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英文原文: Report: Android is home to 96% of new mobile malware
F-Secure's latest Mobile Threat Report for the last three months of 2012 names Android as the home of 96% of the new "mobile threat families". Of 100 new threat families detected in that quarter, 96 of them were based on Android, up from the previous quarter's 49 out of 74, and only 4 were resident on Symbian, down from 21 in the previous quarter. The numbers are for newly detected families of malware only and do not reflect overall numbers found in the wild.


  1. android恶意程序分析 (三)
  2. 谷安: 该打针吃药啦:新的 Android 恶意应用伪装成 Google+ 暗中监
  3. android恶意程序分析 (二)
  4. 目前的Android恶意软件分类
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  6. 目前最全的android恶意程序的分类谱
  7. 安卓手机恶意代码——Samsapo
  8. Android平台各类恶意软件及病毒概览
  9. android恶意程序分析 (四)


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