


private void doPhotoPrint() { PrintHelper photoPrinter = new PrintHelper(getActivity()); photoPrinter.setScaleMode(PrintHelper.SCALE_MODE_FIT); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),   R.drawable.droids); photoPrinter.printBitmap("droids.jpg - test print", bitmap);}




private void doPrint() { // Get a PrintManager instance PrintManager printManager = (PrintManager) getActivity()   .getSystemService(Context.PRINT_SERVICE);  // Set job name, which will be displayed in the print queue String jobName = getActivity().getString(R.string.app_name) + " Document";  // Start a print job, passing in a PrintDocumentAdapter implementation // to handle the generation of a print document printManager.print(jobName, new MyPrintDocumentAdapter(getActivity()),   null); //}

注:print函数第二个参数为继承了抽象类PrintDocumentAdapter 的适配器类,第三个参数为 PrintAttributes对象,




  • onStart():当打印过程开始的时候调用;
  • onLayout():当用户更改打印设置导致打印结果改变时调用,如更改纸张尺寸,纸张方向等;
  • onWrite():当将要打印的结果写入到文件中时调用,该方法在每次onLayout()调用后会调用一次或多次;
  • onFinish():当打印过程结束时调用。




@Overridepublic void onLayout(PrintAttributes oldAttributes,      PrintAttributes newAttributes,      CancellationSignal cancellationSignal,      LayoutResultCallback callback,      Bundle metadata) { // Create a new PdfDocument with the requested page attributes mPdfDocument = new PrintedPdfDocument(getActivity(), newAttributes);  // Respond to cancellation request if (cancellationSignal.isCancelled() ) {  callback.onLayoutCancelled();  return; }  // Compute the expected number of printed pages int pages = computePageCount(newAttributes);  if (pages > 0) {  // Return print information to print framework  PrintDocumentInfo info = new PrintDocumentInfo    .Builder("print_output.pdf")    .setContentType(PrintDocumentInfo.CONTENT_TYPE_DOCUMENT)    .setPageCount(pages);    .build();  // Content layout reflow is complete  callback.onLayoutFinished(info, true); } else {  // Otherwise report an error to the print framework  callback.onLayoutFailed("Page count calculation failed."); }}

注:onLayout()方法的执行有完成,取消,和失败三种结果,你必须通过调用 PrintDocumentAdapter.LayoutResultCallback类的适当回调方法表明执行结果, onLayoutFinished()方法的布尔型参数指示布局内容是否已经改变。

onLayout()方法的主要任务就是计算在新的设置下,需要打印的页数,如通过打印的方向决定页数:private int computePageCount(PrintAttributes printAttributes) { int itemsPerPage = 4; // default item count for portrait mode  MediaSize pageSize = printAttributes.getMediaSize(); if (!pageSize.isPortrait()) {  // Six items per page in landscape orientation  itemsPerPage = 6; }  // Determine number of print items int printItemCount = getPrintItemCount();  return (int) Math.ceil(printItemCount / itemsPerPage);}


当需要将打印结果输出到文件中时,系统会调用onWrite()方法,该方法的参数指明要打印的页以及结果写入的文件,你的方法实现需要将页面的内容写入到一个多页面的PDF文档中,当这个过程完成时,需要调用onWriteFinished() 方法,如:

@Overridepublic void onWrite(final PageRange[] pageRanges,     final ParcelFileDescriptor destination,     final CancellationSignal cancellationSignal,     final WriteResultCallback callback) { // Iterate over each page of the document, // check if it's in the output range. for (int i = 0; i < totalPages; i++) {  // Check to see if this page is in the output range.  if (containsPage(pageRanges, i)) {   // If so, add it to writtenPagesArray. writtenPagesArray.size()   // is used to compute the next output page index.   writtenPagesArray.append(writtenPagesArray.size(), i);   PdfDocument.Page page = mPdfDocument.startPage(i);    // check for cancellation   if (cancellationSignal.isCancelled()) {    callback.onWriteCancelled();    mPdfDocument.close();    mPdfDocument = null;    return;   }    // Draw page content for printing   drawPage(page);    // Rendering is complete, so page can be finalized.   mPdfDocument.finishPage(page);  } }  // Write PDF document to file try {  mPdfDocument.writeTo(new FileOutputStream(    destination.getFileDescriptor())); } catch (IOException e) {  callback.onWriteFailed(e.toString());  return; } finally {  mPdfDocument.close();  mPdfDocument = null; } PageRange[] writtenPages = computeWrittenPages(); // Signal the print framework the document is complete callback.onWriteFinished(writtenPages);  ...}


private void drawPage(PdfDocument.Page page) { Canvas canvas = page.getCanvas();  // units are in points (1/72 of an inch) int titleBaseLine = 72; int leftMargin = 54;  Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint.setTextSize(36); canvas.drawText("Test Title", leftMargin, titleBaseLine, paint);  paint.setTextSize(11); canvas.drawText("Test paragraph", leftMargin, titleBaseLine + 25, paint);  paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); canvas.drawRect(100, 100, 172, 172, paint);}



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