android {    compileSdkVersion 25    buildToolsVersion '25.0.0'    useLibrary ''    defaultConfig {        applicationId ""        minSdkVersion 14        targetSdkVersion 19        versionCode 71        versionName "2.4.0"        multiDexEnabled true    }    dexOptions {        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"    }    lintOptions {        checkReleaseBuilds false        // Or, if you prefer, you can continue to check for errors in release builds,        // but continue the build even when errors are found:        abortOnError false    }     signingConfigs {        debug {            // No debug config        }        release {            storeFile file("../key.keystore")            storePassword "123456"            keyAlias "xxxmobilecloud"            keyPassword "123456"        }    }   buildTypes {        debug {            // 显示Log            buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG_DEBUG", "true"            //是否打开debuggable开关            debuggable true            //是否打开jniDebuggable开关            jniDebuggable true            //是否混淆            minifyEnabled false            //是否zip对齐            zipAlignEnabled true            //签名配置            signingConfig signingConfigs.release            //manifestPlaceholders = [ENV_SERVICE: "pre"]            manifestPlaceholders = [ENV_SERVICE: "pre", ENV_CLIENT: "debug", SUNING_APPKEY: "24f1cfc0bb784feca110eb4793791f50",  SUNING_CHANNEL:"msop"]        }      release {//            manifestPlaceholders = [ENV_SERVICE: "pre"]            // 不显示Log            buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG_DEBUG", "false"            //是否打开debuggable开关            debuggable false            //是否打开jniDebuggable开关            jniDebuggable false            //是否混淆            minifyEnabled true            //是否zip对齐            zipAlignEnabled true            // 移除无用的resource文件 [使用必须打开混淆]            shrinkResources true            //混淆配置文件            proguardFiles 'proguard.cfg'            //签名配置            signingConfig signingConfigs.release            applicationVariants.all { variant ->                variant.outputs.each { output ->                    def outputFile = output.outputFile                    if (outputFile != null &&'.apk')) {                        def fileName ="aaa" + "_v${defaultConfig.versionName}_${variant.productFlavors[0].name}.apk"                        output.outputFile = new File(outputFile.parent, fileName)                    }                }            }        }   }   repositories {        flatDir {            dirs 'libs'        }    }    packagingOptions {        exclude 'META-INF/INDEX.LIST'        exclude 'META-INF/'    }    productFlavors {        pre {            manifestPlaceholders = [ENV_SERVICE: "pre", ENV_CLIENT: "debug", XXX_APPKEY: "12345",  XXX_CHANNEL:"aaa"]        }    }}
dependencies {    compile fileTree(include: '*.jar', dir: 'libs')    compile project(':library')    compile('') {        exclude group: '', module: 'xxx'    }}


android {    lintOptions {        // true--关闭lint报告的分析进度        quiet true        // true--错误发生后停止gradle构建        abortOnError false        // true--只报告error        ignoreWarnings true        // true--忽略有错误的文件的全/绝对路径(默认是true)        //absolutePaths true        // true--检查所有问题点,包含其他默认关闭项        checkAllWarnings true        // true--所有warning当做error        warningsAsErrors true        // 关闭指定问题检查        disable 'TypographyFractions','TypographyQuotes'        // 打开指定问题检查        enable 'RtlHardcoded','RtlCompat', 'RtlEnabled'        // 仅检查指定问题        check 'NewApi', 'InlinedApi'        // true--error输出文件不包含源码行号        noLines true        // true--显示错误的所有发生位置,不截取        showAll true        // 回退lint设置(默认规则)        lintConfig file("default-lint.xml")        // true--生成txt格式报告(默认false)        textReport true        // 重定向输出;可以是文件或'stdout'        textOutput 'stdout'        // true--生成XML格式报告        xmlReport false        // 指定xml报告文档(默认lint-results.xml)        xmlOutput file("lint-report.xml")        // true--生成HTML报告(带问题解释,源码位置,等)        htmlReport true        // html报告可选路径(构建器默认是lint-results.html )        htmlOutput file("lint-report.html")        //  true--所有正式版构建执行规则生成崩溃的lint检查,如果有崩溃问题将停止构建        checkReleaseBuilds true        // 在发布版本编译时检查(即使不包含lint目标),指定问题的规则生成崩溃        fatal 'NewApi', 'InlineApi'        // 指定问题的规则生成错误        error 'Wakelock', 'TextViewEdits'        // 指定问题的规则生成警告        warning 'ResourceAsColor'        // 忽略指定问题的规则(同关闭检查)        ignore 'TypographyQuotes'    }}


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