1)  添加系统API或者修改@hide的API后,需要执行

     make update-api,然后再make

2) 修改公共api后,需要

     make update-api

     比较framework/base/api 下的current.xml跟原始x.xml(比如2.2为8.xml 2.3.3为10.xml),同时修改x.xml


see build/core/apicheck_msg_current.txt

You have tried to change the API from what has been previously approved.

To make these errors go away you have two choices:
   1) You can add "@hide" javadoc comments to the methods etc. listed in the
      errors above.

   2) You can update current.txt by executing the following command:
         make update-api

      To submit the revised current.txt to the main Android repository
      you will need approval.

make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/xxx/obj_arm/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libsndfile_intermediates/export_includes'
needed by `out/target/product/xxx/obj_arm/EXECUTABLES/test-resample_intermediates/import_includes'.  Stop.

 mmm system/media/audio_utils/

/build/tools/releasetools/build_image.py out/target/product/xxx/system out/target/product/xxx/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt out/target/product/xxx/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img || ( echo "Out of space? the tree size of out/target/product/xxx/system is (MB): " 1>&2 ; du -sm out/target/product/xxx/system 1>&2; echo "The max is $(( 2147483648 / 1048576 )) MB." 1>&2 ; mkdir -p out/dist; cp out/target/product/xxx/installed-files.txt out/dist/installed-files-rescued.txt; exit 1 )
Running:  mkuserimg.sh -s out/target/product/xxx/system out/target/product/xxx/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img ext4 system 2147483648 out/target/product/xxx/root/file_contexts
make_ext4fs -s -T -1 -S out/target/product/xxx/root/file_contexts -l 2147483648 -a system out/target/product/xxx/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/xxx/system
Creating filesystem with parameters:
    Size: 2147483648
    Block size: 4096
    Blocks per group: 32768
    Inodes per group: 8192
    Inode size: 256
    Journal blocks: 8192
    Blocks: 524288
    Block groups: 16
    Reserved block group size: 127
error: ext4_allocate_best_fit_partial: failed to allocate 2461 blocks out of space?
error: failed to build out/target/product/xxx/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img from out/target/product/xxx/system
Out of space? the tree size of out/target/product/xxx/system is (MB): 
2031    out/target/product/xxx/system
The max is 2048 MB.
make: *** [out/target/product/xxx/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img] Error 1

#### make failed to build some targets (01:47:21 (hh:mm:ss)) ####



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