


Inspired by stock android RatingBar. Simpler, has features that original lacks.

What is this about

Whatever you need to display some rating or pricing category - just use ProperRatingBar so this:

<io.techery.properratingbar.ProperRatingBar        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:textSize="22sp"        android:textStyle="bold"        app:prb_defaultRating="4"        app:prb_symbolicTick="$"        app:prb_symbolicTickNormalColor="@android:color/darker_gray"        app:prb_symbolicTickSelectedColor="@android:color/holo_green_dark"        app:prb_totalTicks="5"        />

becomes this:


See video below for possible usage scenarios.


Why bother and design our own element?

Well, stock Android RatingBar lacks some styling attributes that you would expect from it and sometimes offers unexpected behavior.

Besides that, we needed to use symbols like '$' as rating bar ticks in our project - none of third-patry libraries out there provides that functionality.


Library's minSdkVersion is set to 14.

We use jitpack, so you can obtain made-up library right from our github sources in your module's build.gradle file:

compile 'com.github.techery:ProperRatingBar:{version_name}' where version_name are digits from here (e.g. 0.0.3)

Also you need to add jitpack as repository in the same file:

repositories {        // ...        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }    }

API Reference

So far we only support customising via xml layout. Here is the list of applicable attributes:

  • prb_totalTicks: total number of ticks to show. Default is '5'
  • prb_defaultRating: use this to set rating from xml. Default is '3'
  • prb_clickable: if set to 'true' - use will be able to change rating by clicking. Default is 'false'

  • prb_symbolicTick: symbol to be used as a tick. Default is '$'

  • android:textSize: text size of symbolic tick. Default is '15sp'
  • android:textStyle: text style of symbolic tick. Possible: 'bold', 'italic', 'normal'. Default is 'normal'
  • prb_symbolicTickNormalColor: color of symbolic tick that is not selected (not rated). Default is '#FF000000' (black)
  • prb_symbolicTickSelectedColor: color of symbolic tick that is selected (rated). Default is '#FF888888' (gray)

  • prb_tickNormalDrawable: drawable resource to use as a tick that is not selected (not rated). No default value

  • prb_tickSelectedDrawable: drawable resource to use as a tick that is selected (rated). No default value
  • prb_tickSpacing: margin to be applied to tick drawables. Only applies to drawable-type ticks. Default is '1dp' (gray)

Also there's a number of methods to operate on ProperRatingBar programmatically:



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