPictureCallback mRawPictureCallback =            new RawPictureCallback();    private final AutoFocusCallback mAutoFocusCallback =            new AutoFocusCallback();    private final ZoomListener mZoomListener = new ZoomListener();    private final CameraErrorCallback mErrorCallback = new CameraErrorCallback();    private long mFocusStartTime;    private long mCaptureStartTime;    private long mShutterCallbackTime;    private long mPostViewPictureCallbackTime;    private long mRawPictureCallbackTime;    private long mJpegPictureCallbackTime;    private long mOnResumeTime;    private long mPicturesRemaining;    private byte[] mJpegImageData;    // These latency time are for the CameraLatency test.    public long mAutoFocusTime;    public long mShutterLag;    public long mShutterToPictureDisplayedTime;    public long mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime;    public long mJpegCallbackFinishTime;    // This handles everything about focus.    private FocusManager mFocusManager;    private String mSceneMode;    private Toast mNotSelectableToast;    private Toast mNoShareToast;    private final Handler mHandler = new MainHandler();    private IndicatorControlContainer mIndicatorControlContainer;    private PreferenceGroup mPreferenceGroup;    // multiple cameras support    private int mNumberOfCameras;    private int mCameraId;    private int mFrontCameraId;    private int mBackCameraId;    private boolean mQuickCapture;    /**     * This Handler is used to post message back onto the main thread of the     * application     */    private class MainHandler extends Handler {        @Override        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {            switch (msg.what) {                case CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY: {                    getWindow().clearFlags(                            WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);                    break;                }                case FIRST_TIME_INIT: {                    initializeFirstTime();                    break;                }                case SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE: {                    setCameraParametersWhenIdle(0);                    break;                }                case CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION: {                    // Set the display orientation if display rotation has changed.                    // Sometimes this happens when the device is held upside                    // down and camera app is opened. Rotation animation will                    // take some time and the rotation value we have got may be                    // wrong. Framework does not have a callback for this now.                    if (Util.getDisplayRotation(Camera.this) != mDisplayRotation) {                        setDisplayOrientation();                    }                    if (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mOnResumeTime < 5000) {                        mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION, 100);                    }                    break;                }                case SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST: {                    showTapToFocusToast();                    break;                }                case UPDATE_THUMBNAIL: {                    mImageSaver.updateThumbnail();                    break;                }            }        }    }    private void resetExposureCompensation() {        String value = mPreferences.getString(CameraSettings.KEY_EXPOSURE,                CameraSettings.EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE);        if (!CameraSettings.EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(value)) {            Editor editor = mPreferences.edit();            editor.putString(CameraSettings.KEY_EXPOSURE, "0");            editor.apply();            if (mIndicatorControlContainer != null) {                mIndicatorControlContainer.reloadPreferences();            }        }    }    private void keepMediaProviderInstance() {        // We want to keep a reference to MediaProvider in camera's lifecycle.        // TODO: Utilize mMediaProviderClient instance to replace        // ContentResolver calls.        if (mMediaProviderClient == null) {            mMediaProviderClient = getContentResolver()                    .acquireContentProviderClient(MediaStore.AUTHORITY);        }    }    // Snapshots can only be taken after this is called. It should be called    // once only. We could have done these things in onCreate() but we want to    // make preview screen appear as soon as possible.    private void initializeFirstTime() {        if (mFirstTimeInitialized) return;        // Create orientation listenter. This should be done first because it        // takes some time to get first orientation.        mOrientationListener = new MyOrientationEventListener(Camera.this);        mOrientationListener.enable();        // Initialize location sevice.        boolean recordLocation = RecordLocationPreference.get(                mPreferences, getContentResolver());        initOnScreenIndicator();        mLocationManager.recordLocation(recordLocation);        keepMediaProviderInstance();        checkStorage();        // Initialize last picture button.        mContentResolver = getContentResolver();        if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent) {  // no thumbnail in image capture intent            initThumbnailButton();        }        // Initialize shutter button.        mShutterButton = (ShutterButton) findViewById(R.id.shutter_button);        mShutterButton.setOnShutterButtonListener(this);        mShutterButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        // Initialize focus UI.        mPreviewFrame = findViewById(R.id.camera_preview);        mPreviewFrame.setOnTouchListener(this);        mFocusAreaIndicator = (RotateLayout) findViewById(R.id.focus_indicator_rotate_layout);        CameraInfo info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()[mCameraId];        boolean mirror = (info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT);        mFocusManager.initialize(mFocusAreaIndicator, mPreviewFrame, mFaceView, this,                mirror, mDisplayOrientation);        mImageSaver = new ImageSaver();        Util.initializeScreenBrightness(getWindow(), getContentResolver());        installIntentFilter();        initializeZoom();        updateOnScreenIndicators();        startFaceDetection();        // Show the tap to focus toast if this is the first start.        if (mFocusAreaSupported &&                mPreferences.getBoolean(CameraSettings.KEY_CAMERA_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN, true)) {            // Delay the toast for one second to wait for orientation.            mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST, 1000);        }        mFirstTimeInitialized = true;        addIdleHandler();    }    private void addIdleHandler() {        MessageQueue queue = Looper.myQueue();        queue.addIdleHandler(new MessageQueue.IdleHandler() {            public boolean queueIdle() {                Storage.ensureOSXCompatible();                return false;            }        });    }    private void initThumbnailButton() {        // Load the thumbnail from the disk.        mThumbnail = Thumbnail.loadFrom(new File(getFilesDir(), Thumbnail.LAST_THUMB_FILENAME));        updateThumbnailButton();    }    private void updateThumbnailButton() {        // Update last image if URI is invalid and the storage is ready.        if ((mThumbnail == null || !Util.isUriValid(mThumbnail.getUri(), mContentResolver))                && mPicturesRemaining >= 0) {            mThumbnail = Thumbnail.getLastThumbnail(mContentResolver);        }        if (mThumbnail != null) {            mThumbnailView.setBitmap(mThumbnail.getBitmap());        } else {            mThumbnailView.setBitmap(null);        }    }    // If the activity is paused and resumed, this method will be called in    // onResume.    private void initializeSecondTime() {        // Start orientation listener as soon as possible because it takes        // some time to get first orientation.        mOrientationListener.enable();        // Start location update if needed.        boolean recordLocation = RecordLocationPreference.get(                mPreferences, getContentResolver());        mLocationManager.recordLocation(recordLocation);        installIntentFilter();        mImageSaver = new ImageSaver();        initializeZoom();        keepMediaProviderInstance();        checkStorage();        hidePostCaptureAlert();        if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent) {            updateThumbnailButton();            mModePicker.setCurrentMode(ModePicker.MODE_CAMERA);        }    }    private class ZoomChangeListener implements ZoomControl.OnZoomChangedListener {        // only for immediate zoom        @Override        public void onZoomValueChanged(int index) {            Camera.this.onZoomValueChanged(index);        }        // only for smooth zoom        @Override        public void onZoomStateChanged(int state) {            if (mPausing) return;            Log.v(TAG, "zoom picker state=" + state);            if (state == ZoomControl.ZOOM_IN) {                Camera.this.onZoomValueChanged(mZoomMax);            } else if (state == ZoomControl.ZOOM_OUT) {                Camera.this.onZoomValueChanged(0);            } else {                mTargetZoomValue = -1;                if (mZoomState == ZOOM_START) {                    mZoomState = ZOOM_STOPPING;                    mCameraDevice.stopSmoothZoom();                }            }        }    }    private void initializeZoom() {        // Get the parameter to make sure we have the up-to-date zoom value.        mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters();        if (!mParameters.isZoomSupported()) return;        mZoomMax = mParameters.getMaxZoom();        // Currently we use immediate zoom for fast zooming to get better UX and        // there is no plan to take advantage of the smooth zoom.        mZoomControl.setZoomMax(mZoomMax);        mZoomControl.setZoomIndex(mParameters.getZoom());        mZoomControl.setSmoothZoomSupported(mSmoothZoomSupported);        mZoomControl.setOnZoomChangeListener(new ZoomChangeListener());        mCameraDevice.setZoomChangeListener(mZoomListener);    }    private void onZoomValueChanged(int index) {        // Not useful to change zoom value when the activity is paused.        if (mPausing) return;        if (mSmoothZoomSupported) {            if (mTargetZoomValue != index && mZoomState != ZOOM_STOPPED) {                mTargetZoomValue = index;                if (mZoomState == ZOOM_START) {                    mZoomState = ZOOM_STOPPING;                    mCameraDevice.stopSmoothZoom();                }            } else if (mZoomState == ZOOM_STOPPED && mZoomValue != index) {                mTargetZoomValue = index;                mCameraDevice.startSmoothZoom(index);                mZoomState = ZOOM_START;            }        } else {            mZoomValue = index;            setCameraParametersWhenIdle(UPDATE_PARAM_ZOOM);        }    }    @Override    public void startFaceDetection() {        if (mFaceDetectionStarted || mCameraState != IDLE) return;        if (mParameters.getMaxNumDetectedFaces() > 0) {            mFaceDetectionStarted = true;            mFaceView = (FaceView) findViewById(R.id.face_view);            mFaceView.clear();            mFaceView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);            mFaceView.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation);            CameraInfo info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()[mCameraId];            mFaceView.setMirror(info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT);            mFaceView.resume();            mCameraDevice.setFaceDetectionListener(this);            mCameraDevice.startFaceDetection();        }    }    @Override    public void stopFaceDetection() {        if (!mFaceDetectionStarted) return;        if (mParameters.getMaxNumDetectedFaces() > 0) {            mFaceDetectionStarted = false;            mCameraDevice.setFaceDetectionListener(null);            mCameraDevice.stopFaceDetection();            if (mFaceView != null) mFaceView.clear();        }    }    private class PopupGestureListener            extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {        @Override        public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {            // Check if the popup window is visible.            View popup = mIndicatorControlContainer.getActiveSettingPopup();            if (popup == null) return false;            // Let popup window, indicator control or preview frame handle the            // event by themselves. Dismiss the popup window if users touch on            // other areas.            if (!Util.pointInView(e.getX(), e.getY(), popup)                    && !Util.pointInView(e.getX(), e.getY(), mIndicatorControlContainer)                    && !Util.pointInView(e.getX(), e.getY(), mPreviewFrame)) {                mIndicatorControlContainer.dismissSettingPopup();                // Let event fall through.            }            return false;        }    }    @Override    public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent m) {        // Check if the popup window should be dismissed first.        if (mPopupGestureDetector != null && mPopupGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(m)) {            return true;        }        return super.dispatchTouchEvent(m);    }    private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {        @Override        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {            String action = intent.getAction();            Log.d(TAG, "Received intent action=" + action);            if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED)                    || action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED)                    || action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_CHECKING)) {                checkStorage();            } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED)) {                checkStorage();                if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent) {                    updateThumbnailButton();                }            }        }    };    private void initOnScreenIndicator() {        mGpsIndicator = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.onscreen_gps_indicator);        mExposureIndicator = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.onscreen_exposure_indicator);        mFlashIndicator = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.onscreen_flash_indicator);        mSceneIndicator = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.onscreen_scene_indicator);        mWhiteBalanceIndicator =                (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.onscreen_white_balance_indicator);        mFocusIndicator = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.onscreen_focus_indicator);    }    @Override    public void showGpsOnScreenIndicator(boolean hasSignal) {        if (mGpsIndicator == null) {            return;        }        if (hasSignal) {            mGpsIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_viewfinder_gps_on);        } else {            mGpsIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_viewfinder_gps_no_signal);        }        mGpsIndicator.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);    }    @Override    public void hideGpsOnScreenIndicator() {        if (mGpsIndicator == null) {            return;        }        mGpsIndicator.setVisibility(View.GONE);    }    private void updateExposureOnScreenIndicator(int value) {        if (mExposureIndicator == null) {            return;        }        if (value == 0) {            mExposureIndicator.setText("");            mExposureIndicator.setVisibility(View.GONE);        } else {            float step = mParameters.getExposureCompensationStep();            mFormatterArgs[0] = value * step;            mBuilder.delete(0, mBuilder.length());            mFormatter.format("%+1.1f", mFormatterArgs);            String exposure = mFormatter.toString();            mExposureIndicator.setText(exposure);            mExposureIndicator.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        }    }    private void updateFlashOnScreenIndicator(String value) {        if (mFlashIndicator == null) {            return;        }        if (Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO.equals(value)) {            mFlashIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_landscape_flash_auto);            mFlashIndicator.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        } else if (Parameters.FLASH_MODE_ON.equals(value)) {            mFlashIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_landscape_flash_on);            mFlashIndicator.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        } else if (Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF.equals(value)) {            mFlashIndicator.setVisibility(View.GONE);        }    }    private void updateSceneOnScreenIndicator(boolean isVisible) {        if (mSceneIndicator == null) {            return;        }        mSceneIndicator.setVisibility(isVisible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);    }    private void updateWhiteBalanceOnScreenIndicator(String value) {        if (mWhiteBalanceIndicator == null) {            return;        }        if (Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO.equals(value)) {            mWhiteBalanceIndicator.setVisibility(View.GONE);        } else {            if (Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_FLUORESCENT.equals(value)) {                mWhiteBalanceIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_fluorescent);            } else if (Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_INCANDESCENT.equals(value)) {                mWhiteBalanceIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_incandescent);            } else if (Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_DAYLIGHT.equals(value)) {                mWhiteBalanceIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_sunlight);            } else if (Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_CLOUDY_DAYLIGHT.equals(value)) {                mWhiteBalanceIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_cloudy);            }            mWhiteBalanceIndicator.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        }    }    private void updateFocusOnScreenIndicator(String value) {        if (mFocusIndicator == null) {            return;        }        if (Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY.equals(value)) {            mFocusIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_landscape);            mFocusIndicator.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        } else if (Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_MACRO.equals(value)) {            mFocusIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicators_macro);            mFocusIndicator.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        } else {            mFocusIndicator.setVisibility(View.GONE);        }    }    private void updateOnScreenIndicators() {        boolean isAutoScene = !(Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO.equals(mParameters.getSceneMode()));        updateSceneOnScreenIndicator(isAutoScene);        updateExposureOnScreenIndicator(CameraSettings.readExposure(mPreferences));        updateFlashOnScreenIndicator(mParameters.getFlashMode());        updateWhiteBalanceOnScreenIndicator(mParameters.getWhiteBalance());        updateFocusOnScreenIndicator(mParameters.getFocusMode());    }    private final class ShutterCallback            implements android.hardware.Camera.ShutterCallback {        public void onShutter() {            mShutterCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis();            mShutterLag = mShutterCallbackTime - mCaptureStartTime;            Log.v(TAG, "mShutterLag = " + mShutterLag + "ms");            mFocusManager.onShutter();        }    }    private final class PostViewPictureCallback implements PictureCallback {        public void onPictureTaken(                byte [] data, android.hardware.Camera camera) {            mPostViewPictureCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis();            Log.v(TAG, "mShutterToPostViewCallbackTime = "                    + (mPostViewPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime)                    + "ms");        }    }    private final class RawPictureCallback implements PictureCallback {        public void onPictureTaken(                byte [] rawData, android.hardware.Camera camera) {            mRawPictureCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis();            Log.v(TAG, "mShutterToRawCallbackTime = "                    + (mRawPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime) + "ms");        }    }    private final class JpegPictureCallback implements PictureCallback {        Location mLocation;        public JpegPictureCallback(Location loc) {            mLocation = loc;        }        public void onPictureTaken(                final byte [] jpegData, final android.hardware.Camera camera) {            if (mPausing) {                return;            }            mJpegPictureCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis();            // If postview callback has arrived, the captured image is displayed            // in postview callback. If not, the captured image is displayed in            // raw picture callback.            if (mPostViewPictureCallbackTime != 0) {                mShutterToPictureDisplayedTime =                        mPostViewPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime;                mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime =                        mJpegPictureCallbackTime - mPostViewPictureCallbackTime;            } else {                mShutterToPictureDisplayedTime =                        mRawPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime;                mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime =                        mJpegPictureCallbackTime - mRawPictureCallbackTime;            }            Log.v(TAG, "mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime = "                    + mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime + "ms");            if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent) {                startPreview();                startFaceDetection();            }            if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent) {                Size s = mParameters.getPictureSize();                mImageSaver.addImage(jpegData, mLocation, s.width, s.height);            } else {                mJpegImageData = jpegData;                if (!mQuickCapture) {                    showPostCaptureAlert();                } else {                    doAttach();                }            }            // Check this in advance of each shot so we don't add to shutter            // latency. It's true that someone else could write to the SD card in            // the mean time and fill it, but that could have happened between the            // shutter press and saving the JPEG too.            checkStorage();            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();            mJpegCallbackFinishTime = now - mJpegPictureCallbackTime;            Log.v(TAG, "mJpegCallbackFinishTime = "                    + mJpegCallbackFinishTime + "ms");            mJpegPictureCallbackTime = 0;        }    }    private final class AutoFocusCallback            implements android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback {        public void onAutoFocus(                boolean focused, android.hardware.Camera camera) {            if (mPausing) return;            mAutoFocusTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - mFocusStartTime;            Log.v(TAG, "mAutoFocusTime = " + mAutoFocusTime + "ms");            setCameraState(IDLE);            mFocusManager.onAutoFocus(focused);        }    }    private final class ZoomListener            implements android.hardware.Camera.OnZoomChangeListener {        @Override        public void onZoomChange(                int value, boolean stopped, android.hardware.Camera camera) {            Log.v(TAG, "Zoom changed: value=" + value + ". stopped=" + stopped);            mZoomValue = value;            // Update the UI when we get zoom value.            mZoomControl.setZoomIndex(value);            // Keep mParameters up to date. We do not getParameter again in            // takePicture. If we do not do this, wrong zoom value will be set.            mParameters.setZoom(value);            if (stopped && mZoomState != ZOOM_STOPPED) {                if (mTargetZoomValue != -1 && value != mTargetZoomValue) {                    mCameraDevice.startSmoothZoom(mTargetZoomValue);                    mZoomState = ZOOM_START;                } else {                    mZoomState = ZOOM_STOPPED;                }            }        }    }    // Each SaveRequest remembers the data needed to save an image.    private static class SaveRequest {        byte[] data;        Location loc;        int width, height;        long dateTaken;        int previewWidth;    }    // We use a queue to store the SaveRequests that have not been completed    // yet. The main thread puts the request into the queue. The saver thread    // gets it from the queue, does the work, and removes it from the queue.    //    // There are several cases the main thread needs to wait for the saver    // thread to finish all the work in the queue:    // (1) When the activity's onPause() is called, we need to finish all the    // work, so other programs (like Gallery) can see all the images.    // (2) When we need to show the SharePop, we need to finish all the work    // too, because we want to show the thumbnail of the last image taken.    //    // If the queue becomes too long, adding a new request will block the main    // thread until the queue length drops below the threshold (QUEUE_LIMIT).    // If we don't do this, we may face several problems: (1) We may OOM    // because we are holding all the jpeg data in memory. (2) We may ANR    // when we need to wait for saver thread finishing all the work (in    // onPause() or showSharePopup()) because the time to finishing a long queue    // of work may be too long.    private class ImageSaver extends Thread {        private static final int QUEUE_LIMIT = 3;        private ArrayList mQueue;        private Thumbnail mPendingThumbnail;        private Object mUpdateThumbnailLock = new Object();        private boolean mStop;        // Runs in main thread        public ImageSaver() {            mQueue = new ArrayList();            start();        }        // Runs in main thread        public void addImage(final byte[] data, Location loc, int width,                int height) {            SaveRequest r = new SaveRequest();            r.data = data;            r.loc = (loc == null) ? null : new Location(loc);  // make a copy            r.width = width;            r.height = height;            r.dateTaken = System.currentTimeMillis();            if (getRequestedOrientation() == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {                r.previewWidth = mPreviewFrameLayout.getHeight();            } else {                r.previewWidth = mPreviewFrameLayout.getWidth();            }            synchronized (this) {                while (mQueue.size() >= QUEUE_LIMIT) {                    try {                        wait();                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                        // ignore.                    }                }                mQueue.add(r);                notifyAll();  // Tell saver thread there is new work to do.            }        }        // Runs in saver thread        @Override        public void run() {            while (true) {                SaveRequest r;                synchronized (this) {                    if (mQueue.isEmpty()) {                        notifyAll();  // notify main thread in waitDone                        // Note that we can only stop after we saved all images                        // in the queue.                        if (mStop) break;                        try {                            wait();                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                            // ignore.                        }                        continue;                    }                    r = mQueue.get(0);                }                storeImage(r.data, r.loc, r.width, r.height, r.dateTaken,                        r.previewWidth);                synchronized(this) {                    mQueue.remove(0);                    notifyAll();  // the main thread may wait in addImage                }            }        }        // Runs in main thread        public void waitDone() {            synchronized (this) {                while (!mQueue.isEmpty()) {                    try {                        wait();                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                        // ignore.                    }                }            }            updateThumbnail();        }        // Runs in main thread        public void finish() {            waitDone();            synchronized (this) {                mStop = true;                notifyAll();            }            try {                join();            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                // ignore.            }        }        // Runs in main thread (because we need to update mThumbnailView in the        // main thread)        public void updateThumbnail() {            Thumbnail t;            synchronized (mUpdateThumbnailLock) {                mHandler.removeMessages(UPDATE_THUMBNAIL);                t = mPendingThumbnail;                mPendingThumbnail = null;            }            if (t != null) {                mThumbnail = t;                mThumbnailView.setBitmap(mThumbnail.getBitmap());            }            // Share popup may still have the reference to the old thumbnail. Clear it.            mSharePopup = null;        }        // Runs in saver thread        private void storeImage(final byte[] data, Location loc, int width,                int height, long dateTaken, int previewWidth) {            String title = Util.createJpegName(dateTaken);            int orientation = Exif.getOrientation(data);            Uri uri = Storage.addImage(mContentResolver, title, dateTaken,                    loc, orientation, data, width, height);            if (uri != null) {                boolean needThumbnail;                synchronized (this) {                    // If the number of requests in the queue (include the                    // current one) is greater than 1, we don't need to generate                    // thumbnail for this image. Because we'll soon replace it                    // with the thumbnail for some image later in the queue.                    needThumbnail = (mQueue.size() <= 1);                }                if (needThumbnail) {                    // Create a thumbnail whose width is equal or bigger than                    // that of the preview.                    int ratio = (int) Math.ceil((double) width / previewWidth);                    int inSampleSize = Integer.highestOneBit(ratio);                    Thumbnail t = Thumbnail.createThumbnail(                                data, orientation, inSampleSize, uri);                    synchronized (mUpdateThumbnailLock) {                        // We need to update the thumbnail in the main thread,                        // so send a message to run updateThumbnail().                        mPendingThumbnail = t;                        mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(UPDATE_THUMBNAIL);                    }                }                Util.broadcastNewPicture(Camera.this, uri);            }        }    }    private void setCameraState(int state) {        mCameraState = state;        switch (state) {            case SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS:            case FOCUSING:                enableCameraControls(false);                break;            case IDLE:            case PREVIEW_STOPPED:                enableCameraControls(true);                break;        }    }    @Override    public boolean capture() {        // If we are already in the middle of taking a snapshot then ignore.        if (mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS || mCameraDevice == null) {            return false;        }        mCaptureStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        mPostViewPictureCallbackTime = 0;        mJpegImageData = null;        // Set rotation and gps data.        Util.setRotationParameter(mParameters, mCameraId, mOrientation);        Location loc = mLocationManager.getCurrentLocation();        Util.setGpsParameters(mParameters, loc);        mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters);        mCameraDevice.takePicture(mShutterCallback, mRawPictureCallback,                mPostViewPictureCallback, new JpegPictureCallback(loc));        mFaceDetectionStarted = false;        setCameraState(SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS);        return true;    }    @Override    public void setFocusParameters() {        setCameraParameters(UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE);    }    @Override    public void playSound(int soundId) {        mCameraSound.play(soundId);    }    private boolean saveDataToFile(String filePath, byte[] data) {        FileOutputStream f = null;        try {            f = new FileOutputStream(filePath);            f.write(data);        } catch (IOException e) {            return false;        } finally {            Util.closeSilently(f);        }        return true;    }    private void getPreferredCameraId() {        mPreferences = new ComboPreferences(this);        CameraSettings.upgradeGlobalPreferences(mPreferences.getGlobal());        mNumberOfCameras = CameraHolder.instance().getNumberOfCameras();        int attemptedCameraId = CameraSettings.readPreferredCameraId(mPreferences);        // It is possible that the user can connect/disconnect cameras        // between device boots.        // We need to check that the preferred camera ID        // does not refer to a disconnected camera.        if (attemptedCameraId >= mNumberOfCameras) {            Log.v(TAG, "Preferred camera (id= " + attemptedCameraId +                       ") missing. Defaulting to the first one");            mCameraId = 0;        } else {            mCameraId = attemptedCameraId;        }        // Testing purpose. Launch a specific camera through the intent extras.        int intentCameraId = Util.getCameraFacingIntentExtras(this);        if (intentCameraId != -1) {            mCameraId = intentCameraId;        }    }    Thread mCameraOpenThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {        public void run() {            try {                mCameraDevice = Util.openCamera(Camera.this, mCameraId);            } catch (CameraHardwareException e) {                mOpenCameraFail = true;            } catch (CameraDisabledException e) {                mCameraDisabled = true;            }        }    });    Thread mCameraPreviewThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {        public void run() {            initializeCapabilities();            startPreview();        }    });    @Override    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {        super.onCreate(icicle);        getPreferredCameraId();        String[] defaultFocusModes = getResources().getStringArray(                R.array.pref_camera_focusmode_default_array);        mFocusManager = new FocusManager(mPreferences, defaultFocusModes);        /*         * To reduce startup time, we start the camera open and preview threads.         * We make sure the preview is started at the end of onCreate.         */        mCameraOpenThread.start();        mIsImageCaptureIntent = isImageCaptureIntent();        setContentView(R.layout.camera);        if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) {            mReviewDoneButton = (Rotatable) findViewById(R.id.btn_done);            mReviewCancelButton = (Rotatable) findViewById(R.id.btn_cancel);            findViewById(R.id.btn_cancel).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        } else {            mThumbnailView = (RotateImageView) findViewById(R.id.thumbnail);            mThumbnailView.enableFilter(false);            mThumbnailView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        }        mRotateDialog = new RotateDialogController(this, R.layout.rotate_dialog);        mPreferences.setLocalId(this, mCameraId);        CameraSettings.upgradeLocalPreferences(mPreferences.getLocal());        mQuickCapture = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_QUICK_CAPTURE, false);        // we need to reset exposure for the preview        resetExposureCompensation();        Util.enterLightsOutMode(getWindow());        // don't set mSurfaceHolder here. We have it set ONLY within        // surfaceChanged / surfaceDestroyed, other parts of the code        // assume that when it is set, the surface is also set.        SurfaceView preview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.camera_preview);        SurfaceHolder holder = preview.getHolder();        holder.addCallback(this);        holder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS);        // Make sure camera device is opened.        try {            mCameraOpenThread.join();            mCameraOpenThread = null;            if (mOpenCameraFail) {                Util.showErrorAndFinish(this, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);                return;            } else if (mCameraDisabled) {                Util.showErrorAndFinish(this, R.string.camera_disabled);                return;            }        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {            // ignore        }        mCameraPreviewThread.start();        if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) {            setupCaptureParams();        } else {            mModePicker = (ModePicker) findViewById(R.id.mode_picker);            mModePicker.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);            mModePicker.setOnModeChangeListener(this);            mModePicker.setCurrentMode(ModePicker.MODE_CAMERA);        }        mZoomControl = (ZoomControl) findViewById(R.id.zoom_control);        mOnScreenIndicators = (Rotatable) findViewById(R.id.on_screen_indicators);        mLocationManager = new LocationManager(this, this);        mBackCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getBackCameraId();        mFrontCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getFrontCameraId();        // Wait until the camera settings are retrieved.        synchronized (mCameraPreviewThread) {            try {                mCameraPreviewThread.wait();            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                // ignore            }        }        // Do this after starting preview because it depends on camera        // parameters.        initializeIndicatorControl();        mCameraSound = new MediaActionSound();        // Make sure preview is started.        try {            mCameraPreviewThread.join();        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {            // ignore        }        mCameraPreviewThread = null;    }    private void overrideCameraSettings(final String flashMode,            final String whiteBalance, final String focusMode) {        if (mIndicatorControlContainer != null) {            mIndicatorControlContainer.overrideSettings(                    CameraSettings.KEY_FLASH_MODE, flashMode,                    CameraSettings.KEY_WHITE_BALANCE, whiteBalance,                    CameraSettings.KEY_FOCUS_MODE, focusMode);        }    }    private void updateSceneModeUI() {        // If scene mode is set, we cannot set flash mode, white balance, and        // focus mode, instead, we read it from driver        if (!Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO.equals(mSceneMode)) {            overrideCameraSettings(mParameters.getFlashMode(),                    mParameters.getWhiteBalance(), mParameters.getFocusMode());        } else {            overrideCameraSettings(null, null, null);        }    }    private void loadCameraPreferences() {        CameraSettings settings = new CameraSettings(this, mInitialParams,                mCameraId, CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo());        mPreferenceGroup = settings.getPreferenceGroup(R.xml.camera_preferences);    }    private void initializeIndicatorControl() {        // setting the indicator buttons.        mIndicatorControlContainer =                (IndicatorControlContainer) findViewById(R.id.indicator_control);        if (mIndicatorControlContainer == null) return;        loadCameraPreferences();        final String[] SETTING_KEYS = {                CameraSettings.KEY_FLASH_MODE,                CameraSettings.KEY_WHITE_BALANCE,                CameraSettings.KEY_EXPOSURE,                CameraSettings.KEY_SCENE_MODE};        final String[] OTHER_SETTING_KEYS = {                CameraSettings.KEY_RECORD_LOCATION,                CameraSettings.KEY_PICTURE_SIZE,                CameraSettings.KEY_FOCUS_MODE};        CameraPicker.setImageResourceId(R.drawable.ic_switch_photo_facing_holo_light);        mIndicatorControlContainer.initialize(this, mPreferenceGroup,                mParameters.isZoomSupported(),                SETTING_KEYS, OTHER_SETTING_KEYS);        updateSceneModeUI();        mIndicatorControlContainer.setListener(this);    }    private boolean collapseCameraControls() {        if ((mIndicatorControlContainer != null)                && mIndicatorControlContainer.dismissSettingPopup()) {            return true;        }        return false;    }    private void enableCameraControls(boolean enable) {        if (mIndicatorControlContainer != null) {            mIndicatorControlContainer.setEnabled(enable);        }        if (mModePicker != null) mModePicker.setEnabled(enable);        if (mZoomControl != null) mZoomControl.setEnabled(enable);        if (mThumbnailView != null) mThumbnailView.setEnabled(enable);    }    private class MyOrientationEventListener            extends OrientationEventListener {        public MyOrientationEventListener(Context context) {            super(context);        }        @Override        public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) {            // We keep the last known orientation. So if the user first orient            // the camera then point the camera to floor or sky, we still have            // the correct orientation.            if (orientation == ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN) return;            mOrientation = Util.roundOrientation(orientation, mOrientation);            // When the screen is unlocked, display rotation may change. Always            // calculate the up-to-date orientationCompensation.            int orientationCompensation = mOrientation                    + Util.getDisplayRotation(Camera.this);            if (mOrientationCompensation != orientationCompensation) {                mOrientationCompensation = orientationCompensation;                setOrientationIndicator(mOrientationCompensation);            }            // Show the toast after getting the first orientation changed.            if (mHandler.hasMessages(SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST)) {                mHandler.removeMessages(SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST);                showTapToFocusToast();            }        }    }    private void setOrientationIndicator(int orientation) {        Rotatable[] indicators = {mThumbnailView, mModePicker, mSharePopup,                mIndicatorControlContainer, mZoomControl, mFocusAreaIndicator, mFaceView,                mReviewCancelButton, mReviewDoneButton, mRotateDialog, mOnScreenIndicators};        for (Rotatable indicator : indicators) {            if (indicator != null) indicator.setOrientation(orientation);        }    }    @Override    public void onStop() {        super.onStop();        if (mMediaProviderClient != null) {            mMediaProviderClient.release();            mMediaProviderClient = null;        }    }    private void checkStorage() {        mPicturesRemaining = Storage.getAvailableSpace();        if (mPicturesRemaining > Storage.LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD) {            mPicturesRemaining = (mPicturesRemaining - Storage.LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD)                    / Storage.PICTURE_SIZE;        } else if (mPicturesRemaining > 0) {            mPicturesRemaining = 0;        }        updateStorageHint();    }    @OnClickAttr    public void onThumbnailClicked(View v) {        if (isCameraIdle() && mThumbnail != null) {            showSharePopup();        }    }    @OnClickAttr    public void onReviewRetakeClicked(View v) {        hidePostCaptureAlert();        startPreview();        startFaceDetection();    }    @OnClickAttr    public void onReviewDoneClicked(View v) {        doAttach();    }    @OnClickAttr    public void onReviewCancelClicked(View v) {        doCancel();    }    private void doAttach() {        if (mPausing) {            return;        }        byte[] data = mJpegImageData;        if (mCropValue == null) {            // First handle the no crop case -- just return the value.  If the            // caller specifies a "save uri" then write the data to it's            // stream. Otherwise, pass back a scaled down version of the bitmap            // directly in the extras.            if (mSaveUri != null) {                OutputStream outputStream = null;                try {                    outputStream = mContentResolver.openOutputStream(mSaveUri);                    outputStream.write(data);                    outputStream.close();                    setResultEx(RESULT_OK);                    finish();                } catch (IOException ex) {                    // ignore exception                } finally {                    Util.closeSilently(outputStream);                }            } else {                int orientation = Exif.getOrientation(data);                Bitmap bitmap = Util.makeBitmap(data, 50 * 1024);                bitmap = Util.rotate(bitmap, orientation);                setResultEx(RESULT_OK,                        new Intent("inline-data").putExtra("data", bitmap));                finish();            }        } else {            // Save the image to a temp file and invoke the cropper            Uri tempUri = null;            FileOutputStream tempStream = null;            try {                File path = getFileStreamPath(sTempCropFilename);                path.delete();                tempStream = openFileOutput(sTempCropFilename, 0);                tempStream.write(data);                tempStream.close();                tempUri = Uri.fromFile(path);            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {                setResultEx(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED);                finish();                return;            } catch (IOException ex) {                setResultEx(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED);                finish();                return;            } finally {                Util.closeSilently(tempStream);            }            Bundle newExtras = new Bundle();            if (mCropValue.equals("circle")) {                newExtras.putString("circleCrop", "true");            }            if (mSaveUri != null) {                newExtras.putParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, mSaveUri);            } else {                newExtras.putBoolean("return-data", true);            }            Intent cropIntent = new Intent("com.android.camera.action.CROP");            cropIntent.setData(tempUri);            cropIntent.putExtras(newExtras);            startActivityForResult(cropIntent, CROP_MSG);        }    }    private void doCancel() {        setResultEx(RESULT_CANCELED, new Intent());        finish();    }    @Override    public void onShutterButtonFocus(boolean pressed) {        if (mPausing || collapseCameraControls() || mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS) return;        // Do not do focus if there is not enough storage.        if (pressed && !canTakePicture()) return;        if (pressed) {            mFocusManager.onShutterDown();        } else {            mFocusManager.onShutterUp();        }    }    @Override    public void onShutterButtonClick() {        if (mPausing || collapseCameraControls()) return;        // Do not take the picture if there is not enough storage.        if (mPicturesRemaining <= 0) {            Log.i(TAG, "Not enough space or storage not ready. remaining=" + mPicturesRemaining);            return;        }        Log.v(TAG, "onShutterButtonClick: mCameraState=" + mCameraState);        // If the user wants to do a snapshot while the previous one is still        // in progress, remember the fact and do it after we finish the previous        // one and re-start the preview. Snapshot in progress also includes the        // state that autofocus is focusing and a picture will be taken when        // focus callback arrives.        if (mFocusManager.isFocusingSnapOnFinish() || mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS) {            mSnapshotOnIdle = true;            return;        }        mSnapshotOnIdle = false;        mFocusManager.doSnap();    }    private OnScreenHint mStorageHint;    private void updateStorageHint() {        String noStorageText = null;        if (mPicturesRemaining == Storage.UNAVAILABLE) {            noStorageText = getString(R.string.no_storage);        } else if (mPicturesRemaining == Storage.PREPARING) {            noStorageText = getString(R.string.preparing_sd);        } else if (mPicturesRemaining == Storage.UNKNOWN_SIZE) {            noStorageText = getString(R.string.access_sd_fail);        } else if (mPicturesRemaining < 1L) {            noStorageText = getString(R.string.not_enough_space);        }        if (noStorageText != null) {            if (mStorageHint == null) {                mStorageHint = OnScreenHint.makeText(this, noStorageText);            } else {                mStorageHint.setText(noStorageText);            }            mStorageHint.show();        } else if (mStorageHint != null) {            mStorageHint.cancel();            mStorageHint = null;        }    }    private void installIntentFilter() {        // install an intent filter to receive SD card related events.        IntentFilter intentFilter =                new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED);        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED);        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED);        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_CHECKING);        intentFilter.addDataScheme("file");        registerReceiver(mReceiver, intentFilter);        mDidRegister = true;    }    @Override    protected void doOnResume() {        if (mOpenCameraFail || mCameraDisabled) return;        mPausing = false;        mJpegPictureCallbackTime = 0;        mZoomValue = 0;        // Start the preview if it is not started.        if (mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED) {            try {                mCameraDevice = Util.openCamera(this, mCameraId);                initializeCapabilities();                resetExposureCompensation();                startPreview();                startFaceDetection();            } catch (CameraHardwareException e) {                Util.showErrorAndFinish(this, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);                return;            } catch (CameraDisabledException e) {                Util.showErrorAndFinish(this, R.string.camera_disabled);                return;            }        }        if (mSurfaceHolder != null) {            // If first time initialization is not finished, put it in the            // message queue.            if (!mFirstTimeInitialized) {                mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(FIRST_TIME_INIT);            } else {                initializeSecondTime();            }        }        keepScreenOnAwhile();        if (mCameraState == IDLE) {            mOnResumeTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();            mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION, 100);        }        // Dismiss open menu if exists.        PopupManager.getInstance(this).notifyShowPopup(null);    }    @Override    protected void onPause() {        mPausing = true;        stopPreview();        // Close the camera now because other activities may need to use it.        closeCamera();        if (mCameraSound != null) mCameraSound.release();        resetScreenOn();        // Clear UI.        collapseCameraControls();        if (mSharePopup != null) mSharePopup.dismiss();        if (mFaceView != null) mFaceView.clear();        if (mFirstTimeInitialized) {            mOrientationListener.disable();            if (mImageSaver != null) {                mImageSaver.finish();                mImageSaver = null;            }            if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent && mThumbnail != null && !mThumbnail.fromFile()) {                mThumbnail.saveTo(new File(getFilesDir(), Thumbnail.LAST_THUMB_FILENAME));            }        }        if (mDidRegister) {            unregisterReceiver(mReceiver);            mDidRegister = false;        }        if (mLocationManager != null) mLocationManager.recordLocation(false);        updateExposureOnScreenIndicator(0);        if (mStorageHint != null) {            mStorageHint.cancel();            mStorageHint = null;        }        // If we are in an image capture intent and has taken        // a picture, we just clear it in onPause.        mJpegImageData = null;        // Remove the messages in the event queue.        mHandler.removeMessages(FIRST_TIME_INIT);        mHandler.removeMessages(CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION);        mFocusManager.removeMessages();        super.onPause();    }    @Override    protected void onActivityResult(            int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {        switch (requestCode) {            case CROP_MSG: {                Intent intent = new Intent();                if (data != null) {                    Bundle extras = data.getExtras();                    if (extras != null) {                        intent.putExtras(extras);                    }                }                setResultEx(resultCode, intent);                finish();                File path = getFileStreamPath(sTempCropFilename);                path.delete();                break;            }        }    }    private boolean canTakePicture() {        return isCameraIdle() && (mPicturesRemaining > 0);    }    @Override    public void autoFocus() {        mFocusStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        mCameraDevice.autoFocus(mAutoFocusCallback);        setCameraState(FOCUSING);    }    @Override    public void cancelAutoFocus() {        mCameraDevice.cancelAutoFocus();        setCameraState(IDLE);        setCameraParameters(UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE);    }    // Preview area is touched. Handle touch focus.    @Override    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent e) {        if (mPausing || mCameraDevice == null || !mFirstTimeInitialized                || mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS) {            return false;        }        // Do not trigger touch focus if popup window is opened.        if (collapseCameraControls()) return false;        // Check if metering area or focus area is supported.        if (!mFocusAreaSupported && !mMeteringAreaSupported) return false;        return mFocusManager.onTouch(e);    }    @Override    public void onBackPressed() {        if (!isCameraIdle()) {            // ignore backs while we're taking a picture            return;        } else if (!collapseCameraControls()) {            super.onBackPressed();        }    }    @Override    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {        switch (keyCode) {            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FOCUS:                if (mFirstTimeInitialized && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {                    onShutterButtonFocus(true);                }                return true;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA:                if (mFirstTimeInitialized && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {                    onShutterButtonClick();                }                return true;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:                // If we get a dpad center event without any focused view, move                // the focus to the shutter button and press it.                if (mFirstTimeInitialized && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {                    // Start auto-focus immediately to reduce shutter lag. After                    // the shutter button gets the focus, onShutterButtonFocus()                    // will be called again but it is fine.                    if (collapseCameraControls()) return true;                    onShutterButtonFocus(true);                    if (mShutterButton.isInTouchMode()) {                        mShutterButton.requestFocusFromTouch();                    } else {                        mShutterButton.requestFocus();                    }                    mShutterButton.setPressed(true);                }                return true;        }        return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);    }    @Override    public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {        switch (keyCode) {            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FOCUS:                if (mFirstTimeInitialized) {                    onShutterButtonFocus(false);                }                return true;        }        return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);    }    public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) {        // Make sure we have a surface in the holder before proceeding.        if (holder.getSurface() == null) {            Log.d(TAG, "holder.getSurface() == null");            return;        }        Log.v(TAG, "surfaceChanged. w=" + w + ". h=" + h);        // We need to save the holder for later use, even when the mCameraDevice        // is null. This could happen if onResume() is invoked after this        // function.        mSurfaceHolder = holder;        // The mCameraDevice will be null if it fails to connect to the camera        // hardware. In this case we will show a dialog and then finish the        // activity, so it's OK to ignore it.        if (mCameraDevice == null) return;        // Sometimes surfaceChanged is called after onPause or before onResume.        // Ignore it.        if (mPausing || isFinishing()) return;        // Set preview display if the surface is being created. Preview was        // already started. Also restart the preview if display rotation has        // changed. Sometimes this happens when the device is held in portrait        // and camera app is opened. Rotation animation takes some time and        // display rotation in onCreate may not be what we want.        if (mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED) {            startPreview();            startFaceDetection();        } else {            if (Util.getDisplayRotation(this) != mDisplayRotation) {                setDisplayOrientation();            }            if (holder.isCreating()) {                // Set preview display if the surface is being created and preview                // was already started. That means preview display was set to null                // and we need to set it now.                setPreviewDisplay(holder);            }        }        // If first time initialization is not finished, send a message to do        // it later. We want to finish surfaceChanged as soon as possible to let        // user see preview first.        if (!mFirstTimeInitialized) {            mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(FIRST_TIME_INIT);        } else {            initializeSecondTime();        }    }    public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {    }    public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {        stopPreview();        mSurfaceHolder = null;    }    private void closeCamera() {        if (mCameraDevice != null) {            CameraHolder.instance().release();            mFaceDetectionStarted = false;            mCameraDevice.setZoomChangeListener(null);            mCameraDevice.setFaceDetectionListener(null);            mCameraDevice.setErrorCallback(null);            mCameraDevice = null;            setCameraState(PREVIEW_STOPPED);            mFocusManager.onCameraReleased();        }    }    private void setPreviewDisplay(SurfaceHolder holder) {        try {            mCameraDevice.setPreviewDisplay(holder);        } catch (Throwable ex) {            closeCamera();            throw new RuntimeException("setPreviewDisplay failed", ex);        }    }    private void setDisplayOrientation() {        mDisplayRotation = Util.getDisplayRotation(this);        mDisplayOrientation = Util.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId);        mCameraDevice.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation);        if (mFaceView != null) {            mFaceView.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation);        }    }    private void startPreview() {        if (mPausing || isFinishing()) return;        mFocusManager.resetTouchFocus();        mCameraDevice.setErrorCallback(mErrorCallback);        // If we're previewing already, stop the preview first (this will blank        // the screen).        if (mCameraState != PREVIEW_STOPPED) stopPreview();        setPreviewDisplay(mSurfaceHolder);        setDisplayOrientation();        if (!mSnapshotOnIdle) {            // If the focus mode is continuous autofocus, call cancelAutoFocus to            // resume it because it may have been paused by autoFocus call.            if (Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE.equals(mFocusManager.getFocusMode())) {                mCameraDevice.cancelAutoFocus();            }            mFocusManager.setAeAwbLock(false); // Unlock AE and AWB.        }        setCameraParameters(UPDATE_PARAM_ALL);        // Inform the mainthread to go on the UI initialization.        if (mCameraPreviewThread != null) {            synchronized (mCameraPreviewThread) {                mCameraPreviewThread.notify();            }        }        try {            Log.v(TAG, "startPreview");            mCameraDevice.startPreview();        } catch (Throwable ex) {            closeCamera();            throw new RuntimeException("startPreview failed", ex);        }        mZoomState = ZOOM_STOPPED;        setCameraState(IDLE);        mFocusManager.onPreviewStarted();        if (mSnapshotOnIdle) {            mHandler.post(mDoSnapRunnable);        }    }    private void stopPreview() {        if (mCameraDevice != null && mCameraState != PREVIEW_STOPPED) {            Log.v(TAG, "stopPreview");            mCameraDevice.cancelAutoFocus(); // Reset the focus.            mCameraDevice.stopPreview();            mFaceDetectionStarted = false;        }        setCameraState(PREVIEW_STOPPED);        mFocusManager.onPreviewStopped();    }    private static boolean isSupported(String value, List supported) {        return supported == null ? false : supported.indexOf(value) >= 0;    }    private void updateCameraParametersInitialize() {        // Reset preview frame rate to the maximum because it may be lowered by        // video camera application.        List frameRates = mParameters.getSupportedPreviewFrameRates();        if (frameRates != null) {            Integer max = Collections.max(frameRates);            mParameters.setPreviewFrameRate(max);        }        mParameters.setRecordingHint(false);        // Disable video stabilization. Convenience methods not available in API        // level <= 14        String vstabSupported = mParameters.get("video-stabilization-supported");        if ("true".equals(vstabSupported)) {            mParameters.set("video-stabilization", "false");        }    }    private void updateCameraParametersZoom() {        // Set zoom.        if (mParameters.isZoomSupported()) {            mParameters.setZoom(mZoomValue);        }    }    private void updateCameraParametersPreference() {        if (mAeLockSupported) {            mParameters.setAutoExposureLock(mFocusManager.getAeAwbLock());        }        if (mAwbLockSupported) {            mParameters.setAutoWhiteBalanceLock(mFocusManager.getAeAwbLock());        }        if (mFocusAreaSupported) {            mParameters.setFocusAreas(mFocusManager.getFocusAreas());        }        if (mMeteringAreaSupported) {            // Use the same area for focus and metering.            mParameters.setMeteringAreas(mFocusManager.getMeteringAreas());        }        // Set picture size.        String pictureSize = mPreferences.getString(                CameraSettings.KEY_PICTURE_SIZE, null);        if (pictureSize == null) {            CameraSettings.initialCameraPictureSize(this, mParameters);        } else {            List supported = mParameters.getSupportedPictureSizes();            CameraSettings.setCameraPictureSize(                    pictureSize, supported, mParameters);        }        // Set the preview frame aspect ratio according to the picture size.        Size size = mParameters.getPictureSize();        mPreviewPanel = findViewById(R.id.frame_layout);        mPreviewFrameLayout = (PreviewFrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.frame);        mPreviewFrameLayout.setAspectRatio((double) size.width / size.height);        // Set a preview size that is closest to the viewfinder height and has        // the right aspect ratio.        List sizes = mParameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes();        Size optimalSize = Util.getOptimalPreviewSize(this,                sizes, (double) size.width / size.height);        Size original = mParameters.getPreviewSize();        if (!original.equals(optimalSize)) {            mParameters.setPreviewSize(optimalSize.width, optimalSize.height);            // Zoom related settings will be changed for different preview            // sizes, so set and read the parameters to get lastest values            mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters);            mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters();        }        Log.v(TAG, "Preview size is " + optimalSize.width + "x" + optimalSize.height);        // Since change scene mode may change supported values,        // Set scene mode first,        mSceneMode = mPreferences.getString(                CameraSettings.KEY_SCENE_MODE,                getString(R.string.pref_camera_scenemode_default));        if (isSupported(mSceneMode, mParameters.getSupportedSceneModes())) {            if (!mParameters.getSceneMode().equals(mSceneMode)) {                mParameters.setSceneMode(mSceneMode);                mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters);                // Setting scene mode will change the settings of flash mode,                // white balance, and focus mode. Here we read back the                // parameters, so we can know those settings.                mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters();            }        } else {            mSceneMode = mParameters.getSceneMode();            if (mSceneMode == null) {                mSceneMode = Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO;            }        }        // Set JPEG quality.        int jpegQuality = CameraProfile.getJpegEncodingQualityParameter(mCameraId,                CameraProfile.QUALITY_HIGH);        mParameters.setJpegQuality(jpegQuality);        // For the following settings, we need to check if the settings are        // still supported by latest driver, if not, ignore the settings.        // Set exposure compensation        int value = CameraSettings.readExposure(mPreferences);        int max = mParameters.getMaxExposureCompensation();        int min = mParameters.getMinExposureCompensation();        if (value >= min && value <= max) {            mParameters.setExposureCompensation(value);        } else {            Log.w(TAG, "invalid exposure range: " + value);        }        if (Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO.equals(mSceneMode)) {            // Set flash mode.            String flashMode = mPreferences.getString(                    CameraSettings.KEY_FLASH_MODE,                    getString(R.string.pref_camera_flashmode_default));            List supportedFlash = mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes();            if (isSupported(flashMode, supportedFlash)) {                mParameters.setFlashMode(flashMode);            } else {                flashMode = mParameters.getFlashMode();                if (flashMode == null) {                    flashMode = getString(                            R.string.pref_camera_flashmode_no_flash);                }            }            // Set white balance parameter.            String whiteBalance = mPreferences.getString(                    CameraSettings.KEY_WHITE_BALANCE,                    getString(R.string.pref_camera_whitebalance_default));            if (isSupported(whiteBalance,                    mParameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance())) {                mParameters.setWhiteBalance(whiteBalance);            } else {                whiteBalance = mParameters.getWhiteBalance();                if (whiteBalance == null) {                    whiteBalance = Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO;                }            }            // Set focus mode.            mFocusManager.overrideFocusMode(null);            mParameters.setFocusMode(mFocusManager.getFocusMode());        } else {            mFocusManager.overrideFocusMode(mParameters.getFocusMode());        }    }    // We separate the parameters into several subsets, so we can update only    // the subsets actually need updating. The PREFERENCE set needs extra    // locking because the preference can be changed from GLThread as well.    private void setCameraParameters(int updateSet) {        mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters();        if ((updateSet & UPDATE_PARAM_INITIALIZE) != 0) {            updateCameraParametersInitialize();        }        if ((updateSet & UPDATE_PARAM_ZOOM) != 0) {            updateCameraParametersZoom();        }        if ((updateSet & UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE) != 0) {            updateCameraParametersPreference();        }        mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters);    }    // If the Camera is idle, update the parameters immediately, otherwise    // accumulate them in mUpdateSet and update later.    private void setCameraParametersWhenIdle(int additionalUpdateSet) {        mUpdateSet |= additionalUpdateSet;        if (mCameraDevice == null) {            // We will update all the parameters when we open the device, so            // we don't need to do anything now.            mUpdateSet = 0;            return;        } else if (isCameraIdle()) {            setCameraParameters(mUpdateSet);            updateSceneModeUI();            mUpdateSet = 0;        } else {            if (!mHandler.hasMessages(SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE)) {                mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(                        SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE, 1000);            }        }    }    private void gotoGallery() {        MenuHelper.gotoCameraImageGallery(this);    }    private boolean isCameraIdle() {        return (mCameraState == IDLE) || (mFocusManager.isFocusCompleted());    }    private boolean isImageCaptureIntent() {        String action = getIntent().getAction();        return (MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE.equals(action));    }    private void setupCaptureParams() {        Bundle myExtras = getIntent().getExtras();        if (myExtras != null) {            mSaveUri = (Uri) myExtras.getParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT);            mCropValue = myExtras.getString("crop");        }    }    private void showPostCaptureAlert() {        if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) {            Util.fadeOut(mIndicatorControlContainer);            Util.fadeOut(mShutterButton);            int[] pickIds = {R.id.btn_retake, R.id.btn_done};            for (int id : pickIds) {                Util.fadeIn(findViewById(id));            }        }    }    private void hidePostCaptureAlert() {        if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) {            int[] pickIds = {R.id.btn_retake, R.id.btn_done};            for (int id : pickIds) {                Util.fadeOut(findViewById(id));            }            Util.fadeIn(mShutterButton);            Util.fadeIn(mIndicatorControlContainer);        }    }    @Override    public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {        super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);        // Only show the menu when camera is idle.        for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) {            menu.getItem(i).setVisible(isCameraIdle());        }        return true;    }    @Override    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {        super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);        if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) {            // No options menu for attach mode.            return false;        } else {            addBaseMenuItems(menu);        }        return true;    }    private void addBaseMenuItems(Menu menu) {        MenuHelper.addSwitchModeMenuItem(menu, ModePicker.MODE_VIDEO, new Runnable() {            public void run() {                switchToOtherMode(ModePicker.MODE_VIDEO);            }        });        MenuHelper.addSwitchModeMenuItem(menu, ModePicker.MODE_PANORAMA, new Runnable() {            public void run() {                switchToOtherMode(ModePicker.MODE_PANORAMA);            }        });        if (mNumberOfCameras > 1) {            menu.add(R.string.switch_camera_id)                    .setOnMenuItemClickListener(new OnMenuItemClickListener() {                public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {                    CameraSettings.writePreferredCameraId(mPreferences,                            (mCameraId + 1) % mNumberOfCameras);                    onSharedPreferenceChanged();                    return true;                }            }).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_camera);        }    }    private boolean switchToOtherMode(int mode) {        if (isFinishing()) return false;        if (mImageSaver != null) mImageSaver.waitDone();        MenuHelper.gotoMode(mode, Camera.this);        mHandler.removeMessages(FIRST_TIME_INIT);        finish();        return true;    }    public boolean onModeChanged(int mode) {        if (mode != ModePicker.MODE_CAMERA) {            return switchToOtherMode(mode);        } else {            return true;        }    }    public void onSharedPreferenceChanged() {        // ignore the events after "onPause()"        if (mPausing) return;        boolean recordLocation = RecordLocationPreference.get(                mPreferences, getContentResolver());        mLocationManager.recordLocation(recordLocation);        int cameraId = CameraSettings.readPreferredCameraId(mPreferences);        if (mCameraId != cameraId) {            // Restart the activity to have a crossfade animation.            // TODO: Use SurfaceTexture to implement a better and faster            // animation.            if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) {                // If the intent is camera capture, stay in camera capture mode.                MenuHelper.gotoCameraMode(this, getIntent());            } else {                MenuHelper.gotoCameraMode(this);            }            finish();        } else {            setCameraParametersWhenIdle(UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE);        }        updateOnScreenIndicators();    }    @Override    public void onUserInteraction() {        super.onUserInteraction();        keepScreenOnAwhile();    }    private void resetScreenOn() {        mHandler.removeMessages(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY);        getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);    }    private void keepScreenOnAwhile() {        mHandler.removeMessages(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY);        getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);        mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY, SCREEN_DELAY);    }    public void onRestorePreferencesClicked() {        if (mPausing) return;        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {            public void run() {                restorePreferences();            }        };        mRotateDialog.showAlertDialog(                getString(R.string.confirm_restore_title),                getString(R.string.confirm_restore_message),                getString(android.R.string.ok), runnable,                getString(android.R.string.cancel), null);    }    private void restorePreferences() {        // Reset the zoom. Zoom value is not stored in preference.        if (mParameters.isZoomSupported()) {            mZoomValue = 0;            setCameraParametersWhenIdle(UPDATE_PARAM_ZOOM);            mZoomControl.setZoomIndex(0);        }        if (mIndicatorControlContainer != null) {            mIndicatorControlContainer.dismissSettingPopup();            CameraSettings.restorePreferences(Camera.this, mPreferences,                    mParameters);            mIndicatorControlContainer.reloadPreferences();            onSharedPreferenceChanged();        }    }    public void onOverriddenPreferencesClicked() {        if (mPausing) return;        if (mNotSelectableToast == null) {            String str = getResources().getString(R.string.not_selectable_in_scene_mode);            mNotSelectableToast = Toast.makeText(Camera.this, str, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);        }        mNotSelectableToast.show();    }    private void showSharePopup() {        mImageSaver.waitDone();        Uri uri = mThumbnail.getUri();        if (mSharePopup == null || !uri.equals(mSharePopup.getUri())) {            // SharePopup window takes the mPreviewPanel as its size reference.            mSharePopup = new SharePopup(this, uri, mThumbnail.getBitmap(),                    mOrientationCompensation, mPreviewPanel);        }        mSharePopup.showAtLocation(mThumbnailView, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, 0, 0);    }    @Override    public void onFaceDetection(Face[] faces, android.hardware.Camera camera) {        mFaceView.setFaces(faces);    }    private void showTapToFocusToast() {        new RotateTextToast(this, R.string.tap_to_focus, mOrientation).show();        // Clear the preference.        Editor editor = mPreferences.edit();        editor.putBoolean(CameraSettings.KEY_CAMERA_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN, false);        editor.apply();    }    private void initializeCapabilities() {        mInitialParams = mCameraDevice.getParameters();        mFocusManager.initializeParameters(mInitialParams);        mFocusAreaSupported = (mInitialParams.getMaxNumFocusAreas() > 0                && isSupported(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO,                        mInitialParams.getSupportedFocusModes()));        mMeteringAreaSupported = (mInitialParams.getMaxNumMeteringAreas() > 0);        mAeLockSupported = mInitialParams.isAutoExposureLockSupported();        mAwbLockSupported = mInitialParams.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported();    }}


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