1. 简介

libmedia – libmedia.so

2. 对文件的扫描


2.1 doProcessDirectory


MediaScanResult MediaScanner::doProcessDirectory(        char *path, int pathRemaining, MediaScannerClient &client, bool noMedia) {    char* fileSpot = path + strlen(path);    struct dirent* entry;    .....    // Treat all files as non-media in directories that contain a ".nomedia" file    .....    //Skip .nomedia file    DIR* dir = opendir(path);    MediaScanResult result = MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_OK;    while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {        if (doProcessDirectoryEntry(path, pathRemaining, client, noMedia, entry, fileSpot)                == MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) {            result = MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR;            break;        }    }    closedir(dir);    return result;}

2.2 doProcessDirectoryEntry

if 文件夹
else if 文件
else if skip
skip this file or folder

MediaScanResult MediaScanner::doProcessDirectoryEntry(        char *path, int pathRemaining, MediaScannerClient &client, bool noMedia,        struct dirent* entry, char* fileSpot) {    struct stat statbuf;    const char* name = entry->d_name;    ........    int type = entry->d_type;    if (type == DT_UNKNOWN) {        if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) {            if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) {            //文件                type = DT_REG;            } else if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {            //文件夹                type = DT_DIR;            }        }    }    if (type == DT_DIR) {        bool childNoMedia = noMedia;        // set noMedia flag on directories with a name that starts with '.'        // for example, the Mac ".Trashes" directory        if (name[0] == '.')            childNoMedia = true;        // report the directory to the client        if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) {            status_t status = client.scanFile(path, statbuf.st_mtime, 0,                    true /*isDirectory*/, childNoMedia);            if (status) {                return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR;            }        }        // and now process its contents        strcat(fileSpot, "/");        MediaScanResult result = doProcessDirectory(path, pathRemaining - nameLength - 1,                client, childNoMedia);        if (result == MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) {            return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR;        }    } else if (type == DT_REG) {        stat(path, &statbuf);        status_t status = client.scanFile(path, statbuf.st_mtime, statbuf.st_size,                false /*isDirectory*/, noMedia);        if (status) {            return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR;        }    }    return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_OK;}


  1. Android读取Assert文件夹下txt文本并变为String的方法
  2. (Android(安卓)studio)关于drawable文件夹的问题
  3. android ndkR7以上的环境配置搭建(wondows及linux)
  4. Android(安卓)UI【Android(安卓)仿Iphone文件夹分裂效果】
  5. Android(安卓)定制EditText 改变 底线颜色
  6. Android(安卓)二维码扫描源码下载
  7. Android真机测试,Find Explorer无法打开data文件夹解决办法
  8. Android真机连接Eclipse时,打不开File Explorer下的data文件夹解
  9. Android(安卓)仿Iphone文件夹分裂效果


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  4. Sql Server使用cursor处理重复数据过程详
  5. SqlServer实现类似Oracle的before触发器
  6. 在Windows XP系统安装SQL server 2000 企
  7. 一个统计表每天的新增行数及新增存储空间
  8. win7系统安装SQLServer2000的详细步骤(图
  9. sql server判断数据库、表、列、视图是否
  10. SQL中varchar和nvarchar的基本介绍及其区