
一, Activity: A represnetation of a user doing something,


Activity的三种状态:Stopped, Paused,Active

二, Service: an application or an applicaton component that doesn't have a user interface


三, Broadcast Receiver:

1,Receive and react to "broadcasts"

2,Don't have a user interface, but can invoke Activities that do

3,Create by extending the Android BroadcastReceiver class

4,Example: An application wants to be notified when a photo is taken on the device

四,Content Provider

1,Make's an application's data avaliable to other apps, and can also be used by the defining app itself

2, Example: Make contacts avaliable to other apps

五,Intents: An “intent” is an asynchrounous message sent from one Activity to another


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  7. 实现Activity数据中间的协同
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