Android 架构师之路 目录





                Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe() {                            @Override                            public void call(Subscriber<? super String> subscriber) {                                if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {                                    subscriber.onNext("1");                                    subscriber.onNext("2");                                    subscriber.onCompleted();                                }                            }                        }).                        //处理                        map(new Func1() {                            @Override                            public Integer call(String s) {                                return Integer.parseInt(s)+2;                            }                        }).                        subscribe(new Observer() {                            @Override                            public void onCompleted() {                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onCompleted:");                            }                            @Override                            public void onError(Throwable e) {                            }                            @Override                            public void onNext(Integer integer) {                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onNext:" + integer + ",integer instanceOf" + integer.getClass());                            }                        });
06-11 10:10:20.008 14148-14148/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onNext:3,integer instanceOfclass java.lang.Integer06-11 10:10:20.008 14148-14148/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onNext:4,integer instanceOfclass java.lang.Integer06-11 10:10:20.008 14148-14148/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCompleted:
public final class OnSubscribeMap implements OnSubscribe {    final Observable source;    final Func1<? super T, ? extends R> transformer;    public OnSubscribeMap(Observable source, Func1<? super T, ? extends R> transformer) {        this.source = source;        this.transformer = transformer;    }    @Override    public void call(final Subscriber<? super R> o) {        MapSubscriber parent = new MapSubscriber(o, transformer);        o.add(parent);        source.unsafeSubscribe(parent);    }    static final class MapSubscriber extends Subscriber {        final Subscriber<? super R> actual;        final Func1<? super T, ? extends R> mapper;        boolean done;        public MapSubscriber(Subscriber<? super R> actual, Func1<? super T, ? extends R> mapper) {            this.actual = actual;            this.mapper = mapper;        }        @Override        public void onNext(T t) {            R result;            try {                result =;            } catch (Throwable ex) {                Exceptions.throwIfFatal(ex);                unsubscribe();                onError(OnErrorThrowable.addValueAsLastCause(ex, t));                return;            }            actual.onNext(result);        }        @Override        public void onError(Throwable e) {            if (done) {                RxJavaHooks.onError(e);                return;            }            done = true;            actual.onError(e);        }        @Override        public void onCompleted() {            if (done) {                return;            }            actual.onCompleted();        }        @Override        public void setProducer(Producer p) {            actual.setProducer(p);        }    }}
public final class OnSubscribeLift implements OnSubscribe {    final OnSubscribe parent;    final Operator<? extends R, ? super T> operator;    public OnSubscribeLift(OnSubscribe parent, Operator<? extends R, ? super T> operator) {        this.parent = parent;        this.operator = operator;    }    @Override    public void call(Subscriber<? super R> o) {        try {            Subscriber<? super T> st = RxJavaHooks.onObservableLift(operator).call(o);            try {                // new Subscriber created and being subscribed with so 'onStart' it                st.onStart();      ;            } catch (Throwable e) {                // localized capture of errors rather than it skipping all operators                // and ending up in the try/catch of the subscribe method which then                // prevents onErrorResumeNext and other similar approaches to error handling                Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e);                st.onError(e);            }        } catch (Throwable e) {            Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e);            // if the lift function failed all we can do is pass the error to the final Subscriber            // as we don't have the operator available to us            o.onError(e);        }    }}


    public final  Observable lift(final Operator<? extends R, ? super T> operator) {        return unsafeCreate(new OnSubscribeLift(onSubscribe, operator));    }


        MapSubscriber parent = new MapSubscriber(o, transformer);        o.add(parent);        source.unsafeSubscribe(parent);


        @Override        public void onNext(T t) {            R result;            try {                result =;            } catch (Throwable ex) {                Exceptions.throwIfFatal(ex);                unsubscribe();                onError(OnErrorThrowable.addValueAsLastCause(ex, t));                return;            }            actual.onNext(result);        }
    public final  Observable lift(final Operator<? extends R, ? super T> operator) {        return unsafeCreate(new OnSubscribeLift(onSubscribe, operator));    }




                Observable.                        create(new ObservableOnSubscribe() {                            @Override                            public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter e) throws Exception {                                if (!e.isDisposed()) {                                    e.onNext("1");                                    e.onNext("2");                                    e.onComplete();                                }                            }                        }).                        map(new Function() {                            @Override                            public Integer apply(String s) throws Exception {                                return Integer.parseInt(s)+2;                            }                        }).                        subscribe(new Observer() {                            @Override                            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onSubscribe:");                            }                            @Override                            public void onNext(Integer value) {                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onNext:" + value);                            }                            @Override                            public void onError(Throwable e) {                            }                            @Override                            public void onComplete() {                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onComplete" );                            }                        });                Flowable.                        create(new FlowableOnSubscribe() {                            @Override                            public void subscribe(FlowableEmitter e) throws Exception {                                if (!e.isCancelled()) {                                    e.onNext("1");                                    e.onNext("2");                                    e.onComplete();                                }                            }                        }, BackpressureStrategy.DROP).                        map(new Function() {                            @Override                            public Integer apply(String s) throws Exception {                                return Integer.parseInt(s)+2;                            }                        }).                        subscribe(new Subscriber() {                            @Override                            public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {                                s.request(Long.MAX_VALUE);                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onSubscribe");                            }                            @Override                            public void onNext(Integer integer) {                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onNext:" + integer);                            }                            @Override                            public void onError(Throwable t) {                            }                            @Override                            public void onComplete() {                                Log.d("kpioneer", "onComplete");                            }                        });
06-11 10:20:56.688 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onSubscribe:06-11 10:20:56.688 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onNext:306-11 10:20:56.698 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onNext:406-11 10:20:56.698 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onComplete06-11 10:20:56.758 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onSubscribe06-11 10:20:56.758 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onNext:306-11 10:20:56.758 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onNext:406-11 10:20:56.768 16675-16675/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onComplete


ObservableMap :无背压
public final class ObservableMap extends AbstractObservableWithUpstream {    final Function<? super T, ? extends U> function;    public ObservableMap(ObservableSource source, Function<? super T, ? extends U> function) {        super(source);        this.function = function;    }    @Override    public void subscribeActual(Observer<? super U> t) {        source.subscribe(new MapObserver(t, function));    }    static final class MapObserver extends BasicFuseableObserver {        final Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper;        MapObserver(Observer<? super U> actual, Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {            super(actual);            this.mapper = mapper;        }        @Override        public void onNext(T t) {            if (done) {                return;            }            if (sourceMode != NONE) {                actual.onNext(null);                return;            }            U v;            try {                v = ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(t), "The mapper function returned a null value.");            } catch (Throwable ex) {                fail(ex);                return;            }            actual.onNext(v);        }        @Override        public int requestFusion(int mode) {            return transitiveBoundaryFusion(mode);        }        @Nullable        @Override        public U poll() throws Exception {            T t = qs.poll();            return t != null ? ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(t), "The mapper function returned a null value.") : null;        }    }}


public final class ObservableLift extends AbstractObservableWithUpstream {    /** The actual operator. */    final ObservableOperator<? extends R, ? super T> operator;    public ObservableLift(ObservableSource source, ObservableOperator<? extends R, ? super T> operator) {        super(source);        this.operator = operator;    }    @Override    public void subscribeActual(Observer<? super R> s) {        Observer<? super T> observer;        try {            observer = ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(operator.apply(s), "Operator " + operator + " returned a null Observer");        } catch (NullPointerException e) { // NOPMD            throw e;        } catch (Throwable e) {            Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e);            // can't call onError because no way to know if a Disposable has been set or not            // can't call onSubscribe because the call might have set a Disposable already            RxJavaPlugins.onError(e);            NullPointerException npe = new NullPointerException("Actually not, but can't throw other exceptions due to RS");            npe.initCause(e);            throw npe;        }        source.subscribe(observer);    }}
FlowableMap: 有背压
public final class FlowableMap extends AbstractFlowableWithUpstream {    final Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper;    public FlowableMap(Flowable source, Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {        super(source);        this.mapper = mapper;    }    @Override    protected void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super U> s) {        if (s instanceof ConditionalSubscriber) {            source.subscribe(new MapConditionalSubscriber((ConditionalSubscriber<? super U>)s, mapper));        } else {            source.subscribe(new MapSubscriber(s, mapper));        }    }    static final class MapSubscriber extends BasicFuseableSubscriber {        final Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper;        MapSubscriber(Subscriber<? super U> actual, Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {            super(actual);            this.mapper = mapper;        }        @Override        public void onNext(T t) {            if (done) {                return;            }            if (sourceMode != NONE) {                actual.onNext(null);                return;            }            U v;            try {                v = ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(t), "The mapper function returned a null value.");            } catch (Throwable ex) {                fail(ex);                return;            }            actual.onNext(v);        }        @Override        public int requestFusion(int mode) {            return transitiveBoundaryFusion(mode);        }        @Nullable        @Override        public U poll() throws Exception {            T t = qs.poll();            return t != null ? ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(t), "The mapper function returned a null value.") : null;        }    }    static final class MapConditionalSubscriber extends BasicFuseableConditionalSubscriber {        final Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper;        MapConditionalSubscriber(ConditionalSubscriber<? super U> actual, Function<? super T, ? extends U> function) {            super(actual);            this.mapper = function;        }        @Override        public void onNext(T t) {            if (done) {                return;            }            if (sourceMode != NONE) {                actual.onNext(null);                return;            }            U v;            try {                v = ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(t), "The mapper function returned a null value.");            } catch (Throwable ex) {                fail(ex);                return;            }            actual.onNext(v);        }        @Override        public boolean tryOnNext(T t) {            if (done) {                return false;            }            U v;            try {                v = ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(t), "The mapper function returned a null value.");            } catch (Throwable ex) {                fail(ex);                return true;            }            return actual.tryOnNext(v);        }        @Override        public int requestFusion(int mode) {            return transitiveBoundaryFusion(mode);        }        @Nullable        @Override        public U poll() throws Exception {            T t = qs.poll();            return t != null ? ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(t), "The mapper function returned a null value.") : null;        }    }


public final class FlowableLift extends AbstractFlowableWithUpstream {    /** The actual operator. */    final FlowableOperator<? extends R, ? super T> operator;    public FlowableLift(Flowable source, FlowableOperator<? extends R, ? super T> operator) {        super(source);        this.operator = operator;    }    @Override    public void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super R> s) {        try {            Subscriber<? super T> st = operator.apply(s);            if (st == null) {                throw new NullPointerException("Operator " + operator + " returned a null Subscriber");            }            source.subscribe(st);        } catch (NullPointerException e) { // NOPMD            throw e;        } catch (Throwable e) {            Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e);            // can't call onError because no way to know if a Subscription has been set or not            // can't call onSubscribe because the call might have set a Subscription already            RxJavaPlugins.onError(e);            NullPointerException npe = new NullPointerException("Actually not, but can't throw other exceptions due to RS");            npe.initCause(e);            throw npe;        }    }}

RxJava2 有背压和无背压核心实现使用了代理机制

3.RxJava1 操作符功能仿写实现

  1. Operator接口是操作符的抽象接口
  2. 个操作符实现Operator接口用于处理具体的变换
  1. 变换的基本原理
  2. 各操作符均实现Operator接口,并调用lift操作符
  1. 最基本的操作符
  2. 顾名思义,用于做映射
public class Caller {    final OnCall onCall;    public Caller(OnCall onCall) {        this.onCall = onCall;    }    public static  Caller create(OnCall onCall) {        return new Caller<>(onCall);    }    public Calling call(Receiver receiver) {;        return receiver;    }    public final  Caller lift(final Operator operator) {        return create(new OnCallLift<>(onCall, operator));    }    public final  Caller map(Func1 func) {        return lift(new MapOperator(func));    }    public interface OnCall extends Action1> {    }    public interface Operator extends Func1, Receiver> {    }}
public interface Func1{    R call(T t);}
public class MapOperator implements Caller.Operator {    private final Func1 mapper;    public MapOperator(Func1 mapper) {        this.mapper = mapper;    }    @Override    public Receiver call(Receiver rReceiver) {        return new MapReceiver<>(rReceiver, this.mapper);    }}
public class MapReceiver extends Receiver {    private final Receiver actual;    private final Func1 mapper;    public MapReceiver(Receiver actual, Func1 mapper) {        this.actual = actual;        this.mapper = mapper;    }    @Override    public void onCompleted() {        this.actual.onCompleted();    }    @Override    public void onError(Throwable t) {        this.actual.onError(t);    }    @Override    public void onReceive(T t) {        R tR =;        this.actual.onReceive(tR);    }}
public class OnCallLift implements Caller.OnCall {    private final Caller.OnCall parent;    private final Caller.Operator operator;    public OnCallLift(Caller.OnCall parent, Caller.Operator operator) {        this.parent = parent;        this.operator = operator;    }    @Override    public void call(Receiver rReceiver) {        Receiver tReceiver =;;    }}
public class Lesson2_2Activity extends AppCompatActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_custom_test);        ButterKnife.bind(this);    }    @OnClick(    public void onViewClicked() {        Caller.                create(new Caller.OnCall() {                    @Override                    public void call(Receiver stringReceiver) {                        if (!stringReceiver.isUnCalled()) {                            stringReceiver.onReceive("1");                            stringReceiver.onReceive("2");                            stringReceiver.onCompleted();                        }                    }                }).                map(new Func1() {                    @Override                    public Integer call(String s) {                        return Integer.parseInt(s)+2;                    }                }).                call(new Receiver() {                    @Override                    public void onCompleted() {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCompleted");                    }                    @Override                    public void onError(Throwable t) {                    }                    @Override                    public void onReceive(Integer integer) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onReceive:" + integer);                    }                });    }}
06-11 16:45:26.988 10850-10850/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:306-11 16:45:26.988 10850-10850/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:406-11 16:45:26.988 10850-10850/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCompleted

3.RxJava2(无背压) 操作符功能仿写实现

  1. 一个抽象类
  2. 有callActual方法
  3. 实现操作符需实现此方法
  1. 最基本的操作符
  2. 顾名思义,用于做映射
  1. 在callActual中做变换
  2. 可用于扩展操作符


public abstract class Caller {    public static  Caller create(CallerOnCall callerOnCall) {        return new CallerCreate<>(callerOnCall);    }    public void call(Callee callee) {        callActual(callee);    }    protected abstract void callActual(Callee callee);    public  Caller lift(CallerOperator operator) {        return new CallerLift<>(this, operator);    }    public  Caller map(Function function) {        return new CallerMap<>(this, function);    }}
public interface CallerOperator {    Callee call(Callee callee);}
/** * Created by Xionghu on 2018/6/11. * Desc:返回源Caller */public interface CallerSource {    Caller source();}
public abstract class CallerWithUpstream extends Caller implements CallerSource {    protected final Caller source;    public CallerWithUpstream(Caller source) {        this.source = source;    }    @Override    public Caller source() {        return source;    }}
public class CallerLift extends CallerWithUpstream {    private final CallerOperator mOperator;    public CallerLift(Caller source, CallerOperator mOperator) {        super(source);        this.mOperator = mOperator;    }    @Override    protected void callActual(Callee callee) {        Callee tCallee =;;    }}
public interface Function {    R call(T t);}
public class CallerMap extends CallerWithUpstream {    private Function function;    public CallerMap(Caller source, Function function) {        super(source);        this.function = function;    }    @Override    protected void callActual(Callee callee) { MapCallee<>(callee, function));    }    static class MapCallee implements Callee {        private final Callee mCallee;        private final Function mFunction;        public MapCallee(Callee mCallee, Function mFunction) {            this.mCallee = mCallee;            this.mFunction = mFunction;        }        @Override        public void onCall(Release release) {            mCallee.onCall(release);        }        @Override        public void onReceive(T t) {            R tR =;            mCallee.onReceive(tR);        }        @Override        public void onCompleted() {            mCallee.onCompleted();        }        @Override        public void onError(Throwable t) {            mCallee.onError(t);        }    }}
/** * Created by Xionghu on 2018/6/11. * Desc: 仿写RxJava2 无背压 操作符方法 */public class Lesson2_3Activity extends AppCompatActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_custom_test);        ButterKnife.bind(this);    }    @OnClick(    public void onViewClicked() {        Caller.                create(new CallerOnCall() {                    @Override                    public void call(CallerEmitter callerEmitter) {                        callerEmitter.onReceive("1");                        callerEmitter.onReceive("2");                        callerEmitter.onCompleted();                    }                }).                map(new Function() {                    @Override                    public Integer call(String s) {                        return Integer.parseInt(s);                    }                }).                call(new Callee() {                    @Override                    public void onCall(Release release) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCall");                    }                    @Override                    public void onReceive(Integer integer) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onReceive:" + integer);                    }                    @Override                    public void onCompleted() {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCompleted");                    }                    @Override                    public void onError(Throwable t) {                    }                });        Caller.                create(new CallerOnCall() {                    @Override                    public void call(CallerEmitter callerEmitter) {                        callerEmitter.onReceive("3");                        callerEmitter.onReceive("4");                        callerEmitter.onCompleted();                    }                }).                lift(new CallerOperator() {                    @Override                    public Callee call(final Callee callee) {                        return new Callee() {                            @Override                            public void onCall(Release release) {                                callee.onCall(release);                            }                            @Override                            public void onReceive(String s) {                                callee.onReceive(Integer.parseInt(s));                            }                            @Override                            public void onCompleted() {                                callee.onCompleted();                            }                            @Override                            public void onError(Throwable t) {                                callee.onError(t);                            }                        };                    }                }).                call(new Callee() {                    @Override                    public void onCall(Release release) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCall");                    }                    @Override                    public void onReceive(Integer integer) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onReceive:" + integer);                    }                    @Override                    public void onCompleted() {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCompleted");                    }                    @Override                    public void onError(Throwable t) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onError");                    }                });    }}
06-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCall06-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:106-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:206-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCompleted06-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCall06-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:306-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:406-11 18:03:27.268 24409-24409/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCompleted

4.RxJava2(有背压) 操作符功能仿写实现

  1. 在callActual中做变换
  2. 可用于扩展操作符
  1. 一个抽象类
  2. 有callActual方法
  3. 实现操作符需实现此方法
public abstract class Telephoner {    public static  Telephoner create(TelephonerOnCall telephonerOnCall){        return new TelephonerCreate<>(telephonerOnCall);        }    public void call(Receiver receiver) { callActual(receiver);}    protected abstract void callActual(Receiver receiver);    public  Telephoner map(Function function) {        return new TelephonerMap<>(this, function);    }    public  Telephoner lift(TelephonerOperator telephonerOperator) {        return new TelephonerLift<>(this, telephonerOperator);    }}
/** * Created by Xionghu on 2018/6/12. * Desc: lift操作符 */public class TelephonerLift extends TelephonerWithUpstream {    private final TelephonerOperator operator;    public TelephonerLift(Telephoner source, TelephonerOperator operator) {        super(source);        this.operator = operator;    }    @Override    protected void callActual(Receiver receiver) {        Receiver tReceiver =;;    }}
import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.Function;/** * Created by Xionghu on 2018/6/12. * Desc: map操作符 */public class TelephonerMap extends TelephonerWithUpstream {    private Function trFunction;    public TelephonerMap(Telephoner source, Function trFunction) {        super(source);        this.trFunction = trFunction;    }    @Override    protected void callActual(Receiver receiver) { MapReceiver<>(receiver, trFunction));    }    static class MapReceiver implements Receiver {        private final Receiver rReceiver;        private final Function trFunction;        public MapReceiver(Receiver rReceiver, Function trFunction) {            this.rReceiver = rReceiver;            this.trFunction = trFunction;        }        @Override        public void onCall(Drop d) {            rReceiver.onCall(d);        }        @Override        public void onReceive(T t) {            R tr =;            rReceiver.onReceive(tr);        }        @Override        public void onError(Throwable t) {            rReceiver.onError(t);        }        @Override        public void onCompleted() {            rReceiver.onCompleted();        }    }}
/** * Created by Xionghu on 2018/6/12. * Desc: 操作符接口 */public interface TelephonerOperator {    Receiver call(Receiver callee);}
/** * Created by Xionghu on 2018/6/11. * Desc: 返回源Telephoner */public interface TelephonerSource {    Telephoner source();}
public abstract class TelephonerWithUpstream extends Telephoner implements TelephonerSource {    protected final Telephoner source;    public TelephonerWithUpstream(Telephoner source) {        this.source = source;    }    @Override    public Telephoner source() {        return source;    }}
import android.os.Bundle;import;import android.util.Log;import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.Function;import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.backpressure.Drop;import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.backpressure.Receiver;import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.backpressure.Telephoner;import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.backpressure.TelephonerEmitter;import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.backpressure.TelephonerOnCall;import com.haocai.mylibrary.rxJava2.backpressure.TelephonerOperator;import com.haocai.rxjavademo.R;import butterknife.ButterKnife;import butterknife.OnClick;/** * Created by Xionghu on 2018/6/11. * Desc: 仿写RxJava2 无背压 操作符方法 */public class Lesson2_4Activity extends AppCompatActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_custom_test);        ButterKnife.bind(this);    }    @OnClick(    public void onViewClicked() {        Telephoner.                create(new TelephonerOnCall() {                    @Override                    public void call(TelephonerEmitter telephonerEmitter) {                        telephonerEmitter.onReceive("1");                        telephonerEmitter.onReceive("2");                        telephonerEmitter.onCompleted();                    }                }).                map(new Function() {                    @Override                    public Integer call(String s) {                        return Integer.parseInt(s);                    }                }).                call(new Receiver() {                    @Override                    public void onCall(Drop d) {                        d.request(Long.MAX_VALUE);                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCall");                    }                    @Override                    public void onReceive(Integer integer) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onReceive:" + integer);                    }                    @Override                    public void onError(Throwable t) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onError");                    }                    @Override                    public void onCompleted() {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCompleted");                    }                });        Telephoner.                create(new TelephonerOnCall() {                    @Override                    public void call(TelephonerEmitter telephonerEmitter) {                        telephonerEmitter.onReceive("3");                        telephonerEmitter.onReceive("4");                        telephonerEmitter.onCompleted();                    }                }).                lift(new TelephonerOperator() {                    @Override                    public Receiver call(final Receiver receiver) {                        return new Receiver() {                            @Override                            public void onCall(Drop d) {                                receiver.onCall(d);                            }                            @Override                            public void onReceive(String s) {                                receiver.onReceive(Integer.parseInt(s));                            }                            @Override                            public void onError(Throwable t) {                                receiver.onError(t);                            }                            @Override                            public void onCompleted() {                                receiver.onCompleted();                            }                        };                    }                }).                call(new Receiver() {                    @Override                    public void onCall(Drop d) {                        d.request(Long.MAX_VALUE);                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCall");                    }                    @Override                    public void onReceive(Integer integer) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onReceive:" + integer);                    }                    @Override                    public void onError(Throwable t) {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onError");                    }                    @Override                    public void onCompleted() {                        Log.d("kpioneer", "onCompleted");                    }                });    }}
06-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCall06-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:106-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:206-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCompleted06-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCall06-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:306-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onReceive:406-12 09:56:50.108 22364-22364/com.haocai.rxjavademo D/kpioneer: onCompleted



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