Building FBReader using Android Studio and Gradle

Tested on a fresh installation of Windows 8.1 x64 using Android Studio v1.02 build 1653844, jdk-7u71-windows-x64, and android-ndk-r10d.
  1. Clone the project into your %userprofile%\AndroidStudioProjects\

  2. Import the project into Android Studio

  3. Perform a project level gradle sync (CTR+SHIFT+A and search for "project sync", double click the first result).
    Android Studio may complain about not finding a git.exe in your path, but this will not prevent you from building the project

  4. Install Android SDK Platform API 14 when prompted

  5. Install Android SDK Platform API 5 when prompted

  6. Install Android SDK Platform API 11 when prompted

  7. FBReader has now been successfully built using Android Studio, but is missing the necessary binaries (*.so)

Compiling the binaries

  1. To compile the binaries from the source, navigate to where you extracted the NDK

  2. Execute the following command in your shell:

    ndk-build -C %userprofile%\AndroidStudioProjects\FBReaderJ\fBReaderJ\src\main\jni

    The binaries should be automatically placed into the appropriate directories (%userprofile%\AndroidStudioProjects\FBReaderJ\fBReaderJ\src\main\lib)

  3. Finally, rebuild the project. FBReader should now run without issue on the emulator/on your device.



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