
 1、首先查看addTab(TabSpec tabSpec)源代码:

/**     * Add a tab.     * @param tabSpec Specifies how to create the indicator and content.     */    public void addTab(TabSpec tabSpec) {        if (tabSpec.mIndicatorStrategy == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("you must specify a way to create the tab indicator.");        }        if (tabSpec.mContentStrategy == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("you must specify a way to create the tab content");        }        View tabIndicator = tabSpec.mIndicatorStrategy.createIndicatorView();        tabIndicator.setOnKeyListener(mTabKeyListener);        // If this is a custom view, then do not draw the bottom strips for        // the tab indicators.        if (tabSpec.mIndicatorStrategy instanceof ViewIndicatorStrategy) {            mTabWidget.setStripEnabled(false);        }        mTabWidget.addView(tabIndicator);        mTabSpecs.add(tabSpec);        if (mCurrentTab == -1) {            setCurrentTab(0);        }    }



2、再看setCurrentTab(int index)方法源码:

public void setCurrentTab(int index) {        if (index < 0 || index >= mTabSpecs.size()) {            return;        }        if (index == mCurrentTab) {            return;        }        // notify old tab content        if (mCurrentTab != -1) {            mTabSpecs.get(mCurrentTab).mContentStrategy.tabClosed();        }        mCurrentTab = index;        final TabHost.TabSpec spec = mTabSpecs.get(index);        // Call the tab widget's focusCurrentTab(), instead of just        // selecting the tab.        mTabWidget.focusCurrentTab(mCurrentTab);        // tab content        mCurrentView = spec.mContentStrategy.getContentView();        if (mCurrentView.getParent() == null) {            mTabContent.addView(mCurrentView, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(                                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,                                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));        }        if (!mTabWidget.hasFocus()) {            // if the tab widget didn't take focus (likely because we're in touch mode)            // give the current tab content view a shot            mCurrentView.requestFocus();        }        //mTabContent.requestFocus(View.FOCUS_FORWARD);        invokeOnTabChangeListener();    }




 //取消tabhost默认加载第一个tab。        try        {            Field current = tabHost.getClass().getDeclaredField("mCurrentTab");            current.setAccessible(true);            current.setInt(tabHost, 0);        }catch (Exception e){            e.printStackTrace();        }        TabHost.TabSpec tSpecCoupon = tabHost.newTabSpec("sth");        tSpecCoupon.setIndicator(tabIndicator1);        tSpecCoupon.setContent(new DummyTabContent(getBaseContext()));        tabHost.addTab(tSpecCoupon);        //mCurrentTab恢复到-1状态        try        {            Field current = tabHost.getClass().getDeclaredField("mCurrentTab");            current.setAccessible(true);            current.set(tabHost, -1);        }catch (Exception e){            e.printStackTrace();        }




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