所有组件翻译自官方文档 https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/widgets/widgets-library.html





如果 TabController 没有提供,那么必须提供一个DefaultTabController的父类。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class TabbedAppBarSample extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new MaterialApp(      home: new DefaultTabController(        length: choices.length,        child: new Scaffold(          appBar: new AppBar(            title: const Text('Tabbed AppBar'),            bottom: new TabBar(              isScrollable: true,              tabs: choices.map((Choice choice) {                return new Tab(                  text: choice.title,                  icon: new Icon(choice.icon),                );              }).toList(),            ),          ),          body: new TabBarView(            children: choices.map((Choice choice) {              return new Padding(                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),                child: new ChoiceCard(choice: choice),              );            }).toList(),          ),        ),      ),    );  }}class Choice {  const Choice({ this.title, this.icon });  final String title;  final IconData icon;}const List choices = const [  const Choice(title: 'CAR', icon: Icons.directions_car),  const Choice(title: 'BICYCLE', icon: Icons.directions_bike),  const Choice(title: 'BOAT', icon: Icons.directions_boat),  const Choice(title: 'BUS', icon: Icons.directions_bus),  const Choice(title: 'TRAIN', icon: Icons.directions_railway),  const Choice(title: 'WALK', icon: Icons.directions_walk),];class ChoiceCard extends StatelessWidget {  const ChoiceCard({ Key key, this.choice }) : super(key: key);  final Choice choice;  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    final TextStyle textStyle = Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1;    return new Card(      color: Colors.white,      child: new Center(        child: new Column(          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,          children: [            new Icon(choice.icon, size: 128.0, color: textStyle.color),            new Text(choice.title, style: textStyle),          ],        ),      ),    );  }}void main() {  runApp(new TabbedAppBarSample());}



底部导航视图使用type属性控制子项如何显示,不设置这个属性的时候,默认是 BottomNavigationBarType.fixed ,当子项少于四个的时候也是这个属性,其他情况使用BottomNavigationBarType.shifting,这个属性主要控制子项被选中时的颜色,设置为fixed就使用fixedcolor属性设置的颜色,没设置使用ThemeData.primaryColor,设置为shifting时,选中的item使用BottomNavigationBarItem.backgroundColor背景色,其他的为白色。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {  MyHomePage({Key key}) : super(key: key);  @override  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();}class _MyHomePageState extends State {  int _selectedIndex = 1;  final _widgetOptions = [    Text('Index 0: Home'),    Text('Index 1: Business'),    Text('Index 2: School'),  ];  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new MaterialApp(        home: Scaffold(          appBar: AppBar(            title: Text('BottomNavigationBar Sample'),          ),          body: Center(            child: _widgetOptions.elementAt(_selectedIndex),          ),          bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(            items: [              BottomNavigationBarItem(                  icon: Icon(Icons.home), title: Text('Home')),              BottomNavigationBarItem(                  icon: Icon(Icons.business), title: Text('Business')),              BottomNavigationBarItem(                  icon: Icon(Icons.school), title: Text('School')),            ],            currentIndex: _selectedIndex,            fixedColor: Colors.deepPurple,            onTap: _onItemTapped,          ),        ),    );  }  void _onItemTapped(int index) {    setState(() {      _selectedIndex = index;    });  }}void main() {  runApp(new MyHomePage());}




import 'package:flutter/material.dart';enum WhyFarther { harder, smarter, selfStarter, tradingCharter }// This menu button widget updates a _selection field (of type WhyFarther,// not shown here).void main() {  runApp(new MaterialApp(    title: 'Flutter Tutorial',    home: new BasicAppBarSample(),  ));}class BasicAppBarSample extends StatefulWidget {  @override  _BasicAppBarSampleState createState() => new _BasicAppBarSampleState();}class _BasicAppBarSampleState extends State {  WhyFarther choosedWhy = WhyFarther.harder;  void _select(WhyFarther wh) {    setState(() {      choosedWhy = wh;      print("choosed:" + wh.toString());    });  }  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new Material(      child: PopupMenuButton(        onSelected: _select,        itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) => >[              const PopupMenuItem(                value: WhyFarther.harder,                child: Text('Working a lot harder'),              ),              const PopupMenuItem(                value: WhyFarther.smarter,                child: Text('Being a lot smarter'),              ),              const PopupMenuItem(                value: WhyFarther.selfStarter,                child: Text('Being a self-starter'),              ),              const PopupMenuItem(                value: WhyFarther.tradingCharter,                child: Text('Placed in charge of trading charter'),              ),            ],      ),    );  }}


material design类型的输入框, onChanged 回调方法表示正在输入,onSubmitted 表示输入完成,标志是用户点击了输入键盘上的done。


decoration 用于修饰输入框底部的分割线,例如可以设置一个label或一个icon,如果设置为null的话,会将所有默认的装饰全部删除,如果装饰属性不为空,那么必须设置一个父类为Material的 widget。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';void main() { runApp(new MyAppBar());}class MyAppBar extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {   return new MaterialApp(     home: new TextFiledWidget(),   ); }}class TextFiledWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {   return new Material(     child: TextField(       decoration: const InputDecoration(         icon: Icon(Icons.person),         hintText: 'What do people call you?',         labelText: 'Name *',       ),       onChanged: onInputChanged,       onSubmitted: onInputFinished,     ),   ); } void onInputChanged(String result) {} void onInputFinished(String result) {}}



  • 1、SimpleDialog

A simple material design dialog.

一个material design类型的单选框。

A simple dialog offers the user a choice between several options. A simple dialog has an optional title that is displayed above the choices.

给用户在多个选项中提供单选,通过设置多个SimpleDialogOption widget来提供选择项,如果使用其他小部件提供选项,请参阅contentsPadding。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';enum Department { treasury, state }void main() {  runApp(new MyAppBar());}class MyAppBar extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new MaterialApp(      home: new TextFiledWidget(),    );  }}class TextFiledWidget extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new Material(      child: SimpleDialog(        title: const Text('Select assignment'),        children: [          SimpleDialogOption(            onPressed: () {              Navigator.pop(context, Department.treasury);            },            child: const Text('Treasury department'),          ),          SimpleDialogOption(            onPressed: () {              Navigator.pop(context, Department.state);            },            child: const Text('State department'),          ),        ],      ),    );  }}
  • 2、AlertDialog
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';enum Department { treasury, state }void main() {  runApp(new MyAppBar());}class MyAppBar extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new MaterialApp(      home: new TextFiledWidget(),    );  }}class TextFiledWidget extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new Material(      child: AlertDialog(        title: Text('Rewind and remember'),        content: SingleChildScrollView(          child: ListBody(            children: [              Text('You will never be satisfied.'),              Text('You\’re like me. I’m never satisfied.'),            ],          ),        ),        actions: [          FlatButton(            child: Text('Regret'),            onPressed: () {              Navigator.of(context).pop();            },          ),        ],      ),    );  }}


卡片视图,属于material design风格。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';void main() => runApp(MyApp());class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {  // This widget is the root of your application.  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return MaterialApp(      title: 'Flutter Code Sample for material.Card',      theme: ThemeData(        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,      ),      home: MyStatelessWidget(),    );  }}class MyStatelessWidget extends StatelessWidget {  MyStatelessWidget({Key key}) : super(key: key);  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return Center(      child: Card(        clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,        elevation: 24,        margin: EdgeInsets.all(12.0),        child: Column(          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,          children: [            const ListTile(              leading: Icon(Icons.album),              title: Text('The Enchanted Nightingale'),              subtitle: Text('Music by Julie Gable. Lyrics by Sidney Stein.'),            ),            ButtonTheme.bar(              // make buttons use the appropriate styles for cards              child: ButtonBar(                children: [                  FlatButton(                    child: const Text('BUY TICKETS'),                    onPressed: () {                      /* ... */                    },                  ),                  FlatButton(                    child: const Text('LISTEN'),                    onPressed: () {                      /* ... */                    },                  ),                ],              ),            ),            const ListTile(              leading: Icon(Icons.android),              title: Text('Android mobile phone'),              subtitle: Text('are you good at android or ios.'),            ),            ButtonTheme.bar(              // make buttons use the appropriate styles for cards              child: ButtonBar(                children: [                  FlatButton(                    child: const Text('ANDROID'),                    onPressed: () {                      /* ... */                    },                  ),                  FlatButton(                    child: const Text('IOS'),                    onPressed: () {                      /* ... */                    },                  ),                ],              ),            ),          ],        ),      ),    );  }}





  • ListView.builder

构造函数需要 IndexedWidgetBuilder属性,这个属性用来满足子项的一些需求。这个构造函数适合于大量或无限量的子项,并且这个builder会被真正显示在界面的子项调用。

  • ListView.separated

构造函数包含了两个IndexedWidgetBuilders,这个builder的itemBuilder用于定制子项,separatorBuilder 用于在两个子项之间做分割,这个构造函数用于数量不确定的子项。

  • ListView.custom

包含了一个SliverChildDelegate,提供了自定义子项模板的能力,例如一个 SliverChildDelegate可以控制算法去创建一个没有显示的子项的大小。



  • 1)创建


  • 2)销毁


  • 3)销毁延迟

将不重要的UI状态驱动的业务逻辑的所有权从列表子子树移除。 例如,如果列表包含一些网络缓存的帖子回复,则将帖子列表和回复序号存储在列表外的数据模型中。

让列表UI子树可以从真实源模型对象轻松地重新创建。 在子widget的子树中使用StatefulWidgets仅存储瞬时UI状态。

KeepAlive widget能够标记子项的子树视图的顶部渲染对象需要保活,当子树视图顶部滑出屏幕,列表保存子项的渲染对象,当然了,这个渲染对象包含子元素和状态,这些保活的子项在一个缓存列表中而不是销毁。当滑回的时候,子项的渲染对象会重绘,如果子项在临时列表中没有被标记为脏数据。

使用AutomaticKeepAlive widget,当addAutomaticKeepAlives 设置为true的时候,对于KeepAlive而言,是当子项滑出屏幕的时候会无条件的缓存子项的元素,而AutomaticKeepAlive 会根据后续子item的子树业务逻辑来距顶是否缓存。

例如, EditableText widget会让获取输入光标的子项保持存活,而那些没有获取焦点且后续子视图没有通过KeepAliveNotification来保持存活的通知,那么这个子项在滑出屏幕时会被销毁。

AutomaticKeepAlive的子树一般通过AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin标记成存活对象,然后实现wantKeepAlive 的getter方法然后调用updateKeepAlive。

  • 4)转到CustomScrollView



ListView的 key, scrollDirection, reverse, controller, primary, physics, 和shrinkWrap匹配属性与 CustomScrollView定义的相同。

CustomScrollView.slivers 属性应该是一个列表要么包含SliverList或包含 SliverFixedExtentList,对于前者,如果在ListView里面如果itemExtend为空,对于后者,如果itemExtent为空。

ListView的childrenDelegate属性对应CustomScrollView的 SliverList.delegate (或SliverFixedExtentList.delegate) 属性。创建一个Listview构造函数子项参数childrenDelegate对应 SliverChildListDelegate的构造函数是相同的参数。



CustomScrollView不会自动避免来自 MediaQuery的干扰,像ListView一样,为了重新产生这种行为,将SliverSafeArea包含在slivers中。

一旦代码移植使用 CustomScrollView,其他的slivers,例如SliverGrid 或 SliverAppBar可以放到 CustomScrollView.slivers 中。




import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class ListSample extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return MaterialApp(      home: Scaffold(        appBar: AppBar(          title: const Text('ExpansionTile'),        ),        body: ListView.builder(          itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>              EntryItem(data[index]),          itemCount: data.length,        ),      ),    );  }}// One entry in the multilevel list displayed by this app.class Entry {  Entry(this.title);  final String title;}// The entire multilevel list displayed by this app.final List data = [  Entry(    'Chapter A',  ),  Entry(    'Chapter B',  ),  Entry(    'Chapter C',  ),];// Displays one Entry. If the entry has children then it's displayed// with an ExpansionTile.class EntryItem extends StatelessWidget {  const EntryItem(this.entry);  final Entry entry;  Widget _buildTiles(Entry root) {    if (root.title.isEmpty) return ListTile(title: Text(root.title));    return ListTile(      key: PageStorageKey(root),      title: Text(root.title),    );  }  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return _buildTiles(entry);  }}void main() {  runApp(ListSample());}


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class CustomListViewSample extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new MaterialApp(        home: CustomScrollView(      scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,      slivers: [        const SliverAppBar(          pinned: true,          expandedHeight: 250.0,          flexibleSpace: FlexibleSpaceBar(            title: Text(              'Demo',              textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,            ),          ),        ),        SliverGrid(          gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent(            maxCrossAxisExtent: 200.0,            mainAxisSpacing: 10.0,            crossAxisSpacing: 10.0,            childAspectRatio: 4.0,          ),          delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(            (BuildContext context, int index) {              return Container(                alignment: Alignment.center,                color: Colors.teal[100 * (index % 9)],                child: Text(                  'grid item $index',                  textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,                  style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 8),                ),              );            },            childCount: 20,          ),        ),        SliverFixedExtentList(          itemExtent: 100.0,          delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(            (BuildContext context, int index) {              return Container(                alignment: Alignment.center,                color: Colors.lightBlue[100 * (index % 9)],                child: Text(                  'list item $index',                  textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,                  style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 10),                ),              );            },            childCount: 20,          ),        ),      ],    ));  }}void main() {  runApp(CustomListViewSample());}



  • 一个可滚动的widget,会监听各种各样用户的手势动作,已经完成对滚动的反馈。
  • 一个视窗widget,例如Viewport或ShrinkWrappingViewport,它通过在滚动视图中仅显示部分widget来实现滚动的可视化设计。
  • 一个或多个条目,它们是可以组合以创建各种滚动效果的widget,例如列表,网格和扩展标题。

controller的ScrollController.initialScrollOffset属性来控制 scroll view的初始偏移量。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class ScrollView extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new Material(        child: new Container(            child: new SingleChildScrollView(                child: new ConstrainedBox(                  constraints: new BoxConstraints(),                  child: new Column(children: [                    new Image.network(                      'http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/610dc034jw1f7rmrmrscrj20u011hgp1.jpg',                    ),                    new Container(                      padding:                      EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0, right: 16.0, top: 16.0, bottom: 16.0),                      color: Colors.grey,                      child: new Text(                        'Cast Light life style Here',                        textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,                        style: new TextStyle(                          fontSize: 40.0,                          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,                          color: Colors.black,                        ),                      ),                    ),                    new Container(                      child: new Text(                        'Hi There ? this is sample plaid app using flutter sdk and dart programming language, devceloper is Hammad Tariq'                            'this is sample Flutter app example Code'                            'Flutter Column Widget scrollable using SingleChildScrollView'                            'I am just loving Flutter SDK'                            'Flutter scrollview example using Single Child Scroll View'                            'flutter fixing bottom overflow by xx pixels in flutter'                            'Flutter scrollable layout example'                            'Flutter app SingleChildScrollView Example ',                        textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,                        style: new TextStyle(                          fontSize: 20.0,                          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,                          color: Colors.pink,                        ),                      ),                    )                  ]),                ))));  }}void main() {  runApp(ScrollView());}




  1. android系统属性获取及设置
  2. View点击涟漪效果
  3. android:targetSdkVersion 属性导致程序问题
  4. android style中出现自定义属性时的写法
  5. Applying Styles and Themes - 应用Style和Theme - Android官方
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  9. Android开发学习之TypedArray类


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  3. Android如何实现 相机、相册功能 + 图片
  4. android模仿qq下拉放大图片以及阻尼效果
  5. Android(安卓)对话框中的进度条 Progress
  6. Android的List Dialog实例
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  8. android EditText限制只能输入2位小数的
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