
        YuvImage yuvImage = new YuvImage(nv21, ImageFormat.NV21, stride, height,  null);        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        yuvImage.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, stride, height), 100, byteArrayOutputStream);        Bitmap previewBitmap = null;        try {        byte[] jpgBytes = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();        options.inSampleSize = ImageUtil.getSampleSize(mPreferSize, stride, height);        // 原始预览数据生成的bitmap        final Bitmap originalBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(jpgBytes, 0, jpgBytes.length, options);        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();        // 预览相对于原数据可能有旋转        matrix.postRotate(90);        // 和预览画面相同的bitmap        previewBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(originalBitmap, 0, 0, originalBitmap.getWidth(), originalBitmap.getHeight(), matrix, false);        originalBitmap.recycle();        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {        e.printStackTrace();        }

这里有个缩小和旋转的过程,inSampleSize 为缩小倍数。


package *****;import android.content.Context;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.Canvas;import android.graphics.Matrix;import android.renderscript.Allocation;import android.renderscript.Element;import android.renderscript.RenderScript;import android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB;import android.renderscript.Type;public class YuvToRgb {    private boolean mIsnitial= false;    private RenderScript renderScript;    private ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB scriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB;    private Type.Builder yuvType, rgbaType;    private Allocation in, out;    private int mWidth, mHeight;    private YuvToRgb() {}    private static class HOLDER {        private static YuvToRgb INSTANCE = new YuvToRgb();    }    public static YuvToRgb getInstance() {        return HOLDER.INSTANCE;    }    Bitmap convertYUVtoRGB(Context context, byte[] yuvData, int width, int height, int inSampleSize, int rotation) {        if(width <= 0 || height <= 0) {            return null;        }        init(context);        if(mWidth != width || mHeight != height) {            yuvType = new Type.Builder(renderScript, Element.U8(renderScript)).setX(yuvData.length);            in = Allocation.createTyped(renderScript, yuvType.create(), Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);            rgbaType = new Type.Builder(renderScript, Element.RGBA_8888(renderScript)).setX(width).setY(height);            out = Allocation.createTyped(renderScript, rgbaType.create(), Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);            mWidth = width;            mHeight = height;        }        in.copyFrom(yuvData);        scriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB.setInput(in);        scriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB.forEach(out);        Bitmap outBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);        out.copyTo(outBmp);        // 这里的空白bitmap尺寸需要与变换后的预期尺寸一致        int dstWidth = height/inSampleSize;        int dstHeight = width/inSampleSize;        Bitmap src = Bitmap.createBitmap(dstWidth, dstHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);        final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(src);        // 预览相对于原数据可能有旋转        Matrix matrix = getTransformationMatrix(width, height, dstWidth, dstHeight, rotation, false, false, true);        canvas.drawBitmap(outBmp, matrix, null);        return src;    }    private void init(Context context) {        if(!mIsnitial) {            renderScript = RenderScript.create(context);            scriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB = ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB.create(renderScript, Element.U8_4(renderScript));            mWidth = 0;            mHeight = 0;            mIsnitial = true;        }    }    /**     * Returns a transformation matrix from one reference frame into another.     * Handles cropping (if maintaining aspect ratio is desired) and rotation.     *     * @param srcWidth            Width of source frame.     * @param srcHeight           Height of source frame.     * @param dstWidth            Width of destination frame.     * @param dstHeight           Height of destination frame.     * @param applyRotation       Amount of rotation to apply from one frame to another.     *                            Must be a multiple of 90.     * @param flipHorizontal      should flip horizontally     * @param flipVertical        should flip vertically     * @param maintainAspectRatio If true, will ensure that scaling in x and y remains constant,     *                            cropping the image if necessary.     * @return The transformation fulfilling the desired requirements.     */    private static Matrix getTransformationMatrix(            final int srcWidth,            final int srcHeight,            final int dstWidth,            final int dstHeight,            final int applyRotation, boolean flipHorizontal, boolean flipVertical,            final boolean maintainAspectRatio) {        final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();        if (applyRotation != 0) {            if (applyRotation % 90 != 0) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Rotation of %d % 90 != 0", applyRotation));            }            // Translate so center of image is at origin.            matrix.postTranslate(-srcWidth / 2.0f, -srcHeight / 2.0f);            // Rotate around origin.            matrix.postRotate(applyRotation);        }        // Account for the already applied rotation, if any, and then determine how        // much scaling is needed for each axis.        final boolean transpose = (Math.abs(applyRotation) + 90) % 180 == 0;        final int inWidth = transpose ? srcHeight : srcWidth;        final int inHeight = transpose ? srcWidth : srcHeight;        int flipHorizontalFactor = flipHorizontal ? -1 : 1;        int flipVerticalFactor = flipVertical ? -1 : 1;        // Apply scaling if necessary.        if (inWidth != dstWidth || inHeight != dstHeight) {            final float scaleFactorX = flipHorizontalFactor * dstWidth / (float) inWidth;            final float scaleFactorY = flipVerticalFactor * dstHeight / (float) inHeight;            if (maintainAspectRatio) {                // Scale by minimum factor so that dst is filled completely while                // maintaining the aspect ratio. Some image may fall off the edge.                final float scaleFactor = Math.max(Math.abs(scaleFactorX), Math.abs(scaleFactorY));                matrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);            } else {                // Scale exactly to fill dst from src.                matrix.postScale(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);            }        }        if (applyRotation != 0) {            // Translate back from origin centered reference to destination frame.            float dx = dstWidth / 2.0f;            float dy = dstHeight / 2.0f;            matrix.postTranslate(dx, dy);            // postScale中心点如果出错,图像不会被变换            matrix.postScale(flipHorizontalFactor, flipVerticalFactor, dx, dy);        }        return matrix;    }}


Bitmap previewBitmap = YuvToRgb.getInstance().convertYUVtoRGB(getActivity(), nv21, stride, height,                    ImageUtil.getSampleSize(mPreferSize, stride, height), 90);



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