1、package to install in ubuntu or Debian

$ sudo apt-get install -ybuild-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2

2、Prepare Kernel Source and excute the command

$make clean && make mrproper

3、Excute the command :the default config file location/arch/arm/configs/yourdevice_defconfig

$make yourdevice_defconfig

  • Or if you have the Android SDK installed you can get your config by executing the following:

  $adb pull /proc/config.gz

  $gunzip config.gz

4、Point the "Makefile" to the compilation tools

$export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/***/ndk/toolchains/arm-eabi-4.4.0/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-eabi-

5、Apply any kernel patches ie. BFS, BFQ etc.

$patch -p1 <yourpatch.patch

6、Further configure your kernel if so desired:

$make menuconfig

7、Execute compile command:

$make -j5 ARCH=arm

8、Kernel & Wifi module locations after compilation:



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