更新了android 1.5 sdk后,首先会遇到一个棘手问题,模拟器启动不了,控制台报“Failed to find an AVD compatible with target”错误。解决办法如下:

进入1.5 sdk目录下,->tools->敲入命令“./android create avd -n my_android1.5 -t 2
”,注意,win系统,无需前边得./ ,会创建出“my_android1.5” avd文件,然后到ide环境下,run一个项目,系统提示选择一个avd ,选择你刚刚创建得“my_android1.5”,即可。以下是操作截图

这里创建了三个avd,分别对应1.5 1.1 googleApi

一个很酷得功能在创建avd文件得第二步,控制台提示“是否自定义自己得设备”,默认选项是"no",如果输入 "y",接下来可以一步步根据提示,定制自己得模拟器性能参数。比较有意思,参数表如下:

Characteristic Description Property
Device ram size The amount of physical RAM on the device, in megabytes. Default value is "96". hw.ramSize
Touch-screen support Whether there is a touch screen or not on the device. Default value is "yes". hw.touchScreen
Trackball support Whether there is a trackball on the device. Default value is "yes". hw.trackBall
Keyboard support Whether the device has a QWERTY keyboard. Default value is "yes". hw.keyboard
DPad support Whether the device has DPad keys. Default value is "yes". hw.dPad
GSM modem support Whether there is a GSM modem in the device. Default value is "yes". hw.gsmModem
Camera support Whether the device has a camera. Default value is "no". hw.camera
Maximum horizontal camera pixels Default value is "640". hw.camera.maxHorizontalPixels
Maximum vertical camera pixels Default value is "480". hw.camera.maxVerticalPixels
GPS support Whether there is a GPS in the device. Default value is "yes". hw.gps
Battery support Whether the device can run on a battery. Default value is "yes". hw.battery
Accelerometer Whether there is an accelerometer in the device. Default value is "yes". hw.accelerometer
Audio recording support Whether the device can record audio. Default value is "yes". hw.audioInput
Audio playback support Whether the device can play audio. Default value is "yes". hw.audioOutput
SD Card support Whether the device supports insertion/removal of virtual SD Cards. Default value is "yes". hw.sdCard
Cache partition support Whether we use a /cache partition on the device. Default value is "yes". disk.cachePartition
Cache partition size Default value is "66MB". disk.cachePartition.size


android [global options] action [action options]

Global options:
-h --help This help.
-s --silent Silent mode: only errors are printed out.
-v --verbose Verbose mode: errors, warnings and informational messages are pr

Valid actions are composed of a verb and an optional direct object:
- list : Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
- list avd : Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
- list target : Lists existing targets.
- create avd : Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
- move avd : Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
- delete avd : Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
- update avd : Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders of a ne
w SDK.
- create project: Creates a new Android Project.
- update project: Updates an Android Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).

Action "list ":
Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
No options

Action "list avd":
Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
No options

Action "list target":
Lists existing targets.
No options

Action "create avd":
Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
-t --target Target id of the new AVD [required]
-c --sdcard Path to a shared SD card image, or size of a new sdcard for the
new AVD
-p --path Location path of the directory where the new AVD will be created

-n --name Name of the new AVD [required]
-f --force Force creation (override an existing AVD)
-s --skin Skin of the new AVD

Action "move avd":
Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
-p --path New location path of the directory where to move the AVD
-n --name Name of the AVD to move or rename [required]
-r --rename New name of the AVD to rename

Action "delete avd":
Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
-n --name Name of the AVD to delete [required]

Action "update avd":
Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders of a new SDK.
-n --name Name of the AVD to update [required]

Action "create project":
Creates a new Android Project.
-k --package Package name [required]
-n --name Project name
-a --activity Activity name [required]
-t --target Target id of the new project [required]
-p --path Location path of new project [required]

Action "update project":
Updates an Android Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
-t --target Target id to set for the project [required]
-p --path Location path of the project [required]
-n --name Project name


  1. Android简明开发教程十七:Dialog 显示图像
  2. Android-Android(安卓)10 创建不了文件夹
  3. 手把手教你如何创建一个连接到Binder上的服务(图文)(一)
  4. Android(安卓)Menu的使用
  5. Android(安卓)Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
  6. 上官网学android之四(Supporting Different Devices)
  7. NDK学习笔记(十二) 原生图形api,使用AVILib创建一个AVI视频播放器
  8. android 访问本机ip
  9. 【Android(安卓)Developers Training】 71. 显示翻牌动画


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